Post your latest purchases with pics (NO STOCK IMAGES)

That box is going to look pretty stupid once Winds of Winter is out and won't fit in it.
So its got another decade of not looking stupid? Thats worth it.
Well, the box was just a bonus. As the laws of boxsets dictate, the price is generally quite favourable. In this case, thirty five dollars for the whole thing. Works out to like six dollars a book.

I could dig it.
First up, some custom Deus Ex shirts I had made. (Vegeta designed the white one <3)


And my new keyboard! Another big thanks to Vegeta for helping me choose one and giving me the idea to buy overseas (this saved me over $600).
I'll need one saying "You're gonna burn alright"
Ducky DK9008S with Cherry MX Brown switches and yellow (gold) LED backlights

Pics courtesy of my sister's camera




I love the feel of mechanical keyboards, but I can't stand the loud noise produced by the keys, so I opted for a membrane keyboard (Logitech G110).
I love the feel of mechanical keyboards, but I can't stand the loud noise produced by the keys, so I opted for a membrane keyboard (Logitech G110).
All that loud key pressing would upset the neighbours.
Not all mechanical keyboards are loud. The Cherry MX Brown switches are supposedly fairly quiet. But jesus Veg, the LED backlights are just... so...

How can you even use that thing? Its so needlessly distracting. Why not go all the way and get some LEDs to bling out your case to show how l337 you are?
Not all mechanical keyboards are loud. The Cherry MX Brown switches are supposedly fairly quiet.

I had a look at an article myself, and oddly enough some of the MX Brown switch keyboards (Razer Blackwidow Ultimate comes to mind) were actually louder than the Blue switches...
That keyboard reminds me of christmas for some reason. Maybe it's all the lights.
I had a look at an article myself, and oddly enough some of the MX Brown switch keyboards (Razer Blackwidow Ultimate comes to mind) were actually louder than the Blue switches...
That's probably because they were bottoming out. If the Browns tested louder, it's because the keys were slamming into the back of the switch. MX Blacks and Reds technically make no noise, but because they have no feedback, the only way the user knows the key is depressed is when it hits rock bottom. So the loudness isn't really the switch's fault, but the user's. But all in all, it's true that mech keys are much louder than membrane keys simply because membrane keys can't be loud due to the o-rings.

So that article was kind of misleading.
Not all mechanical keyboards are loud. The Cherry MX Brown switches are supposedly fairly quiet. But jesus Veg, the LED backlights are just... so...

How can you even use that thing? Its so needlessly distracting. Why not go all the way and get some LEDs to bling out your case to show how l337 you are?
I had the LEDs on high just for show, doofus.

Right now I have them on a low setting so they're comfortably visible in the dark and not at all distracting.
What's the point in glowing WASD? Are you seriously going to forget where those keys are?
They're not 'glowing', the led just shines through them more than the normal black keys.

And again, it's just for aesthetics.
How much Praxis do you need for one?
And can you adjust the brightness of the light? That last pic is pretty... disturbing.

lol edit: Read your previous message too fast. yeah got it.
That's probably because they were bottoming out. If the Browns tested louder, it's because the keys were slamming into the back of the switch. MX Blacks and Reds technically make no noise, but because they have no feedback, the only way the user knows the key is depressed is when it hits rock bottom. So the loudness isn't really the switch's fault, but the user's. But all in all, it's true that mech keys are much louder than membrane keys simply because membrane keys can't be loud due to the o-rings.

Yeah you are right, they did say it was louder when bottoming out. As someone who plays Dota 2 where I often will mash keys to get abilities and items off, I figured I would be bottoming out keys while playing games fairly often.
The 1980's is a fantastic time, isn't it?
If that's your ongoing joke about how all the modern gear I get looks 80s to you, it's horribly misplaced. The thing KA got is from the 70s.
Those speakers are from the late 60s, I think. My Dad got them in 69? The amp I'm less sure about... Although I think it's sort of a bit broken again, potentially the transformer is dead D:
The 1960's is a fantastic time, isn't it?

Just how far are you willing to make me go with this? I'll go back as far as it takes as long as I don't predate the earliest speakers!
What exactly is the appeal of older technology speakers? The inferior sound they produce?
Sound equipment from that era was quality built and built to last. Speaker technology hasn't really changed much since that time, so it's not 'old technology'. They also have a different character to the sound which may be subjectively desired

I am slowly trying to build up my collection. I have two books thus far now! Every time I order from amazon i'm going to toss in another one of the books.

Got Mortal Kombat (and the rest of this stuff) yesterday and I played the shit out of it until it was time to go to sleep. Almost didn't make it to work this morning because I was so tired. Picked up MGS4 and i'm waiting for a day off work so I can actually watch a few cutscenes. The mixer I picked up at a pawn shop for like $30. I've been wanting/needing one for a little bit.

Had a very Warped day. Bought both seasons of Rome in bluray because they were 35% off which is the cheapest I've ever seen them in a store, plus The Good, the Bad, the Weird because $10 is completely worth it for this movie, everyone should buy it. After that, my cousin texted me saying he found Firefly on sale for $19 and snagged the last two for me and him. Then I got some Universal Carriers to stand-in as Wasps for this weekend, and they're useful in pretty much any British company anyways so they're good to have. The store didn't have any actual Wasps though, so I was sad.

Oh, also this Two Gallants album was $2.99. I think its the first physical CD I've bought in like two years.
