Post your most disgusting animal!

I thought bullet ant has the most painful sting/bite?
"(the infamous Schmidt Sting Pain Index excludes insects other than Hymenoptera; a belostomatid bite can be much more excruciating than anything in Schmidt's list)"

"Hymenoptera is one of the larger orders of insects, comprising the sawflies, wasps, bees, and ants."

That means that the index only deals with sawflies, wasps, bees and ants. All other insects are left out in the proverbial cold. :D

I'm not saying that the bite of a giant water bug is the last word as far as pain is concerned, just because Wiki says so, but then again, I have no real reason for not believing it, y'know?
Man, theres some wierd things at the bottom of the ocean... and i bet we've only seen a handful of the creatures down there :O
The camel spiders rmind me of this story my dad had... He used to live in hawaii, and there are cane spiders all over the place. This one day, in the newspaper, there was an article about this polynesian field worker working out in the fields, and he found this huge cane spider. He killed it with his machete. There was a picture- the dude was maybe five feet four inches, and was holding the legs of the spider up over his head, arms stretched out, and the legs on the other side were dragging on the ground. That's a damn big spider.


I've seen cane spiders, but never as big as that!

Would make sense though, seeing as the cane spider was found in a cane field...

BTW, you guys suck. We got Portugese ManOWar all over the place here, 'Specially down at bellows.

They're about the size of my thumb at biggest, not bigger than a jellyfish. And the sting doesn't kill people, it just wraps its stinger around your whole leg so it hurts for a LONG TIME.

BTW, it's not a jellyfish, it's a culture of a bunch of different wierd looking fish that grow on each other, and help each other out. Like, there's the fish/bug thingy for the tentacles, and it helps catch the food, then pass it on to the digestive bug thingy, while the floaty ball thingy just helps them get places.


Actually, that's sort of cute sans the whole "has two heads" dealie.