preload at 6pm gabe newell

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Did you notice the Forum went down for a while?

Was it hacking activity or not?

HL2Fallout forum went down exactly same time as this forum. Same people running these forums?
Crusader said:
You are in Daylight Saving Time which is PDT in your area. :)

listen, it doesn't matter what time zone who is in. gabe said what time it would happen according to his clock at 6pm. our clocks are the same because we are all on the west coast. my clock says its past 6pm. ok?
bayaraa i noticed that.. piece it together, hl2net problems, hl2fallout problems, steam content server problems ............. uh oh.
You went to the office on sept 30 HAHAHAHA...and he pawned you.
Where were the Steam content server problems? They have drops like that all the time.
I think announcing the time for this was like saying "start your engines" to the DDOS folks.
One hour of testing, well i guess that would explain the servers resetting, oh well, all the recent updates have been 7pm anyway.
listen, it doesn't matter what time zone who is in. gabe said what time it would happen according to his clock at 6pm. our clocks are the same because we are all on the west coast. my clock says its past 6pm. ok?

Well I tried to be patient with you, but to no avail. Go read, go learn. try here for a start

Your clock is at PDT, ok? Not PST. Now I know that gabe meant PDT when he said PST, but that is neither here nor there. Even though this has been explained a number of times during the thread you haven't paid attention and continued talking rubbish...
WhiteDevil: They are probably checking bandwith (they can call the combany to double their bandwith) or to check to make sure there are no spoilers in there, or to check to make sure they aren't missing any files.

There are tons of things to check.. It's like saying "What do they need to check on a spaceship? Just press go."
keep complaining but when it goes live tonight i bet you all will download it than find somthing ELSE to complain about.

It never will end with any of you complainers. So why not just take a step in advance and just complain about everything in one long post. Than go away and stopw asting bandwith complaining about the stupidest things if it were 1 minute late for that 1 minute you would be whining.

Just give it a rest already, its becomming quite pathetic
lol, what the hell are they testing? im thinkin they're gonna release tonight!
THEY can't make a DATE ever....HAAHHAHA....don't you get it...cha cha cha cha....HAHAHA...Kackle.
The Dos attacks have gotten much shorter, they obviously know how to shut them down quickly now so there really isn't much of a problem.
Btw, what are they testing, I thought it was just a preload?
Iced_Eagle said:
They are probably checking bandwith (they can call the combany to double their bandwith) or to check to make sure there are no spoilers in there, or to check to make sure they aren't missing any files.

There are tons of things to check.. It's like saying "What do they need to check on a spaceship? Just press go."

yes but space programs are a bit better when it comes to planning.
Sounds to me like they found a big ol bug in it a little before 6 and are going crazy trying to fix it in the little time thats left. Just one more hour.. No only one more.. Wait! no.. 1 more hour...
"OH NOES!!!oneone Hl2 BlEW UP STEAMZORS1111oneone"-Billy, the 10 year old hl2 fan

heh, I can expect these posts to show up.
Democritus said:
I think announcing the time for this was like saying "start your engines" to the DDOS folks.

heh....maybe it was an attempt to trick those trying to own their servers.
hunteraz said:
lol, what the hell are they testing? im thinkin they're gonna release tonight!

Read my post on the previous page at the very very bottom.
All this week the content server bandwidth graph has been spiking in the same incriments up and down, about 1.5 mbps, this drop just now is exactly the same, if it was ddos id expect it to be slightly different.

Looks like they switched one back on, there up to 7.25 rofl
Iced_Eagle said:
There are tons of things to check.. It's like saying "What do they need to check on a spaceship? Just press go."

It's not like technicians start testing spaceships an hour before launch though.
Well at least they told us what is going on, that is nice of them :)
Who confirmed a DOS or DDOS attack..I hear nothing of this.
I'm sure Gabe made a mistake... update or pre-load normaly start at 7:00 PST no?

I'm pretty sure thats why we are waiting and waiting
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