Prepare for DECEMBER


Apr 11, 2004
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From a sales point of view(i am looking through this point of view because of Vivendi and who knows maybe Valve) believe the game will make more money in the holiday season with comptetion to Halo2, so i reckon this game probably wont see the light of day until sometime november or december, and this pisses me off because i know they would probably do this just to get some extra money. Dont get me wrong i am still hoping for september(key word: H O P I N G) because at the rate things are going i am getting more pissed everytime i hear of a delay or a new BINK is out, its almost like the BINKS have become valve's "apology" to the delays. The question: how many more delays until the game is in our HD drives?????????? :angry: :borg: :borg:
Yeah i do think its possible too. I also think somewhere in december, and im just being realistic.
It's is possible it comes out between Sept 2004 - sept 2126
I would think it's better to release the game before Halo2.... but thats just me and I'm no economist
If it does come out later than Sept, it has nothing to do with Halo2...different platform. They are not on the same playing field.
I am still guessing 30th September. I will be surprised if it is any later than mid October.

But not terribly surprised.
why would it make more money when there is competition?
Sickmind said:
If it does come out later than Sept, it has nothing to do with Halo2...different platform. They are not on the same playing field.

unless you happen to own both an xbox and a PC and are wondering which game to buy....

Releasing to close to a game as big as H2, even on a console, is probably a bad idea. Press Coverage and stuff will be split.
un0x said:
I would think it's better to release the game before Halo2.... but thats just me and I'm no economist

Why? HALO 2 is a console game. Half Life 2 will hardly lose sales if its released at the same time as HALO 2, cause both got a different audience.
People choose between the two games no matter the platform, that way one will make more money than the other, one will win and the othr lose, but not by much, they(being the publisher) create a dilemma that gamers have to work out and eventually choose one of the titles, its stupid i know, its frickin ridiculous, but that's the twisted world we live in.
figge said:
It's is possible it comes out between Sept 2004 - sept 2126

Yep, thats the most realistic release date eva! And we'll all be dead by then :p


I HIGHLY doubt it would be in december, if they want to make more money fast and ASAP, they would might as well get it done, shipped, released ASAP. Im pretty sure it would be out somewhere in september. Oh and im being realistic.
Sad thing is I've been saying "September at the earliest" for months now (much to some other people's displeasure), but even I myself didn't fully believe that "at the earliest" part of it. I thought SURELY they'd have it out by October...
I think HL2 will released at the same time as Quake 43 at the end of the year 2145.
I'd be fairly confident in saying it will be released before DNF, but not 100% confident :p
And what are they gonna do with Vampire?
Releasing after december?
No, this can't be.
Its a preload of components of the game that have already been finished.

How does this affect the release date of HL2?
hmm its Half-Life 2, release it near christmas, or release it on a day simalar to the WTC disaster 9/11, it will sell regardless
Sparta said:
Its a preload of components of the game that have already been finished.

How does this affect the release date of HL2?

Quite obviously because once they're released to preload it's a concrete sign that the game is coming and that large parts of the game have been locked down and dubbed finished.

Until that happens you can assume those parts AREN'T finished and that we're looking at a totally indeterminate release date.
Well, apparently alot of people are saying next Wednesday it will be released lol. Obviouslly that will not happen because the game has not even gone gold yet. Unless they pull a UT2K4 and is like "Well folks the game is gold and has already been produced and will be in stores 9/2." As in as I'm writing this (8 AM ), the game is already being mass producedThat's very unlikely tho only because im sure someone from the "inside" (i.e. that works at say an EB Distribution facility) would have leaked and said that they have either recieved or is going to recieve any day now, a shipment of HL 2.
Shit I didn't even think about the poor guys behind Vampire Bloodlines. What an awesome looking game too, and they're forced to just sit on it for who knows how long.

Although they are probably wisely taking the extra time to polish the game more so that can't be all bad. But I'd be pissed.
Half Life 2 is too big of a game to make much extra profits if it was released in the Holiday season. There was some cnn article about it. Besides, if they release it in October, all thsoe mothers and fathers that would buy their children a copy for christmas could still do that.
its called half-life for a reason, you wait half your life, and it comes out, but wait, this is half life 2, so that means your whole life you will wait! ok comense flamming for corniness
December is excellent for me, cause I am waiting for AMD64 motherboards with PCI-Ex in December plus new Graphics Card from both ATI&NV. :D
If they wanna make more money, release the Collectors Edition 2 months after the regular edition.
scarecrow1 said:
From a sales point of view(i am looking through this point of view because of Vivendi and who knows maybe Valve) believe the game will make more money in the holiday season with comptetion to Halo2, so i reckon this game probably wont see the light of day until sometime november or december, and this pisses me off because i know they would probably do this just to get some extra money. Dont get me wrong i am still hoping for september(key word: H O P I N G) because at the rate things are going i am getting more pissed everytime i hear of a delay or a new BINK is out, its almost like the BINKS have become valve's "apology" to the delays. The question: how many more delays until the game is in our HD drives?????????? :angry: :borg: :borg:

No. Releasing it in December is a horrible time. The fourth quater is pretty much over in December (goes from October to December). Vivideni wants to have a dramatic fourth quater push (for their finanical statements) so having HL2 released in October would be great for them.

Halo 2 has nothing to do with it.

Anyways, that point is moot, because Vavle will only release HL2 when it is done. Not a moment sooner.
mcojunk said:
I think HL2 will released at the same time as Quake 43 at the end of the year 2145.

:LOL: that's funny. You don't want to know when HL3's gonna hit the stores huh ... I hear it's gonna be released inside the game Halo 12: "Revenge of the empty laserguns"
Holliday season is the worst time for games sales. Q4 is the best. This is why we have rome total war, sims2, etc.. out in september. And may be HL2?
HL2 will sell any time any place.
Valve dont need xmas
Since Gabe has said that it will be released "VERY SOON", I doubt it that it will stretch to december. It will be released sometime in september.
If it's not out by about half-way through November it'll probably be out in the new year. I've read that December is a bad month to release games.
I'm putting my money on early September. A: because Gabe certainly doesn't want to hear all the bitchin' he'll get if its not out before the 30th, and B: because early Sept. gets it in all the review mags, etc. for their October issues, and when Johnny Casual Gamer's mom is looking around Wal-Mart for a game to get him for Christmas, she'll see all those cover blurbs about "Half-Life 2: Game of the Year?", and she'll head on over to the games section to snag a copy. Which will make the bean-counters at Vivendi very, very happy...

Edit: And Johnny's mom will probably take one look at the cover of Doom 3, and think "I'm not buying some satanic, scary game for my little guy; look at this (HL2), it's got this nice-looking young 'college boy' on the cover..." :E
anybody that is going to buy hl2 will buy it any time of the year. the only extra copies it would sell would be the "random" purchases during christmas, and in all likelyness, even if hl2 is released in september, there will still be huge displays of HL2 in retail stores during the winter shopping season.
valve would never stick to a 'summer' release and then suddenly drop it for the holidays
B_MAN said:
valve would never stick to a 'summer' release and then suddenly drop it for the holidays

you're right, they'd rather delay it a year :E :(
lol you guys are so funny, always joking about valve's delays. i can see gabe reading this forum with a tear in his eye ;_;