President Bush To Address Getting Back Into The Space Race!!!


Jul 9, 2003
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I though this may be interesting to some of you Space Lovers (ME) According to the National Review: When President Bush delivers a speech recognizing the centenary of heavier-than-air-powered flight December 17, it is expected that he will proffer a bold vision of renewed space flight, with at its center a return to the moon, perhaps even establishment of a permanent presence there. If he does, it will mean that he has decided the United States should once again become a space-faring nation.' Here's hoping. The article also includes talk of nuclear engines and using the moon as a testbed for going to Mars.
Would be cool...the vast unknown of space always interested me. bush blow up the moon and mess up the earths orbit like in that time travel movie...
He has enough problems on the Planet EARTH. His endeavors beyond space will do little, if not, exacerbate the problems that already plague his homeland (or shall I say, homeworld?).
I repeat (for the inordinate amount of time), The United States does NOT own the moon, so I feel there is little need for us to have some permanent settlement there now. However, the future may offer better prospects.
Sweet, I've been waiting a long time to hear anything good from the US space program. Maybe this time what the president will say will translate into action being taken. Here's hoping.
Okay something wierd is happening in this thread. I know I posted before Javert.
all the threads have been messed up like that since they changed the ranking system and removed quick post
I think it's a good idea. More than 50% of the technology we have today is largely due in part to all the research and tech development that was necessary to get to the moon in the first place. Without that first technological push decades ago, we might not have all the tech we have now. Those advances snowballed into what we have now - least that's what I believe and say to those that think the space program is waste of money.
Bush was probably inspired by the JFK stuff that's been on TV recently. You know, he thinks that if we can get the attention off the terrible job he's doing and onto some footage from the moon, we won't notice the billions of dollars he's wasting.

I'm all for the space program, but it smells like a propaganda move to me.
Originally posted by dis
I think it's a good idea. More than 50% of the technology we have today is largely due in part to all the research and tech development that was necessary to get to the moon in the first place. Without that first technological push decades ago, we might not have all the tech we have now. Those advances snowballed into what we have now - least that's what I believe and say to those that think the space program is waste of money.

So what you're saying is what we have today is due to the space race? And the space race was due to the communists also trying to get to the moon? So then reasoning states that the communists are responsible for this wave of technology and Half Life 2! Thank you communism!
Originally posted by Javert
He has enough problems on the Planet EARTH. His endeavors beyond space will do little, if not, exacerbate the problems that already plague his homeland (or shall I say, homeworld?).
I repeat (for the inordinate amount of time), The United States does NOT own the moon, so I feel there is little need for us to have some permanent settlement there now. However, the future may offer better prospects.

I get sick or repeating this:

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

Teddy Roosevelt

Because there is trouble now as there has always and forever be we should not dare new things , explore further the one true frontier that remains? We should not attempt to expand the presence of MANKIND , not just the United States? Should we not try to colonize another planet merely because we dont 'own' it , or because there are petty squables here. Last I checked there were some minor growing population problems. We should not try to solve these? Id rather dare to do something great and amazing then live in a world without new boundaries , without a new frontier.

PS(OT)- We should attempt to terraform Mars and colonize. And a moonbase would be awsome.
Originally posted by Spiffae
Bush was probably inspired by the JFK stuff that's been on TV recently. You know, he thinks that if we can get the attention off the terrible job he's doing and onto some footage from the moon, we won't notice the billions of dollars he's wasting.

I'm all for the space program, but it smells like a propaganda move to me.

I have issues with this. But since this is not a politics thread (at least not about Bush) I wont respond. I dont feel the need to drag Bush into this.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Spiffae, I would have never have thought you'd feel that way! ;)

awww GhostValkyrie, it's nice to feel loved. :LOL:

EDIT: aren't you in texas? I'll be taking a trip down there over the holidays. Maybe i'll stop by your house and spit on your doormat :)
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
I get sick or repeating this:

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

Teddy Roosevelt

Because there is trouble now as there has always and forever be we should not dare new things , explore further the one true frontier that remains? We should not attempt to expand the presence of MANKIND , not just the United States? Should we not try to colonize another planet merely because we dont 'own' it , or because there are petty squables here. Last I checked there were some minor growing population problems. We should not try to solve these? Id rather dare to do something great and amazing then live in a world without new boundaries , without a new frontier.

PS(OT)- We should attempt to terraform Mars and colonize. And a moonbase would be awsome.

I completely agree!
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
Space Race? Who are we racing against?

Want me to answer that philosophically? Ourselves in actuality versus the collective ideal of ourselves and what we are want to be.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Commies. :)

yes...the chinese want to go to the moon, but bush wants to keep it "america's moon"

which, incidentally, will probably be the slogan for reviving the lunar program.
sounds like javert is a little bitter, as if hes trying to put america in its place. america is the rome of today. we are one of the most powerful contries in the world (need i say solar system?) i think that it is a good move for bush, as if some other people think they could do better. we dont want to be the cops of the world but someone needs to stop the genocidal tyrants. space is where the future is. this post is somewhat jumbled but i had many thoughts especailly with jav's incredable ignorant post.
Honestly, I dont mind a moon program, but there is no reason to use humans. It's too dangerous and expensive. Instead we can more cheaply and easily send drones by the dozen to do whatever type of work they plan to do there.
/me looks at Spiffae, and points out the window.

One of these days, Alice! Bam! Straight to the Moon! :)
The moon eh? It'll never work i tell you! NEVER!
I'm not going to jump up and down from joy, until I see the news posted on I need some confirmation. This might actually be one of the few decisions Bush made that I can agree on.
Wow, man that would be cool if hes gonna announce it :) that mean that they will be compeating with the chinease.
so....we let our space program go to shit.......we let brave men and woman die when we easily could have prevented it...we let them go into the most hostile enviroment known to man in outdated tin cans........

....some chinese mofos think about going to the moon....and we have to compete just so we can stay #1......

i hate this ****ing country
There are a lot of problems in creating a permanent base on the moon.

1. we need a faster way to get there (we could have a earth space station as a launching pad, and a moon space station to land on. Then we need a fast way to get from the earth station to the moon station, say nuclear engines. Then we need a very cheap way to get up and down to each station from the planet.

2. then we need to tunnel through lots of rock to make a solid moon base, which would be even harder on the dark side of the moon.

3. we would constantly need a resupply of air and water on the moon.

4. we cant even THINK about going to mars unless we have several self sustaining moon bases.

However I think this is just Bush misdirection from the war in Iraq, which we botched, and that was misdirection from our terrible economy.

Like the article said, George Bush Sr. made a similar speech, and 14 years later we have one crappy spave station and an aging shuttle program, so I wouldn't put too much faith in this speech.

maybe in another 14 years we might have a space station around the moon, and a decent shuttle system. Then one of Bush's daughters will be presedent, and we will all be screwed.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
so....we let our space program go to shit.......we let brave men and woman die when we easily could have prevented it...we let them go into the most hostile enviroment known to man in outdated tin cans........

....some chinese mofos think about going to the moon....and we have to compete just so we can stay #1......

i hate this ****ing country

My thoughts exactly.
Yeah I love space. And I AM excited about this.:bounce:
Originally posted by r4z0r_bl4d3
3. we would constantly need a resupply of air and water on the moon.
Yeah, that's a huge problem. They are sending probes to the moon to search for water (ice), but found nothing interesting so far. If a large pocket of ice was found on the moon, that would be great. It would mean an easy supply of water and oxygen.

The european Mars probe is also searching for ice on Mars.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Wow, man that would be cool if hes gonna announce it :) that mean that they will be compeating with the chinease.

yeah, we can't let the "chinease" get there first! that's our moon!
Well air wouldn't need to be brought there because you can have a very large greenhouse to grow crops, from wich they get food and oxygen.

Also if they install a water treatment plant they don't need to bring water there too often either.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Well air wouldn't need to be brought there because you can have a very large greenhouse to grow crops, from wich they get food and oxygen.

Also if they install a water treatment plant they don't need to bring water there too often either.

all they need is a source of water(ice)....from that they can produce all the oxygen they need.

plants would not work......there is no way we could build an efficient enough facility ....

that only works in the movies....
I belive that exploring space would be great. seriously, who knows mabe people would put down thier petty squables if we found something out there. mabe we could all make an effort to reach to a new place a new beyond. Pretty cool i think.