Post your tabletop photos thread


May 18, 2003
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I doubt we have a thread of this kind anywhere around here, so, let me start one :D

Lets see how messy we gamers are. :D

Let me get the ball rolling, the other table is messier, but I shall not post that up :cheese:, this is my desktop where I do my work and play my games and stuff.
Gotta love that Keyboard..I have the same one and it's the best thing..

Wish I wasn't at work, I'd post a pic.

So tell me...What makes Us Singaporean?
You call that messy!!?!? Just wait till you see mine!!
(i'll post it later today.... IM OFF TO COLLEGE!!!!)
Ok, for the record this is NOT my desk - its messy, but not like this! Check out this attachment: was on a viral email circulating recently. "The geek's den".
Ah finally! This is my domain. Happiness is living in a neat mess. :D

Ok, this picture of my pc area is clean compared to what it is now. Take this picture and multiply the junk by 50.

HOLY CRAP! That pic up there is insane! I love it!
Originally posted by AH_Viper
HEhe, ive posted this quite a number of times but for those who have not seen my almighty setup..... :)

Also, how the hell can you fill a room with that much crap, hehe, that is a funny pic, i like it
LOL. You can afford 3 monitors but not a wirless mouse. Anyway I find double and so on monitors distracting. The edges get in the way.
There has been 2 threads like this already, but they were a while back, many new members since then. My digital camera got stolen, so you will have to wait til i get a new one.
I would post pics of my desk but i cant be bothered finding the camera.

Il just show off my skills with Paint :)

EDIT: It doesnt appear to be working.
I quite like them. I have a bluetooth one and to be honest the delay isnt really noticable. I never thought i would like one, but i really prefer it now. Same with the keyboard.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
LOL. You can afford 3 monitors but not a wirless mouse. Anyway I find double and so on monitors distracting. The edges get in the way.

1) No i cant realy afford 3 monitors, thats why they are all diferent and bought second hand of my dads mates from work and such like for about £20. If i could afford 3 monitors i would buy 3 nice black ones that are identical ;)

2) I dont realy want a wireless mouse, i never nottice the cable as its long enough not to pull on its lenght from where i sit. Im also worried that i sit to long infort of it at a time for the batteries to handel it :D. This is because when i dont use it my bother does, and when he isnt my dad usaly does some graphics on it because its faster than his own machine.

3) Never realy nottice the edges, you get used to it and the advantages of being able to use graphics packages without all the toolbar covering your work is sheer bliss.
I wish I had a digi cam to show you my desk.Well it really isn't a desk...more like my kitchen table... gonna post a couple of pictures to fully show off my desk. Here's the first one, i've already posted on the forums. It shows of my kick ass mouse pad!! (and hl2 box)
Here's the full veiw of my desk. Try and find the computer!!

Also notice how I've hooked up my sterio system to my pc!

And there's the Fender stain glass thing I made in high school.
Ok...and here is a close up of my pc.....since it kicks so much ass in such a small package!
Wait a the hell did you get hl2 so early?Or is it a fake box?
Here are my tiny pc buddies. Exept for Pollywrath.....he's a bitch.
Ok....and here's the rest of my house!!!!!
(actually its just my printer...and junk on the floor)
Yo Fender what kind of desk is that?I like it.Because soon I'm getting my room renovated and I'm going to need a desk.I'm going to miss the kitchen table, I never had to get up to get food...all I had to do was reach over and open fridge. :(
shane we have the same mouse and keyboard.
oh and fender u might want to consider picking up after yourself :)
Originally posted by guinny
shane we have the same mouse and keyboard.

Oh, that's cool. Works pretty well, eh?

Come on, lets see more messy tables :cheese:
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Finnaly i found it.

After seeing the 3 moniters i went searching for something i found the other day. Man i would love to have this.

it would fit quite nicely onto my nice brand new desk and the the cellar that we recently did up.

Hum for the 23" version, $17499.99 thats not bad..... i might get two so i can have behind me as well :D
Um...Im not sure what kinda desk it is. I've had it for a long time. I think its somthing from Ikea.

And my desk is freakn' clean compaired to how it use to be. I actually have alot less room for crap since I hooked the sterio up to my pc and got the huge mouse pad.