Pre-Load now at 7

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so the files are encrypted? whats the prog called to undecrypt...?
no because the CS:S beta is still in progress and it comes with hl2 and it wont come without it. plus valve stated it would be released on steam the same time as stores get their copies. im an optimistic person, but you're overboard!

And I'm loving every minute of it! (in his best Kramer accent)
Sushi said:
Wow, I'd like to see the warez asshats do something with a bunch of textures, models, and sounds...

lol, in a couple of days, they'll have used the leaked alpha engine and somehow figured out how to get all the media to work with it in some sort of jumbled fashion. I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm more worried about people throwing spoilers all across the internet.
Did you notice if you right-click on the HL2 icon in "Play Games" and select "Update News" there is something about an internal palytest that took place in July. Weird.

I wonder if we'll start to get actual updates about the game?

--Mr. Bildo
omg this is freakin wicked
we're gonna have this game before any of those retail bastards!
i love valve :p
I know it's exciting to think the game is finished and ready, but I can guarantee it's not.

Aw hell what am I saying, this must be it :p
well from reading what it says on steam it sounds as if its the Full Game just encrypted and ready to be activated once purchased. anyway goddam servers are busy Might as well hit the sack tis 3am afterall
seinfeldrules said:
And I'm loving every minute of it! (in his best Kramer accent)

I love Seinfeld. I've seen all the episodes at least three times - I've got them all on my hd.
i'm still waiting to see the steam status graph after it updates again to see the spike of people downloading the preload lol
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