Potential Lawsuit against Vivendi

Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
Interplay announces the immediate termination of its distribution agreement with Vivendi Universal Games.

Interplay has recently announced the immediate termination of its distribution agreement with Vivendi Universal Games. Interplay also announced that it is considering legal action against VU Games to recover payments it believes it is owed, and to address other claims resulting from the alleged failure of VU Games to perform under the terms of their agreement.

In the interest of our company and its shareholders, we had no choice but to terminate this agreement," said Herve Caen, chairman and CEO of Interplay. "After several notifications to Vivendi of its failure to perform in accordance with the terms of our agreement and in particular, in refusing to pay Interplay certain monies due following our latest release, Lionheart, we still did not receive the payments owed to us. We are currently evaluating several other distribution options. We fully expect to release two of our strongest titles, Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance 2 and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for Xbox and PlayStation 2 in the fourth quarter."

We'll bring you more information on this story as soon as it becomes available.

Source - GameSpot

Hmmm. VU Games pulling crap here? Maybe Valve should do the same if we can expect problems like this in the future.


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*steps up on podium*

*sorts papers*

*clears throat*


What did you expect by a french run company? :P

Valve has a lot more muscle than most developers
Originally posted by Killerlagger
What did you expect by a french run company? :P

Oh har har har. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

Well, it means much to me, because Interplay owns Black Isle, a great RPG developer, who works right now on Fallout 3. If Interplay loses and goes bankrupt, Black Isle goes down with them. And what do we have left? Crappy Bioware with their crappy X-box exclusives, and Troika.

But I don’t think this lawsuit will hurt Half-life 2 in anyway, Vivendi is a large company.
Originally posted by Killerlagger
What did you expect by a french run company? :P

Valve has a lot more muscle than most developers

Ah blatant ignorance and racism, what fun.
i dont get it... interplay is gonna sue VU for what? "its failure to perform in accordance with the terms of our agreement and in particular, in refusing to pay Interplay certain monies due following our latest release, Lionheart, we still did not receive the payments owed to us" ?
was it vivendi that owns the sci-fi channel? i dont remember. but yeah, i agree, hl2 will not be affected by much short of nuclear fallout, a meteor, or the black plague. maybe some other stuff but u know, not things other then natural disasters (wait, then nuclear fallout is gone...ahh, u know what i mean.)

I wouldn't mind this one bit...maybe push them under into the realm of non existance!

heh...OK...wishful thinking there...oh well...
Hey im not an american who flames french people

I'm english and we've been at it since Napoleon, I'll take my british humour else where :(
so interplay is getting ripped by VU ? not like they have ever made any decent games. And lets face it, they arent gonna **** with valve, they know that HL2 is gonna be their biggest cash-in ever, so i wouldnt worry.
Originally posted by Deviant
so interplay is getting ripped by VU ? not like they have ever made any decent games. And lets face it, they arent gonna **** with valve, they know that HL2 is gonna be their biggest cash-in ever, so i wouldnt worry.

Interplay is good, and one of the oldest game companies.

Die by the sword >
hm , I'm English too , It might seem childish but, We've got a right to insult the French, they insult us!
so interplay is getting ripped by VU ? not like they have ever made any decent games.

Hmm I guess you're forgetting some of the greatest RPGs ever made. Does Baldur's Gate or Fallout ring a bell?
Fallout pretty much defined TBS RP games on the PC!
Originally posted by mortiz
hm , I'm English too , It might seem childish but, We've got a right to insult the French, they insult us!
lol, it sucks to be Canadian, Canada is probably the only country that can rightfuly take insults about it's military from the French :x
Originally posted by mortiz
hm , I'm English too , It might seem childish but, We've got a right to insult the French, they insult us!
Heh, the French soldier taunting the English kinghts in "Monty Python & the Holy Grail" is one of the funniest movie scenes ever :) .

You don't frighten us, English pig dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person! I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur King," you and all your silly English K-nig-hts.
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
Originally posted by Hyped
Oh har har har. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.


That must make France one blissful country ;) .

(Sorry - couldn't resist ;) )
Originally posted by Paradox
Ah blatant ignorance and racism, what fun.

'French' is a race?

Hmm... well speaking of ignorance then............
30 September - no Benchmark downloading
First off this is the wrong thread for that and second it's not the 30th yet in America ;).

Back on topic, what exact terms did they break?
15 entries found for race.
race1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rs)
A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
A genealogical line; a lineage.
Humans considered as a group.
An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.
A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.
A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.

You can be part of the French race, therefore directing derogatory comments towards the French race is being racist.
"We are currently evaluating several other distribution options."

Hey Interplay people, I heard you were looking for other 'distribution' options. Ever heard of a new distribution model made by Valve called 'Steam'?
Originally posted by StickFigs
What's Vivendi? I thought Sierra published HL games!

As soon as you're done arguing about frech then answer my question.
Vivendi owns Sierra. (Literal sense, not the h4x one)
Talking about lawsuits, has anyone heard a rumor about Nvidia suing Valve for releasing information about their ass crappy benchmarks? I saw the other day, somewhere, that Nvidia is suing Valve and making them rewrite the NV codepath just so the Nvidia's don't get sucky framerates. If that is so, it could be the reason for the delay. After all somone said that Valve said the the game wasn't finished...... could this be the reason?
Incase I never got to say it before, I'll state it now.

Vivendi sucks.
Originally posted by ReZeroX
was it vivendi that owns the sci-fi channel?

ya, Vivendi owns Universal Studios. Universal owns channels such as USA and Sci-fi. I believe i heard something about NBC buying Universal though.
Originally posted by Sushi
lol, it sucks to be Canadian, Canada is probably the only country that can rightfuly take insults about it's military from the French :x

I don't see why. Canada may be small, but it's always had more than its share of participation and success, especially this last century. Not that I take much stake in immature pissing contests about national military prowess (not to implicate anyone here), but it should be corrected.

Also, Brits have a right to make fun of the French (and vice versa), there's a long tradition and actual history there. On the other hand, Americans just do it to celebrate their own know-nothingness.

(BTW, I'm American)
Canada was strong during WW2 and stuff but now our military is outdated, mostly cuz our current prime minister sucks.
Originally posted by MadMechwarrior
Canada was strong during WW2 and stuff but now our military is outdated, mostly cuz our current prime minister sucks.

I don't follow Canadian politics, but I seriously doubt Chretian could have affected fighting capability so drastically, even if he has been in a while now. I say so because the same arguments were made against Clinton but had little to do with the reality. The main argument was circular: military types don't like Clinton, therefore it demoralizes them, therefore military types don't like Clinton... I don't know how Chretian's liberalism compares to Clinton's centralism/yes-whatever-ism, but I think conservatives can't get past reacting against the internationalist cooperation rehtoric (no matter what Clinton's policies actually were): anything that doesn't project strength affronts the core value of strength as a virtue.

Hmmm... maybe this thread should end. Sorry, mods.
Americans' are descended from ancient britain and continual wars with france most assuredly as much as modern english folks. Simply because something defines itself as another name does not change what it is, and simply because your name is still britain does not mean you are the same country that was their 100 years ago. And you right now is not the same person as was their 10 years ago, simply because something is based off of another thing does not make it that thing. Trust me you and your 10 year old self would be very different organisms despite their tendencies. Just cause your country hasn't changed it's name in a while doesn't make you wise. Don't be such a simpleton.

Next what is up with all the hyprocrits in here? They state that the americans are prejudiced against the french to celebrate their own know-nothingness. Which is a prejudice against americans that celebrates your own know-knothingness then?
