Pre-Load now at 7

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Too many users preloading for download to begin it tells me..
Im getting a new pc in 2 1/2 weeks im gonna have to do this all over again :(
Thank you sweet jesus. As founding member of VAC, I would like to take a moment to say,"Thank you VALVe for only screwing the preload up a couple of times."
Does anyone know if, when the entire game is available, if you'll have the whole game on your HD at once, or will it download levels as you get to them? I am asking because the only thing that's keeping me from buying from Steam is the fact that my high speed can be a little flaky, and I would hate to be unable to progress simply because my internet connection is down. THanks
Some people over at the Steam forums think that this may be the whole game preloading, not just audio and textures. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Does anyone know if, when the entire game is available, if you'll have the whole game on your HD at once, or will it download levels as you get to them? I am asking because the only thing that's keeping me from buying from Steam is the fact that my high speed can be a little flaky, and I would hate to be unable to progress simply because my internet connection is down. THanks

You can resume and pause the dl as often as you want. You'll have at least a week to download it.
seinfeldrules said:
Some people over at the Steam forums think that this may be the whole game preloading, not just audio and textures. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
It's just audio, textures, etc
dis said:
Does anyone know if, when the entire game is available, if you'll have the whole game on your HD at once, or will it download levels as you get to them? I am asking because the only thing that's keeping me from buying from Steam is the fact that my high speed can be a little flaky, and I would hate to be unable to progress simply because my internet connection is down. THanks
It'll download all of them... but if you're really in a hurry, you can start playing right away even if you haven't fully downloaded it yet.
seinfeldrules said:
Hmm, now what. I feel like Agent Smith in the Matrix when Neo flies away...
i think VALVe will announce a Release date soon
seinfeldrules said:
Some people over at the Steam forums think that this may be the whole game preloading, not just audio and textures. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

that would contradict what valve said
seinfeldrules said:
Some people over at the Steam forums think that this may be the whole game preloading, not just audio and textures. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Size is a little over a Gig. How can we find out where it is "installing" to. I have quite a few drives (logicla/physical) and forget where I set this stuff up at....
SiR_Winsteh said:
From reading that it basically says your downloading the whole game now ready to be activated once its released by purchasing a CD-Key that cant be right surely.

Thats what it reads like to me :imu:
anyone know exactly how large the preload is?
id say at least 200mb
dis said:
Does anyone know if, when the entire game is available, if you'll have the whole game on your HD at once
yes. once it's downloaded, you won't need anything else. except for the usual updates that are automatically downloaded, of course.
Yoda1979 said:
I think this is the whole thing :)

its not. now some people called valve liars for the delays, which is not true. but if this is the whole game valve would be liars, and this just isn't true.textures and sound files are big files! we are getting the biggest chunk
seinfeldrules said:
Some people over at the Steam forums think that this may be the whole game preloading, not just audio and textures. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

I started preloading around 3-4 minutes ago and i'm already at 9.4% done. No way is that the whole game, unless VALVe is using some super new/secret compression app.
seinfeldrules said:
lol wouldnt their release date contradict what they said too? ;)

yes but this would be a blatant lie, the other times it was just miscalculations
B_MAN said:
anyone know exactly how large the preload is?
id say at least 200mb

Disk Usage 1043 Mb
Its only 1gb it cant be the WHOLE game like they say.. Probably once its released they will do a huge update or somthing that adds extra stuff and installs it.
hmmmmmm well i was thinking
isnt this just what the warez guys are asking for? isnt it a little risky releasing most of the game like this??
yes but this would be a blatant lie, the other times it was just miscalculations

Well what if they realized they were done earlier than expected, delayed the release by a few days to completely finish up, then released it like this? Its anyones guess at this point, however. :)
Wow, I'd like to see the warez asshats do something with a bunch of textures, models, and sounds...
And the status says "requires" update....that may mean another is coming. So this would be the preload...?...?
The servers are too busy! I go to play a little game to pass the time and when I get back it's too late. Curse you Commander Keen!

Edit: Haha, there it goes!
seinfeldrules said:
Well what if they realized they were done earlier than expected, delayed the release by a few days to completely finish up, then released it like this? Its anyones guess at this point, however. :)

no because the CS:S beta is still in progress and it comes with hl2 and it wont come without it. plus valve stated it would be released on steam the same time as stores get their copies. im an optimistic person, but you're overboard!
guys the 1 gig file is called "base source shared materials.gcf" now valve call there textures materials so im asuming thats textures, the preload may grab other files when it gets past 50% or whatever.. we shall see.
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