

Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
So what are some pranks or tricks you guys have pulled on people? Ever been tricked into doing something that embarassed the hell out of you?

I have alot, Ive pulled on people especially in online games leading to me getting banned from servers. While playing DoD I like to tell the noobs to type in 'unbindall' into the console. Most of them are smart enough to not do it, but theres always a few who do and spend the rest of the game idle not knowing all they have to do is hit alt + f4. :laugh:

Another one is some friends and I pulled a prank on my friend chris trying to get him to shit his pants. We gave him alot of gasex (mixed it in his drink) and took him on a long long walk to the convenient store to buy some munchies. We thought it didnt work since he never took a run for the bathroom, but later we discovered he shat his pants during our journey.:laugh:
you know spiking someone's drink is illegal in many countries
he could have you arrested :) ....I thought that was pretty obvious
:rolleyes: it was a harmless joke, everyone laughed and no one got arrested. Quit being so serious.
My brother, as wise as he is, installed a prank on my desktop and renamed it steam.exe and replaced my original steam.exe file. When I clicked on it it said "Reformatting Drive C"... I almost shat my pants (shat is the plural of shit). At the end though I realized it was fake... :|
Some_God said:
My brother, as wise as he is, installed a prank on my desktop and renamed it steam.exe and replaced my original steam.exe file. When I clicked on it it said "Reformatting Drive C"... I almost shat my pants (shat is the plural of shit). At the end though I realized it was fake... :|

The plural of shit is shits. Shat is the shit in the past tense (when it's used as a verb).
Feath said:
The plural of shit is shits. Shat is the shit in the past tense (when it's used as a verb).

STFU nub... GG no re k thnx. :angry:
mchammer75040 said:
:rolleyes: it was a harmless joke, everyone laughed and no one got arrested. Quit being so serious.

I think I'd make you do my laundry ...and I'm always serious when discussing feces :naughty:
hehe *lights your laundry on fire.

Dont be uptight now I know you had to have done something ruthless to your mates or vice versa. :naughty:
Haha! Date raped, April Fools! :D

Jokes on you, ****er, I gots Aids :cool:

Once some with some friends we phoned up the local TimHortons (Canadian donut shop) and said that we were from the other store across town and we were all out of coffee cups. (These cups have roll up rims where 1/10 win a prize or something) So we said we'd send someone over to pick up a case of them. And we drove over, and the guy there gave us an entire case of these and then we spent the day checking each one and getting a bunch of free stuff.
Dan said:
Once some with some friends we phoned up the local TimHortons (Canadian donut shop) and said that we were from the other store across town and we were all out of coffee cups. (These cups have roll up rims where 1/10 win a prize or something) So we said we'd send someone over to pick up a case of them. And we drove over, and the guy there gave us an entire case of these and then we spent the day checking each one and getting a bunch of free stuff.
Omfg, that kicks ass. One time a put clear take(the box kind) on the end of a dollar bill and I would stick it in a change machine and let it eat it, and then pull it out. I did it for about half an hour over 3 days and ended up getting $100. It was in an almost abandoned shopping center, I think they are taking it down soon so no one is ever in there.
Although not so original anymore, my Dad use to set fire to a bag of shit and plant it at someones door. Ring the door bell, and someone would come out try at put the fire out.
A great prank I pulled on a guy who just got his comp: he asked me to install and tweak his pc since he doesn't know much, I took a screen of his desktop once I was done, deleted all the shortcuts and lowered his taskbar and put the screenshot as a wallpaper. Then I went home :)
Heh, I think I read that on some list of office pranks, except it was a little bit different...

Screen the desktop, then lock the computer (this would obviously only work on an NT or 2k system) and drag the lock window to the bottom of the screen until it is nearly out of sight.

Once a friend and I bought a load of stinkbombs. So we threw them in the air conditioner, and every classroom in the school stank like shit. We laughed our asses off.
Ever had someone put a powerful but harmless aphrodisiac in your drink during a dance? I'm not sure what it was but all I can say was I had some difficulty trying to remain calm and cool when dancing with most girls. :o
Chris_D said:
It probably was but I never did find out.

Thankfully for me nothing bad happened, it was just very uncomfortable but even that night I found it very funny.
Originally Posted By: Evil^Milk
Once a friend and I bought a load of stinkbombs. So we threw them in the air conditioner, and every classroom in the school stank like shit. We laughed our asses off.
LMAO!!! i NEED to do that sometime!!!!!!!
Someone I know put a tuna sandwich on a heater in college, it was there for 3 months stinking the corridor out before it caught fire and burnt down 14 rooms...

A prank I do is to goto free German Ventrilo chat rooms and use a Michael Jackson soundboard, get quite a few laughs out of it, did an Arnold one once and this guy started quoting Bruce Willis. Oh Joy :rolleyes:
Once during primary school we managed to half cut the PA systems cable. Whenever someone tried to use it all you could hear was loud screaching sounds.

The only other thing I can remember was replacing the middle of a floppy disk with a round sheet of sandpaper and labelling it Death Disk.
Death disks work better with the addition of match heads. Not that I would ever...

For a leaving rank at school, someone in the year above me took down an 'A' from the school's huuuge sign out front and replaced it with an 'E', to make

"Royal Grammer School"
Last year in France I told a friend to throw a stink bomb in class, the Head mistress came and closed all the windows and left us there until someone she knew who did it.
People started to throw up, and we diden't have lessons that day.

Also, in Opposing Force games I like to say " News!! HL2 went gold, go to gamespot!! "
And you see how the nearlly everyone logs out.
i dont know if this is true but my friend told me hes brothers friend was going to attend in a school play and wear a really tight fairy suit or something like they put Viagra in his drink\food...haha so the guy gets a 4 hour boner and have to wear that tight suit..bahahaha..
Clingwrap over the toilet bowl never fails.

Also, something I've always wanted to do, but never had the courage to, is the old trick with the urinal hooked up to the mains via a transformer and the pipes on the back.
I think / hope you mean 9 volt battery, unless you want manslaughter charges... :S
There is a very simple equation :

soap + water + mouvement = bubbles !

This may seem dull :dozey: , but if you make the "water + mouvement" a fountain and the "soap" a BIG bottle of soap :O .....

try this near home, I swear its worth it. :p
When I was younger and living In France we use to make that old one with shit in paper and then light it.
we also glued shit where the smoke comes out from the cars.
My brother and some friends poured cement in a McDonalds bathroom once.