Preload Started!

If your not going to buy the game through steam stop freakin downloading the cahe!! God damn it!. I cant download anything.
I think this should have only been for people who registered their ATI Serial number.

It doesn't matter, I am going to the store to buy it and I am going to prload it because I want to have it the second I get home. :farmer:
AgentXen said:
If your not going to buy the game through steam stop freakin downloading the cahe!! God damn it!. I cant download anything.
I think this should have only been for people who registered their ATI Serial number.

relax you can't play it til November anyway :x
muka3d said:
Kudos to Valve, this time Gabe kept his word!
BTW, since I was not at home (left shortly after HL2 was said to start, at the round hour of 6), what time did it ACTUALLY start, like 6:30, or what?
7 sharp (Pacific time of course ;) )
muka3d said:
Kudos to Valve, this time Gabe kept his word!
BTW, since I was not at home (left shortly after HL2 was said to start, at the round hour of 6), what time did it ACTUALLY start, like 6:30, or what?
6:59 by my PC clock.
muka3d said:
Kudos to Valve, this time Gabe kept his word!
BTW, since I was not at home (left shortly after HL2 was said to start, at the round hour of 6), what time did it ACTUALLY start, like 6:30, or what?

7 on the nose
The preload is just over 1 gig, you are looking at Base source shared.. you should be looking at Base source shared materials... -_-

Edit: Wow, thread shot past while i was typing, ignore above :D
Network utilization is only at 25%. I think Valve is scared of letting her loose; ISP/Peering partners charge by percent utilization of a link.
lazicsavo said:
Sounds like a challange to millions of hackers.

yeah and even if they do manage crack it, what they have is only textures and material files which is like, big woop. pretty smart move by valve
Anybody wanna bet how long it takes for these files to appear on Supernova, the encryption totally broken and everything laid out in nice little easy to open files.

I give those lonely bastards about 4-5 days.
deltron zero said:
relax you can't play it til November anyway :x

I'd like to buy into the rumors flying around that it'll go gold soon, but I just can't put faith in them. A showstopping bug could change everything. But I certainly hope it isn't pushed that far back (Nov). I don't think it will. I'll be optimistic and say it'll be announced gold soon after the pre-load finishes completely, and the shelf date will be announced for sometime mid to late September. Then again, I am just being optimistic.
How much more of the game do you think is still left to download? (of the material that can still be changed)
I've been a doubter all along but with the preload I would have to agree that we'll see Gold next week possibly.
lazicsavo said:
I can't stop crying.

NICE! The Grudge! TOOL is the best band ever. Period.

Also, I just hit 100%, someone can now take my place.
AgentXen said:
How much more of the game do you think is still left to download? (of the material that can still be changed)

The most fundamental components of a game also happen to be the smallest, so they can give us almost everything and the game still wouldn't run at all.
N0N1337H41 said:
NICE! The Grudge! TOOL is the best band ever. Period.

Also, I just hit 100%, someone can now take my place.

A perfect song to listen to while the best game of all time (please god) slowly seeps onto my computer.
AgentXen said:
How much more of the game do you think is still left to download? (of the material that can still be changed)

I don't know much about this stuff, but if Far Cry is any indicator (similar texture quality and DX9 features) I'd guess about 2-3GB total? That's when it's on the hard drive in Valve/Half-Life 2 folder and what not. So to answer your question, about 1-2GB left perhaps?
I'm listening to Tool too. I'm partial to Parabol and Parabola... :)
I still dont understand....whats the point of a preload? Why not jsut wait for the game to come out? I dont get it...dont flame this....just help me out
Tyguy said:
I still dont understand....whats the point of a preload? Why not jsut wait for the game to come out? I dont get it...dont flame this....just help me out

if you preload it you can play it the second it's released instead of having to download it then when everyone else is, or having to install from the CDs.
booogerhead said:
I'm listening to Tool too. I'm partial to Parabol and Parabola... :)

Oh yeah, why isn't that just one song though, they blend perfectly into each other. I love the Patient as well.

Oh yeah, go HL2 (just to keep this HL2 oriented).
lazicsavo said:
A perfect song to listen to while the best game of all time (please god) slowly seeps onto my computer.

Mmmm...Tool...*drools* They need to hurry up and finish their new album, and start a new tour with new material. Their last tour was f****** incredible. Alex Grey's art and murals really added a whole new level to their performance. Oh yeah, and Danny Carey is god on the drums. Nuff said.
deltron zero said:
if you preload it you can play it the second it's released instead of having to download it then when everyone else is, or having to install from the CDs.

No, Doom 3 took less than 10 min to install, so I can wait the 10-15 min for HL2 to install.
Tyguy said:
I still dont understand....whats the point of a preload? Why not jsut wait for the game to come out? I dont get it...dont flame this....just help me out

2 reasons its important. 1 its proof that hl2 isn't going to be much longer in development. 2 if people preload, when you buy the game on steam, you can activate it without having to go to a store to buy a copy. OR you can buy a copy at the store, enter your cdkey and play with the preloaded version. it basically takes strain off the servers to start preloading now, and gradually people will get it.

but of course its integeral for people who aren't buying the box version.
Perhaps Valve is just preloading something that wont ruin the game (very much). Then a week later, if is hacked, they will have to beef up their encryption before releasing sounds or something which spoils the game more easily, but if it is not hacked then they can feel safe about releasing the next preload.
so i guess it turns out that ne1 can preload hl2 , i thought it was only for people with the ati card and have the coupon , also this MUST mean the release is pretty damn soon.
deltron zero said:
if you preload it you can play it the second it's released instead of having to download it then when everyone else is, or having to install from the CDs.

So wouldnt you just pay through steam and not buy the game?
aeroripper said:
Okay this isn't a TOOL thread its about the preload... thank you :)

Well, what kind of music to do listen to during the preload...TOOL there you go, now it's about the proload :)
So wouldnt you just pay through steam and not buy the game?

Yes you could but i don't know if they will let you unlock it on steam the DAY it goes gold, or after it starts arriving in stores... it all just depends

Besides i am buying it in store so i can have the box and all that stuff :-P ... i love boxes... i work in a box factory