Predicted - An EFF-KULT HL2DM movie by Jager


Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Predicted is an EFF-KULT HL2DM highlightsmovie by Jager.

The movie contains frags by the Eala Freya Fresena ist KULT clan (m3z, ferdi, tobsen, fussel, Jager and honk) mixed in with tricks and curiosities now and then.

This is Jager's first movie, but you wouldn't know that by looking at it. It's a fast-paced movie with awsome and fun frags with good music that really puts you in the right mode and gives you a rush from watching it, so enjoy!

Resolution: 720x480
Duration: 7:37
Video Codec: XviD (Can be downloaded here at Nic's XviD Binaries & Paraphernalia)

(Press either the arrow pointing down-right next to the text Vorhang auf!!!, or the text it self to get see the mirrors.)
Cause it's free hosting as much as you want vs. only registering, and it's relatively fast download without registering. Best filehost there is IMO. Now it's improved also. You can sort your files in folders, have user accessgroups and a banner over all your files. That's pretty damn good for only registering and adds if you ask me.
Sorry, but I don't understand German (or whatever that is) and can't seem to find the download link. I guess I could try google translate, but that never seems to have questionable results.

So if you could just point me in the right direction? Thanks.
OH. MY. GOD. :eek:

That has got to be the best DM video ever seen by my eyes. Very, very well put-together.

Those crossbow shots and magnum shots were absolutely amazing. :O :O :O
Hehe, nice video. I'll have a mirror of this one up soon.

Too bad my upload at work blows. :p
I will be releasing a trick/frag video shortly... On a side note this is my first post :)
- Gordon
What server did they play in?

I'm guessing it was a private server, nonetheless, it would be fun to play with them.
They play wherever the matches can be played. Preferably on their server, but also on the opponents servers. Check #HL2DM.war on QuakeNet and I'm sure you'll find them there.
Pincus said:
I will be releasing a trick/frag video shortly... On a side note this is my first post :)
- Gordon

I'll host your video for you. As long as it isn't 200mb or something.

Send me a pm when it's done.
Thanks, but it will probably be either 2x150MB files or the 1x300MB file. Depends if I want two parts or just the one. Aswell, I cannot compress video files for shit. The result always seems to look shit. I use XivD, just don't know the right setting. And I think I somehow set it to having a static bitrate, instead of a VBR...
- Gordon
good vid.. i wasn't a fan of the music, but hey you can't please everybody.

video itself was very nice though
noobflinger said:
good vid.. i wasn't a fan of the music, but hey you can't please everybody.

video itself was very nice though
Thats exactly what I though.
- Gordon
I only liked the beginning song.

Wow, he and I play quite similarily, only that he does stuff much more smoothly, quicker, faster, and most of all, better. Oh, and changing your crosshair is allowed in scrims? Anyway, I'd love to do a Revolver vs Revolver with him, due to the fact that we both get such similar kills. However, with that Crossbow of is, he's quite scary. It's like he knows every single place you'll go to.
The rules are different in the various leagues. CB allows anything you can do in your config. HL2CCL allows custom crosshair and HUD if I remember correctly and no scripts that allow you do stuff you can't do manually. ESL, CB and HL2CCL disallowed brightskins all together.
To tell you the truth, I don't know why you would bother changing the crosshair, The hitboxes and lag makes where the bullet go change. So there is no real advantage. Were as the default crosshair, the bullet is bound to go somewhere within the circle of the crosshair. As for scripts and brightskins, I have never tried those... It is sometimes an unfair advantage with a script, espically with the gravity gun.
- Gordon
I like having a very small crosshair, and before that, I played without :)

CB's no customisations rule is a bit ghey - but it seems like HL2DM is the old HLDM (loves the custom stuff) and CS (custom is cheating) crowds colliding.

Scripts are allowed as long as they won't let you do anything that you can't do manually iirc..
ComradeBadger said:
Scripts are allowed as long as they won't let you do anything that you can't do manually iirc..
But the thing I don't get is that the things can be done manually... You just need EXTREAMLY fast fingers :\
I know of clans which use scripts to catch and through, which I think is unfair. I can be physically done, but not 100% of the time. Aswell, do any of you guys know why PageDown seems to be a hotkey ?
- Gordon
Nah, catching and throwing most things is easy :)

No idea what the significance of PageDown is... or why it helps you fly :p
Pincus said:
but not 100% of the time

I'm all for NO SCRIPTS for any movement or weapon usage related. All should be done manually or not at all.
Pagedown auto repeats when you hold it.

If you hold q or whatever phys_swap is bound to it will switch only once to the ggun from whatever weapon you're using. Page down will switch between the two well fast, letting you use primary fire on the ggun at a ridiculous rate, launching you into the air. Just like what those scripts do.

Hope that made sense.

Yeah. I think if Valve puts a minimum time it can be switched back and forth with (with gg only) then this will no problem any more..
WySiWyG said:
Pagedown auto repeats when you hold it.

If you hold q or whatever phys_swap is bound to it will switch only once to the ggun from whatever weapon you're using. Page down will switch between the two well fast, letting you use primary fire on the ggun at a ridiculous rate, launching you into the air. Just like what those scripts do.

Hope that made sense.

Yeah, I know that, but what I want to know is why PageDown is a hotkey :dozey:
- Gordon
Pincus said:
Yeah, I know that, but what I want to know is why PageDown is a hotkey :dozey:
- Gordon

Hotkey? Ummm I dont get you.
Was thinking the same thing.. What do you mean hotkey?
A hotkey is basically a button which is constantly being pressed.
We use a little program called AHK "AutoHotKey" over at Half-Life 2: Done Quick for the perfect bunny hop and flying. All speed runners use it, so its not cheating. Besides that, it's not very useful, and has no use for movement in deathmatch, however can be used to do those gravity jumps with the cars.

Whilst this topic is still active, I’ve got a question: How long have you SAFT boys been playing deathmatch for?
- Gordon
Well. Since long before SAFT got founded ;) I started with Wolfenstein 3D. How so?
I've been playing since last year.. that was op4/AG .. then I moved on to HL2DM when netrex found meh

Never looked back :D
My first FPS would be UT/Tactical-Ops 2.2. Those were the days... Complete noob :)
- Gordon
Pincus said:
My first FPS would be UT/Tactical-Ops 2.2. Those were the days... Complete noob :)
- Gordon

Wolfenstien 3d. Played at my mates house. Same guy that introduced me to HL2 funnily enough. Then doom series, then all the quakes, then this.
My graphics card introduced me to Half-Life 2. With my Radeon 9800 Pro 128, I was supposed to get Half_life 2 in September 30th... Its been a long time since then.
- Gordon
P.S. Last night my graphics card ****zored :( It cannot render DirrectX Applications anymore. It came out of nowhere as well.
- Gordon
how do i play this? i have downloaded 'joshes tricks' from pincus's site and it is showing as a video clip (windows media player)but all i get is music.