Post your recent Deathmatch Scores!!!!

how come i have a screenshots folder for singleplayer but no screenshots folder for deathmatch?
well with a magnum camping action its not that difficult.
but try owning that good using al the weapons.
ow and i bet the times you did die you ammo whas gone or you respawned somewhere
else and needed to get your gun and whas slaugthered on the way theire

ow sorry dude not only that but you where in the worst noob game ever al negative scores come on dont post these kind of pictures.
no i dont like to camp...too boring..i just run and shoot....what do u mean negative scores?
Magnum camping is only good until people catch on. After that, someone will come along with a crossbow, RPG, or pulse rifle with plenty of secondary fire, and take you down like a crazy hobo. Again and again and again. If you're really successful with magnum camping, that's because the people you're playing with are really, really stupid.

Pinning magnum campers to the wall is my favorite.

what do u mean negative scores?

Almost everyone there had more deaths than kills.

I usually go about two for one, myself.
Beating people who only use the magnum is ridiculously easy once you know where they are. If you spawn and they are in a corner directly behind you it's a different story; but as soon as you see where one is and you have full sprint or a desk or car or something you can take them out easy because of the horrible RoF and reload time of the magnum. It's still the ultimate "sniper" weapon because it takes no time to reach the opponent and it's a one hit kill, but (against me at least) forget about trying to camp/firefight once I see you.

My weapons of choice are the gravity gun (for plain old giggle inducing fun), the shotgun (for when I want to say "OMG I pwned that map so hard"), and the SMG... yes the SMG (because of the tactics, speed, and accuracy you have to employ to make it a worthwhile choice... kick-ass secondary fire doesn't hurt either).

If this thread is still alive by Christmas break (when I have time to start gaming again) I'll post some scores. I can safely say that I kick-ass, just not ridiculous amounts of it; I've never overdosed on ass-kicking.
well 349 was my highest score so far..but for some reason..every server ive been in im at the top of the matter what weapon i use...must be alot of noobs out there
Assassin X said:
OMG isnt amazing that you have a Revolver in your hand? I hate those people. I dont camp a weapon. I never use rocket launcher unless i have no other choice. And i dont camp. I use whatever is nearby and i never standstill long enough so im always mocing and picking up something else.

You would be a whole lot better if you implemeneted strategy into your gaming.

Strategy- The science and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war. (

You obviously have a good shot/reflexes (assuming you haven't been lying), so use your strengths effectively. Be efficient.

Also, get a life about the magnum. By now the update has lowered the damage, but honestly: IT ISN'T VERY HARD TO DEFEND AGAINST! Just make sure they don't hit you, keep at a distance.
On the server I was just playing, my score was:

75 Kills | 54 Deaths

Needless to say, I was first place :p But one guy was right behind me with 73 kills.

If you see, "Hilary Duff is a Nazi" run ;)

And the map before that, iceworld, I was second and I came in later in the round. LOL.

i r gewd @ this.
idk, i think it was the server i was in.I joined a server and it was like ultra-bright. Dont remember the name of it tho. was cool :)
I've noticed after the patch I tend to use the rpg a lot more...combined with smg, or shotty...whereas before 50% of my kills would be 357.

man,they should somehow cheat protect from people being able to do fullbright.