What Valve said (with Comments by Feath)

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What the hell does RC mean?

Retail Collection?

Retail Copy?

Baal said:
What the hell does RC mean?

Retail Collection?

Retail Copy?


Release Canditate. Valve sends one off to Vivendi, and they test it. If it passes their test then it's declared "Gold" and the CD is duplicated and sent out.
Ok. I know I am anyway, but I'll just make me sound as much as a newbie as possible (Even though I'm not much of one).

You know the gold saying? Well, does that just mean they're shipping, or does it mean it's special for something? Also, good post if I haven't said it before. Very relevant and should be printed and showed to any newbies that flame Half-life 2's release. That will send them scurrying to their primitive caves for sure.
Gold is where the game is deamed to be complete and has been tested completly. They then produce a copy of the game on a disk, which is what is called the "gold". This gold disk is then send to a reproduction center where they copy the disk(s) thousands of time, stick em in boxes and ship them to the retailers.
It's called going "gold" because back in the past all CDs that were burnt instead of pressed were coloured gold. This doesn't apply now but the name has stuck.
Feath said:
It's called going "gold" because back in the past all CDs that were burnt instead of pressed were coloured gold. This doesn't apply now but the name has stuck.
Hmm I always thought the First Copy was pure gold. Not just coloured. The reason? The Kodak CD-R disks have an actual layer of real gold in each disk. Or so it says on the box.
Alec_85 said:
Hmm I always thought the First Copy was pure gold. Not just coloured. The reason? The Kodak CD-R disks have an actual layer of real gold in each disk. Or so it says on the box.

It could be that. I thought it was because of a gold coloured dye, but you could be right on that.
Music artists get silver/gold/platina versions of their albums when they sell a certain amount so why not? :)
/me attempts to get the thread back on track

So, uh, yeah. Judging from Feath's comments , HL2 is coming out very soon. What a fuzzy feeling. ;)
ur just jealous coz i gots feath's autograph lol

yer, there is a lot of evidence pointing in that direction :)
KagePrototype said:
HL2 is coming out very soon.

HL2.net and all the other sites have been feeding us this ****. They delay HL2 a month and they are like,"Oh Em Gee, we are close!"

Seriously I was expecting HL2 to come out are Sept 20th. Lame.
man ill laugh if this game comes out for november 2 months is still a very long time you kno lol i say this game is gonna come out for christmas
It's always hilarious to see people whine about missed dates in software. After 20 years of making software for a living, this is the most true thing I can tell you about half-life 2 or any other game you're whining about: "More people have ascended bodily into heaven than have shipped great software on time."

If half-life 2 is half as great as you want it to be, the delays are to be expected.
Some_God said:
HL2.net and all the other sites have been feeding us this ****. They delay HL2 a month and they are like,"Oh Em Gee, we are close!"

Seriously I was expecting HL2 to come out are Sept 20th. Lame.

The point I was making is that there isn't a delay. Valve are just waiting to the end of the CS:S test before sending.

I'm still waiting for people to grow up. I don't care how old you are, you still need to grow up. A month (And who said it was delayed a month, the last date Valve gave was "Fall") is not a long time at all. It passes quickly.

People have a skewed view of time on this forum. To me, a week passes really quickly, to certain other forum memeber a week passes so slowly that every second is like a thousand knives stabbing you repeatly. The Half-Life preload was delayed a week, I look on this and think "Ha, Valve was a bit late." and generally. Other people look at it and think "Oh my god, Valve was a week late, I hate them, they're so full of crap. They, obviously did it to piss me off". I look upon Valve's minor delays as a little quirk they have, a bit like a friend who's bad with money or can't handle his drink.

I've often wondered how some forum members function in real life. I imagine them screaming at bus drivers for being 10 minutes late and trying to organise petitions to stop people using buses because "they're so full of crap".

I imagine them arranging to meet a friend somewhere. The said friend gets caught in traffic and a 30 minute journey manages to take 2 hours (it can happen, I once took over an hour to cross over the Tyne bridge). Now, when said friend arrives, do these forum members scream at them for being late, claim that they must have known that they'll have been late well in advance, because the delay was so long. I mean, you must have been aware of a two hour delay well in advance. Well, according to forum members logic you must've.

I imagine them listening to anything someone says and taking it as sure hard fact. An example I'm currently imagining is them saying "Fancy going for a drink tonight?" and the response being "Yeah, maybe". A bit later the forum member turns up and finds out the guy can't go out after all. Cue screaming from the forum member about how their friend can't keep any dates and the forum member now has a completely useless new suit that he bought for the occassion (this is a reference to people buying new computers, apparent just to play Half-Life 2).

I'm still wondering about all this...

I spent a week without internet access not that long along. This was a few days before the Half-Life 2 preload. Now, I was only away for a week, but I knew that once I got back the Half-Life 2 preload would've begun. And when I got back it had begun. It didn't matter that it was 3 days later than expected. You'll be surprised how little a week seems when you don't spend every second waiting for something. Maybe some other people should do that.
Feath, if I could sig that little essay of yours, I would. A lot of people in this forum need to wake up and smell the roses.
Man, I'm really sick of "Valve are"...
Some of our words have different meanings, some are spelled differently, but grammar is the "glue" that holds a language together. Grammar, therefore, is virtually the same wherever English is spoken.

The only significant difference I can think of is that the British sometimes treat collective nouns as plural where the Americans treat them as singular.

UK: "The government are announcing an important decision." (Speaking of specific people in the government).
"The government is a constitutional monarchy." (Speaking of the government as an institution)

US: "The government is announcing an important decision."
"The government is a republic."

Source: http://englishplus.com/grammar/00000193.htm

EDIT: Pwned. (I couldn't resist).
Well said Feath. Some people just have no life outside of computing. For myself, computers do my invoices, and play nice games. The rest of the time, I work, play my piano, and socialise.
Parrot of doom said:
Well said Feath. Some people just have no life outside of computing. For myself, computers do my invoices, and play nice games. The rest of the time, I work, play my piano, and socialise.

Valve is relying on the "no life" people for their money. BTW Piano = gay. :O
Some_God said:
Valve is relying on the "no life" people for their money. BTW Piano = gay. :O
yeah man, piano is gay because you don't like it

no piano is gay because it sexs other pianos of the same sex...

On topic, just for a second, recongratulating Feath on his excellent thread, it was useful to get that info in one place.
Some_God said:
Valve is relying on the "no life" people for their money. BTW Piano = gay. :O

Perhaps I'm going against the flow here, but the average customer for HL2 will probably be in the 20-35 bracket, single, with a good income, and spare cash. Most purchases for children will come from their parents.

And piano = gay? What isn't gay then? An electric guitar? How utterly rebellious of you. I really wish I could play an instrument that every horny teenager learns to play in their bedrooms, before getting bored of it once they've learnt to play SwtH. On my piano I can play some beautiful classic sonatas, and some modern contemporary pieces. And the neighbours won't be complaining about the racket.

Dude, I played the piano for about a year but then it got really gay for me. Can you even have an opinion here anymore?
An opinion slightly more informed than "it's gay" would be nice.

I wonder how many bug reports Valve have recieved from CS:S beta testers that go along the lines of "Gameplay Issues: It's gay".
Feath said:
An opinion slightly more informed than "it's gay" would be nice.

I wonder how many bug reports Valve have recieved from CS:S beta testers that go along the lines of "Gameplay Issues: It's gay".

If the major review sites talked like that, it would be awesome. I can see it now:

"Rome: Total War - 90% Dude, I was like playing it and it was liek awesome (LOLZ!) but there wasn't enuf ppl on the ground... that was gay. N-e-way im gonna watch some pr0n.. l8erz!"

This appears to be slightly[/] (:rolleyes:) off topic.

Needs to be steered towards the original discussion lads or I'll have to close :)
OMG! You unstickied. Well anyway I dont thing there is much left to discuss. :\
Some_God said:
OMG! You unstickied. Well anyway I dont thing there is much left to discuss. :\
I had noticed ;)

I didn't think a discussion on whether pianos were gay or not was worthy of being stuck to the top of the forum :p

Well, closed then!
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