Post Your Loading Time!



Hey, I heard the loading times (segment to segment) were supposed to be pretty short. However, it seems mine are like 30-45 sec. I'm not complaining (the game works great), but a wondering what u guys got, so just post ur loading time and specs.

Me-- 2.66 Ghz P4, 512 rm, Radeon 9800 Pro 128
I have a GIG of ram, and it takes like 10 seconds to load.
1.9ghz...1 gig corsair ram...geforce fx 57000

it takes about 30-45 sec for me as well. no complaints though
I figure I gotta get a another stick of ram (512). Thats probabbly the reason right?

BTW my HD is a 7200 rpm something or other
my HD 7200 rpm full and fragmented to hell...30-45 load time

that could be the bottleneck
ha! you just beat me with the thread!

I'm getting about 10-20 secs with 1GB ram, and 7200 rpm HD....
1 gig ram, 7200 rpmhd, about 10 15 seconds p4 1/8
Combine your avater freaks the shiza out of me.......
VodkA-HLC- said:
1 gig ram, 7200 rpmhd, about 10 15 seconds p4 1/8
Combine your avater freaks the shiza out of me.......
hehehehe. You should see it full sized, really freaky! :thumbs:
lol, ~20 seconds here, for larger segments. 768MB Ram...

so it seems directly proportional to amount of wonder reviewers had systems with 2gigs of ram!