Practical tips for a trip to England

Mr-Fusion said:
I used to live in Weymouth. Does anyone live near there? Coastal town.

Yeah my family used to have a small house in weymouth up by the church on the hill.
Weymouth has a great beach probably one of the nicest in south england.
Pesmerga said:
Don't drink the water.

Just for the record. Our water is the best I have tasted in the world, and I have traveled around.
But only the hard water. None of this pansy soft water shit.
Wel like our water misty, harsh and full of lime, mmmmmm :cool:

A huge tip about coming to England would be to avoid London, its dirty, smelly, and expensive, and you could bump into one of my ex's which I would'nt wish on anyone!
Dont go out at night on your own. I kid you not
Espionage said:
Just for the record. Our water is the best I have tasted in the world, and I have traveled around.

I drink bottled water :p , the tap water taste like weak chlorine

Stuff = Food and Drink

Fact: Buy stuff from a small shop run by asian families. It might sound odd, but they have good mercantile skills, they sell stuff at 10-20% cheaper.
Fact: Don't by stuff from large retail chains such as WH Smith, they ripoff. Woolworths run at normal rates.
I drink bottled water :p , the tap water taste like weak chlorine

Stuff = Food and Drink

Fact: Buy stuff from a small shop run by asian families. It might sound odd, but they have good mercantile skills, they sell stuff at 10-20% cheaper.
Can we affect their disposition with Boast/Coerce/Joke/Admire?

har.. har..

But thanks for the tips so far, keep 'em comin'!
Elevator = Lift
Sidewalk = Pavement
Trunk (car) = Boot
Bum (homeless person) = Tramp

Go for a pub lunch, and have a mixed grill, you won't regret it.
I drink bottled water :p , the tap water taste like weak chlorine

Stuff = Food and Drink

Err the tap water in London tastes great, whenever i go abroad its either not drinkable (eg in Greece or Italy) or doesnt taste so good.
gick said:
Bum (homeless person) = Tramp

Go for a pub lunch, and have a mixed grill, you won't regret it.

I call a tramp a Hobo, it has a nice ring to it

Go to Tesco, and have a fry up, you won't regret it
Yeah, here's a tip- **** all this brit lingo, just be the sexy foreign guy with the hot foreign accent. Oooh yeah.
Que-Ever said:
Yeah, here's a tip- **** all this brit lingo, just be the sexy foreign guy with the hot foreign accent. Oooh yeah.

Eastern European?
what? are you saying I didn't read the first post? because I didn't.
Remeber, pants are what people wear underneath their trousers or jeans!

Jeans or trousers are NOT pants!

I wear pants of no sort....commando stylee :naughty:
I,m still not used to the driving on the left side of the road.
The first time i came to england it scared the bejezus out of me
My advice for england? pack suncreme warm clothes, shorts and a tshirt, and an umbrella, our weather is unpredictible, today alone its been foggy, raining, hailstones, and now its brillliant sunshine and warm enough for me to have my roof down
I've been back for a couple of weeks now, but keep the advice coming :p