Pre-Load details within next few days


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
Taken from NeoGaf (in turn from SA aka SomethingAwful)

Doug Lombardi said:
Hi Anthony,

I just took a look at the [munched] link you sent and it is legit -- I
remember like it was just last week. Oh wait, it was!

Thanks for clearing up any confusion about this and glad you're looking
forward to Orange.

We'll be announcing the pre-load and other details in just a few days.
Thanks for your patience. Hopefully, when it arrives, the games will
seem worth the wait.


I can't wait! :) Pre-loading here I come!
in the words of jeremy clarkson 'Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!' :D
I will avoid all of these Ep2 related forums when preloading appears, damn, so much spoilers going to come.
dare i say it.......

"just a few days" in valve time = ???

how longs a few days again, 7months wasnt it?
Jesus Christ, stop being negative about Valve's time. Yes, we all know Valve isn't accurate with their time, but seriously, that joke is now old. You should be glad its coming. I am, but there are some people here who just make me angry with such a cruddy joke.
i know its an old joke, and I am SO glad its finally coming but we were ment to have it last year
Jesus Christ, stop being negative about Valve's time. Yes, we all know Valve isn't accurate with their time, but seriously, that joke is now old. You should be glad its coming. I am, but there are some people here who just make me angry with such a cruddy joke.

Also, I would preload but I'm not getting it for PC anyways.

BTW Valve suck with deadlines :p
Yaaaaaay! I cant wait. It will just be sitting there on my games list, taunting me.
i know its an old joke, and I am SO glad its finally coming but we were ment to have it last year

Well I don't want to alarm you with this, but once we've finished waiting for the Orange Box, we have to do it all over again waiting for Episode Three.

Suck it up and drive on.
Think of it this way. You hurry the development to ship it out before it's ready, you get a crappy product. You delay shipment to put some more work on it, you get a much better product.

Simple stuff.
Think of it this way. You hurry the development to ship it out before it's ready, you get a crappy product.

Umh, are you talking about a recent game? Bio... something... I don't remember :LOL:
Think of it this way. You hurry the development to ship it out before it's ready, you get a crappy product. You delay shipment to put some more work on it, you get a much better product.

Simple stuff.

I was going to say that also.
I was going to say that also.

But you DIDN'T! So HAH! ;)

Really, if all you can find out to bitch about valve is the release time I think they must be doing pretty good, because we could bring up bungie, and the first thing that would come to your mind would be "SHITTY STORY LINES!"

So, yeah, Valve still = win no matter when they release, so shut your ass up.
Isn't the stuff encrypted?

Yes it is encrypted, but you can still look at file names and stuff. Tho somehow if I remember correctly, someone extracted the EP2 trailer from the Ep1 pre-load, don't ask me how.
I wanna preload it, but its nice to get boxes with games. This has been discussed before probably, but what about the spare copies of HL2 and Episode 1? How will those be transferable?

You're not serious are you?

Are you?

I don't think a storyline is "shitty" if people are still discussing it a decade after the last game in the series is released!

Or do you mean Halo? Well... you were much closer to the mark there.

Will people still be discussing the Half-life 10 years after Episode 3/4 are done?
Yes. In case you haven't noticed, they're pretty much the two most critically acclaimed FPSes ever... and Half-Life has been on PC gamer's top 50 as #1 every time they decide to make one. I think that's fair indication that they've got longevity.
I was hoping that the retail copy of HL2 and Ep1 would have the updates applied that Ep2 will have. But I've seen a couple interviews/articles and that doesn't appear to be the case. :(

Would've made for a nice little gift for the people that already have those two titles.
Yes. In case you haven't noticed, they're pretty much the two most critically acclaimed FPSes ever... and Half-Life has been on PC gamer's top 50 as #1 every time they decide to make one. I think that's fair indication that they've got longevity.

What I meant more was whether our single-player mythology section would remain open, that is, non-gameplay related theories.

Are people still wondering about HL1's storyline 9 years later? Not really.
I don't remember that many spoilers for episode 1, actually I don't really remember any. Maybe I just didn't think they were important or naturally avoided such threads.
We were going to escape on a train resulting in a final boss battle using a rocket launcher against an advisor slung underneath a dropship in a glass pod.

I enjoyed that part. :LOL:
That's why cobbled together GCF information is bad. But actually not far off, and thus still a spoiler in a sense.
since we're talkin about ep1, heres a hint, dont use noclip on the final moments of the train sequence, your game may crash (usually)
That's why cobbled together GCF information is bad. But actually not far off, and thus still a spoiler in a sense.

Well I never really worked out how you got the description of the advisor pod so accurately considering what we knew at the time...
You're not serious are you?

Are you?

I don't think a storyline is "shitty" if people are still discussing it a decade after the last game in the series is released!

Or do you mean Halo?
Well... you were much closer to the mark there.

Will people still be discussing the Half-life 10 years after Episode 3/4 are done?

Err... Well, I did say:

because we could bring up bungie, and the first thing that would come to your mind would be "SHITTY STORY LINES!"

So yes, I was talking about Halo. Love the gameplay, but I have no idea why I'm shooting little gruntly in the head when I would really just love to adopt one. ^^
That's why cobbled together GCF information is bad. But actually not far off, and thus still a spoiler in a sense.

The fact that Ep1's final sequence is on a train was just about the only thing that we got fully right from th GCF files ;)
So yes, I was talking about Halo. Love the gameplay, but I have no idea why I'm shooting little gruntly in the head when I would really just love to adopt one. ^^

Because the Humans are at war with the Covenant, a holy war that the Covenant started.

Off topic now.

Hmm i wonder what we will find in the Ep2 GFC, I'm just going to look at models.