Post your latest purchases with pics (NO STOCK IMAGES)

It might just be that stock pic, but it seems like yours must be at least half an inch taller. But yeah, I was amazed at how few reasonable sized phones were available at the shops I went to. Weird, since the last time I bought a phone we were still in the "smaller the better" phase, now its completely reversed.

People kept saying not to get the windows phone to me as well, but its pretty great. After using android for the past several years, its nice to use something with actual cohesion in design, and I've got apps for everything I need. I'm sure most of people's adverse reaction to WP is due to "hurr durr Micro$oft" so whatever. The app market is obviously smaller than Apple or Google's, but that'll change in time, and like I said, everything I need, I've got. Office 360 is pretty handy, cool that its built in and free, and Nokia's apps are actually really good too, not like the bloatware shit you get from others.
I heard the Windows phones are great, but doomed to failure because Android and Apple already dominate.
Neo should have taken both pills, then he could have experienced this forum and forgotten about it in the morning.
Hey my phone doesn't seem much bigger than yours!

The guy at the store was trying to sell me one the size of a ****ing tablet because 'his was the earlier version and he loves it'. Why do people even get those phones? I can barely fit this one in my pocket ffs. Where do you carry your phone if not your pocket? That was a selling point for me - it's gotta fit in my pocket. And it was actually kind of hard to find one!

ANYWAYS, like I said: I held mine the same way you held yours for comparison and mine seems just about the same size! Behemoth my dick!

On a side note: Everyone told me to stay away from Windows phones. I was messing around with one and, like you, I thought the interface was great. Ended up with an Android, but I wouldn't have been sad with a Windows phone. They seem cool.

What phone do you currently use?

It might just be that stock pic, but it seems like yours must be at least half an inch taller. But yeah, I was amazed at how few reasonable sized phones were available at the shops I went to. Weird, since the last time I bought a phone we were still in the "smaller the better" phase, now its completely reversed.

People kept saying not to get the windows phone to me as well, but its pretty great. After using android for the past several years, its nice to use something with actual cohesion in design, and I've got apps for everything I need. I'm sure most of people's adverse reaction to WP is due to "hurr durr Micro$oft" so whatever. The app market is obviously smaller than Apple or Google's, but that'll change in time, and like I said, everything I need, I've got. Office 360 is pretty handy, cool that its built in and free, and Nokia's apps are actually really good too, not like the bloatware shit you get from others.

I love the design of the phone, but after using Android for so long, it's really hard for me to even think about going to a phone with a locked down OS, and the way I mean that is in the fact that there is no way to set a 3rd party application as default. Of course you know on Android, you can set any... let's say browser as a default and it opens to that automagically. On WP8, it's locked down to IE (which is pretty awesome), but of course you catch what I'm throwing.

I was all set to jump to the 920 by Nokia, but of course, Nokia thought it was smart to give it exclusively to AT&T for a few months and wait to give VZW the 922 in March or April, and by that time, VZW will probably say no thanks like they do to a lot of phones. HTC Merge, I'm looking at you!

Essentially, it comes down to either the DNA by HTC or the Note 2 for me. Good thing I'm on an employee account and can upgrade yearly! :D
You must've stopping scrolling up at Krynn's post, because mine (showing what phone I have) is right above his lol
You must've stopping scrolling up at Krynn's post, because mine (showing what phone I have) is right above his lol
I'm such a bum. I read the post, but I didn't look at the user at all. :(

Also, I think your phone is pretty nice. That camera is probably pretty nice, and that screen is probably gorgeous. I currently use a Galaxy Nexus, and it's fairly awesome. Does the Ion have JB or ICS yet?

Regardless, I think you'll love that phone. :D
I vaguely remember it said it has Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0

And yea, the camera is very nice for a phone. It looks better than a picture when you take videos for some odd reason though. And the screen is sex. Didn't realize how clear it was until I realized it was clearer than my PC monitor. I got a 1600x900 LED monitor, too.
It supports multi-touch and gestures without the use of a pen, so you don't have to reach for the mouse.

I'll be binding some of the function buttons to Flash-specific functions to make animating way faster.
I usually leave touch turned off on mine because I end up brushing against it and messing up what I'm doing all the time.

The Touch doesn't activate if the pen is close to the surface, and I don't have tap click enabled so the only thing that would happen is the cursor moves. What model is yours?

Thanks for the picture :)

I've had a Wacom Graphire 3 for ages but it died a few days ago.
Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen and Touch. I should probably take better care of it (and use it more often) though.
Finally got it. Shine II.


Brown switches. I require long typing periods for my job, so I take this sucker with me to work. My WPM has gone up 20 points, but I'm running into an increase in errors. Probably just need to get used to it a bit more.
I got yellow. As far as I know the only new feature is some new LED animation modes.
That's good. It would be pretty annoying to hear of some amazing technical breakthrough so soon after getting the older one.
Didn't you get the white LED 9008S? And what's changed since the 9008S that they revised in the Shine II?
As far as I know, the only changes are LED modes; reactive lighting for typing actuation and pulsing.

Edit: What veggie said.
NI Traktor Kontrol S2



In the foreground is my Akai APC-40, which I also use with Traktor (still working on the midi bindings)

The Traktor 2 software on my macbook


Nice. I want a Shine II for dat reactive LED mode.
Well, got about 1.5 weeks with it. Around 12:30am, I was walking back to my apartment from my car (after work) when I was robbed at gunpoint by a couple of assholes. They took my keys, Galaxy SIII, wallet, and workbag. Unfortunately, I had the keyboard in my workbag.
Holy shit.


Still sucks but shit man. 12:30 am in Chicago, not some shit I'd do.
Can't really help when I get off work.

The ironic thing is: I live in a decent neighborhood of Chicago (Lakeview) and I work in a very shitty part of the city (Little Village/Pilsen). Yet, though I have never ran into any criminal activity at work (minus some hearing of gang related gunshots here and there), I get mugged in Lakeview.
Scale replica of the Key to Erebor from WETA. Molded from the original and made of quality metal to match the original weight. Not bad for the price. I'll probably frame this with my map replica that's on its way.


How does that key even work? What's with that dangly ass other ring on the end?

Makes the entire thing look like a penis with a piercing on the end.
The part on the end doesn't dangle, it's fixed. And yeah, I dunno. John Howe designed the key so I guess he designed the lock too.
My old zboard kwyboES finally shit the bed yesterday, so I went out and got this here mechanical keyboard. Its the only mechanical keyboard sold locally that I can find, and seems to have gotten fairly positive reviews. Going to take awhile to get used to the layout change, as evidenced by that fourth word in this post. Having to go really slowly here to write the rest of this. Cherry MX Blue keys are kind of loud, louder than they sounded in the store, but I think I'll get used to that as well. Green backlighting can be turned off thankfully.

Oh, and I also got a new mousepad to replace my current disgustingly dirty one.

Why buy anything Razer regardless of how good the reviews are. You trust people who buy Razer?
Have you never used Amazon? I mean if you're spending $80+ might as well take a look around.
And spend up to a week with no keyboard? I'd rather shoot somebody (not myself though). This was a replacement keyboard, not an upgrade, so this works more than well enough in a pinch. Also I used my Best Buy card which has a promotion going, so saved essentially $15 off a future purchase. Works for me. Also Amazon has it for the same price anyways.