preload at 6pm gabe newell

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i challenge you all to get some fresh air for once for the next 20 min
well you nubs keep saying they were attacked when I don't see an ounce of you guys put up or shut up. I don't want rumors at sucha crucial time.
Kohman77 said:
i challenge you all to get some fresh air for once for the next 20 min

how about you do it instead tell it what its like? check back tomorrow
who says this will get the biggest reply award on message board history ? lol
No its to see 15 pages of omg its been delayed its not comming out the sky is falling valve lied, posts, than 1 minute later, all the same people saying how great valve is.

It's for the comedic value
How sure are we that it is really Gabe who posted on the HL2 fallout forums and erik johnson on shacknews?
Mrmanwithsuit said:
who says this will get the biggest reply award on message board history ? lol

doubtful there are threads on the internet that have over 1000 pages
Yoda1979 said:
Wonkers give it up with the DOS attack, maybe you did it your acting pretty suspicious


Can we actually wait till 7?
20 minutes til the real preload!

No.. honestly...

Oh, ok... 20 minutes to the delayed preload before the real preload..
1000 pages never seen that before .. probably for hl1s delay post ? lol jokes
Is it possible that this preload might have been delayed (before) because they were close to going gold and they figured they might as well wait and do the preload when it's all done and maybe they will announce HL2 going gold tomarow?


Who f***ing knows!!
Pgaes like "Rate the sig of the person above you" can easily get up to a thousand on big forums. I think ABS has some
chu said:
Is it possible that this preload might have been delayed (before) because they were close to going gold and they figured they might as well wait and do the preload when it's all done and maybe they will announce HL2 going gold tomarow?


Who f***ing knows!!

Stop tempting me with lovely theories !
Crusader said:
20 minutes til the real preload!

No.. honestly...

Oh, ok... 20 minutes to the delayed preload before the real preload..

u mean 20 minutes before the delayed preload is delayed preloading for a delayed release to an already delayed preloading release that may never preload since the sky is falling?

I'm done lol sorry couldnt resist
This thread has turned to Spam, Preload is now at 7 pm PST instead of 6 pm. There is even a new thread.

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