Prepare for DECEMBER

I dont think it matters when Hl2 is released. Its gonner sell big what ever day its released. I dont think there is a bad time to release HL2 sales wise apart from the longer it takes the less peoples interests will get. Bink videos and CS:S beta boosting that of course to bring in extra people to buying it, also the preload makes people think its coming soon and gets them excited.
They won't send the release candidate to Vivendi until the CS:S beta is complete and the bugs are removed. This has been stated by Gabe himself in at least a couple of e-mails in the info from Valve thread. I'll bet that they won't start the HL2 preload until the CS:S beta is complete and they have an RC at Vivendi pending approval, just to make sure that nothing is to be changed. Expect at least another 2-3 weeks before we hear a gold announcement.
I personally think the game will get released when the BEAN counters say so and not a day before, at this point they want as much return on there investment as anyone. I don't blame them for that BUT dont bs us with dates that Valve knows is false to string us along on the hope wagon. The only thing that makes me mad at all is the unrealistic release dates, take Johns method and just say " its done when its done" and put that lombardeyy foooo on a muzzle.
I'm just hoping that we're not sitting here talking about this shit a year from now and HL2 turns into another DNF. At least we're getting some hints of progress like the release of CSS Beta. DNF fans haven't gotten jack.
Its coming soon.

Stopped playin HL/servers ect 2 years ago.

Just showed up yesterday to "investigate" to get server preps info and chatch up on the digs,(to avoid the excrucuiating pain you fine folks have been in.

(not to brag, but to make my point) i have saved over the last 3 years...let my car new clothes ect to purchase

3.5G on a rig 4 moths ago

I just spent 4g on a projetor with dvi

Never mid the stereo system

ALL for 1 video Game

I toild my Wife to prepare for widowisation

wife: aww shit..."there goes half yer life again"

Its coming out soon..I know these things,,i have a sense about them.

SO buck Up and swallow the dust soldiers...the prise is sweeter the longer it takes to drink of its nector. Valve will not dissapoint. It will be the finest example of sticker value once again.

The time is near.

The time for Half-LIfe
