Preload Started!

Use this thread for disscussion about it.
Is it going incredibly slow for anyone else? Not saying I didn't expect it to fly, just making sure its slow for others as well
thanks icarus, nice to know you can be reasoned with. :cheers:

300kb/s :p yay

Now i can finally go to bed (4:12 am here, and work tomorrow :rolleyes: :E )
Mine won't even start, tells me too many people are downloading...
I must have got in fast... I'm getting 600kb/s and never drops below 591... :)
Crusader said:
Mine won't even start, tells me too many people are downloading...

That really sucks. I wonder if that means that all of the available bandwidth is used up, or if VALVe allocated a much smaller amount for the preload so the other steam games won't be affected. I'm betting on the latter. Which is going to suck for a few people.
I know moron poster admins...
who wants to read a book.
I like to read a thread with 20 or less posts in it. I really don't care for a thread that has 3204384923849348239 posts in it.
Jeeez, you guys fast... I'm only at 9%! :p And I started like right when I could too... :hmph:
If the game is preloading today how can it be that far off, I honestly can't see them preloading files and have it release months least were making progress is all i'm saying :D

btw steam servers seem to be full, it says try back in a few hours :(
Whoever asked how to tell how fast its dling you right click steam icon in tray and click monitor its in there.
roofylake said:
I know moron poster admins...
who wants to read a book.
I like to read a thread with 20 or less posts in it. I really don't care for a thread that has 3204384923849348239 posts in it.
Icarus just became a mod... still fascinated with all the boootanz I suppose. ;)
Alright, the race is on. First one to finish the preload (with screenshot) gets an internet high-five.
Crusader said:
Mine won't even start, tells me too many people are downloading...

just give it time man..obviously not everyone can pre-load at the same time even with the bandwidth capabilities that Valve has.

besides...theres no hurry really.. not like u would be able to play the game after the pre-loading.

just hang in there buddy :)
Aaaawwww... Steam is junk.. "The steam servers are currently too busy to handle any more preloads oh Half-Life 2. Please try again in a few hours."

Great. :angry: Ahh well.. its just a preload anyways :)
besides...theres no hurry really.. not like u would be able to play the game after the pre-loading.

Thats what they want you to think. *Nudge, nudge*
ok. I hsve pre-ordered HL2. And I dont plan on buying it threw steam. So what use do I have pre-loading ?

Can I still pre-load and search around the pre-load for cool stuff ?
60% @ 20 after, its goin a lot faster than i figured it would. Good job valve ^_^
Not to be too pessimistic but unlike when everyone was flipping out about downloading the huge 700mb E3 videos and they actually got something at the end, this time everyones gonna finish and be like "yep, that was cool." and they still have to wait. so why get excited?
thebarge said:
Aaaawwww... Steam is junk.. "The steam servers are currently too busy to handle any more preloads oh Half-Life 2. Please try again in a few hours."

Great. :angry: Ahh well.. its just a preload anyways :)
Thanks for taking the hit... all of us that are able to download get to go fast! :LOL:
Ikerous said:
60% @ 20 after, its goin a lot faster than i figured it would. Good job valve ^_^

46%....looks like you're going to beat me Ikerous :p
thebarge said:
Aaaawwww... Steam is junk.. "The steam servers are currently too busy to handle any more preloads oh Half-Life 2. Please try again in a few hours."

Great. :angry: Ahh well.. its just a preload anyways :)

Don't feel too bad, The first round of people should be done in about 40 more minutes, then you can start trying again. It should be too long of a wait. There can't be THAT many geeks waiting to DL this thing.
skater4evr5 said:
ok. I hsve pre-ordered HL2. And I dont plan on buying it threw steam. So what use do I have pre-loading ?

Can I still pre-load and search around the pre-load for cool stuff ?

No, it is encrypted. You are just using bandwidth. I mean that's not a problem, I guess you are wasting your own time :)
hey i wonder how fast do 56kers get it at? 10kb/s?