Posting Restrictions


Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
Unlike 99% of the forum communities I have visited over the years is the only one I can recall that does not allow you to edit after "X" minutes. How does this benefit the community? Threads started by Non-staff are often stickied but they are not able to update them. Thus making getting current information in threads cumbersome. Is there a reason for this posting restriction?

The only thing I could imagine is preventing people from changing something if they were offensive or spamming but I would suggest asking users to quote them rather than stop legitimate users from creating up to date posts. What am I missing?
In my experience limited editing is failry routine. Most of the forums I frequent have that in place.

Primarily yes it's used as a tool to stop people posting offensive material and then changing the post at a later date. If a thread is a stickied and someone wants it updated then its a simple task of asking a mod to add something for them.
Hot Soup said:
In my experience limited editing is failry routine. Most of the forums I frequent have that in place.
Wow I have never seen that.

Hot Soup said:
Primarily yes it's used as a tool to stop people posting offensive material and then changing the post at a later date. If a thread is a stickied and someone wants it updated then its a simple task of asking a mod to add something for them.

Ok makes sense I guess. In forums where this restriction is not in place users are asked to quote offensive material so the admin/mods have it documented. Either way is fine I guess. It just seems limiting this would shy away some users who are actually adding useful content that is update frequently. I wasn't aware updating the thread via an admin/mod was an option. Thank you for the tip and the response.
Hot Soup said:
Primarily yes it's used as a tool to stop people posting offensive material and then changing the post at a later date.
so instead of giving them a chance to change what they wrote, you simply ban them instead? wheres the logic in that?
Why would it be a problem for someone to change the "offensive material" they wrote earlier? Changing it from offensive material is better than it remaining offensive.

Also, currently they can just change it within the 15 min limit. My point is, who would edit their offensive post over 15 minutes later? What would be the point?
you could use it to start a flame war. someone says somethingnpatently offensive, edits it, and when someone comes back with an angry reply (to the original post), he looks like the bad guy. I've seen it before.

I've been on sites without edit limits, and the discussion there can be rather disjointed and hard to follow, IMO. people post one thing, and as everyone replies, they edit it to something else.. the conversation makes no sense anymore... and then they change their mind and replace it with 'post deleted' and a casual reader doesn't know what the hell is going on. This site is a game site, so things need to be recorded, for, uh, posterity or soemthing..... and the debates/discussions would be far too confusing in a high treaffic place like this. they already can be on a hot topic....

I'm okay wit it. cept I'm a terrible typist and speller, and I can't go back and make myself look smarter sometimes :p
DoctorGordon3 said:
Why would it be a problem for someone to change the "offensive material" they wrote earlier? Changing it from offensive material is better than it remaining offensive.

Also, currently they can just change it within the 15 min limit. My point is, who would edit their offensive post over 15 minutes later? What would be the point?

I can see where this is going, some guy posts a "do you like chocolate?" thread, people answer yes, then he changes the title & question to "are you gay?" (seen it happen elsewhere).
Phisionary said:
you could use it to start a flame war. someone says somethingnpatently offensive, edits it, and when someone comes back with an angry reply (to the original post), he looks like the bad guy. I've seen it before.

That's one of the main reasons we have it here - we give some editing time for changes and corrections, but once you've made a post and people reply to it, you could edit it to change the whole context of the thread.
I call mcarthism! trying to make it so offensive meterial stays up just to bust people! Malarky!
Sh4mp00 said:
Starmonkey sucks donkey balls! must bow down to my master satan! 666!!1!1 Ye all will feel the wrath of Sh4mp00! Half-life2 sucks! Doom3 rules! Everyone who posts here is a n00b! MUAHAHAAHA!!!!1One1!!!11OneOne!! Malarky! :devil: Malarky!
Oooh Sh4mp00!! You are quick! You almost got away with it! But I caught you! :frown: :sniper:

Ignore my reply time... :eek: I just forgot to press submit before I left, honest injun! :angel: ;) ;)