Preload Started!

all done :)

theyre very misleading.

A copy of Half-Life 2 has been locked onto your computer.

Bullshit. its just a few of the things.
guinny said:
all done :)

theyre very misleading.

A copy of Half-Life 2 has been locked onto your computer.

Bullshit. its just a few of the things.

Or is it... ? :O
How can you tell how fast it's downloading? Some of you guys are saying at like 300KB/sec. All i see is the loading bar and the Percentage completed on top of it.
you can tell how fast it is by rought-clicking the steam icon in your task tray, then going "monitor".

BTW< after lookin in my apps for for the file, turns out that i downloaded all the mods for half life without my consent. explains that missing bit of HDD....
Stamp said:
you can tell how fast it is by rought-clicking the steam icon in your task tray, then going "monitor".

BTW< after lookin in my apps for for the file, turns out that i downloaded all the mods for half life without my consent. explains that missing bit of HDD....

Ahh ok cool, i'm getting 960 kb/sec...not that fast :S...the fastest i can download is 460 KB/sec.

now.. i have 1 gig of space just WAITING to be used.


man, i can't even look inside....

its like a box of wonders....


i wonder when HL2 is coming out...

... (suspence slience)
we know whats inside. materials. like wood, metal, skies, the hud etc. everything that you'll be able to see visually in the game is pretty much is in that file.
but i am a music fanatatic, i compose it... listen to it pretty much when im awake... i have to get those sounds!!!

ahh... forget it.
I just hope that every person pre-loading the files, actually plans in buying HL2 throught Steam. Otherwise they'd just come off as morons. Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
Caminante said:
I just hope that every person pre-loading the files, actually plans in buying HL2 throught Steam. Otherwise they'd just come off as morons. Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
Many will be downloading it thinking they can play it

I'd put money on Valve getting countless emails with "wtf!! I preloaded but I can't play, you suck!"

They should paste all those mails up here, with headers :E
i downloaded it thinking that i would be able to at least get into it. guess not. but now the install will be nice and quick! And i would PROBABLY get the physical game, because theres nothing like feeling a brand spanking new game in your hands!
The Steam server is busy at the moment please try again in few hours :laugh:

I am not buying this game from Steam. I am getting it a hard copy :)
poseyjmac said:
geography isn't very relevant in the first place when you are talking about bandwidth. im in california yet i can get 500k/s on a server in germany.

and you mean to tell me that the fact Steam connected me to a North American server in the evening (for the US), which is a typically busy time for the US servers didnt have any backlash (considering pre-load took me 6 hours on my 1.5meg connection?)

yeah right.

even if they gave me a fully 3D digital case that i could zoom in on and transform into a giant robot i wouldnt preload it.

Even though I've done a proper pre-order, I did try to preload it and the servers are apparently too busy.

Well, 15,000Gb or not, it was gonna happen.
Sorry if this has been asked before but my pre-load is done and I just wanna know where it went... whats the file called? :rolling:
this is very interesting. everybody's flipping out for no reason heh ;) well, yes, it definitely is a good sign that hl2 is available for preload, because this means hl2 will be released this year. maybe next month? who knows.

anyway, i cba downloading this. i love these brand-new installation dvds, and i want the goodie pack. heh :p
klown said:
Sorry if this has been asked before but my pre-load is done and I just wanna know where it went... whats the file called? :rolling:

inside your c:\steam\steamapplication\account\hl2

Gorgon said:
inside your c:\steam\steamapplication\account\hl2

Thats what I thought it would be but I dont see one??
I know how to search but I only see a hl2 folder in cs:s is that it?
klown said:
I know how to search but I only see a hl2 folder in cs:s is that it?

I don't think so, it should have a file.something

I am not sure, :sleep:
Is there anyway to buy HL2 through Steam except with credit cards?
i started to dl the preload llast night and it stopped at 38% this morning and hasnt dled anymore, anyone know why it stopped or hasnt tried to dl anymore?
I haven't been able to start pre-loading for 8 hours now.
perhaps download capacity is exceeded and you cant resume your download yet
Wow tonnes of people must be downloading this thing...

Edit: I haven't seen a single KB of it yet...
hmm ill go to work and if it hasnt dled anymore when i get back i guess il restart >_<