President Bush To Address Getting Back Into The Space Race!!!

Originally posted by Aethaecyn
Does nobody remember the bio-dome experiments of the mid-90's? They were failures completely, some of the plants died off and they had to bring in outside materials at one point, I don't see why we could do it on the moon if we can't do it on our own planet, you know a self-sustaining environment that is, also on the faster way of getting their they are thinking of building a launching "tube" as well in which they would pump out all the air and I don't know too much about it I didn't read too much in detail but that would I guess cause it to not have to battle friction in leaving but rather pure gravitational forces which would allow for cleaner take-offs/less shielding and some other crap, dunno you can find stuff about it if you look it's been a while personally.

edit- I just heard someone say somethign about strip-mining the moon in a negative way. Yes I'm sure it will upset the ecosystem and plant life, cause extinctions and all that to the moon rabbits if we strip mined.. Wouldn't want to displace the wildlife. *end sarcasm* the rocks wont care if we move them around to get at what we want pal.

hey that was in the 90's, things change, right now a computer has gone from what 200 MHZ to 3000 MHZ. Space technology lept from earth to the moon in 10 years too. im thinking the bidome could start being good in the 10 years we've alowed it, 1990 to 2000 i mean!
Originally posted by The Terminator
"This is not an America thing, this is a human thing, and I think perhaps combining efforts with some foreign help would be excellent."

Ever heard of the International Space Station?

hmm what did the russians put on there again? acctually its should be the russian, US spacestation cause arent we the only ones still sorta workin on it?
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Do you work for NASA? I think not.
Forgive me for saying this, but, you seem to be the type of person that would have been skeptical of the television. Humanity cannot benefit from skepticism, not that it can from high hopes...but, it most certainly can from aspiration.

1.Stop lecturing me. Its getting annoying. Your a mod for christ sakes....stop trying to provoke me.

2. read what i said in previous posts before you comments atttacking my character.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
im speaking logistically.....not technologically.

there is a differance..... its not as simple as

"hey mah lets send dat dere rockit ship to da mune"

your not looking at the big picture.

Originally posted by The Mullinator
You would be surprised how much technology we have right now, we actually have more than enough technology right now to develop some sort of biodome, all thats needed is the money. That is where a space race comes in, you see what competition does is it stimulates the public. The government sees that the public is interested and will therefor be willing to put more money in to try and win the competition. More money into the space program means a higher chance of things like a bio-dome being developed.

The fact is NASA scientist's and planners have already developed a multitude of different ways of creating a base on the moon, and keep in mind these people know what they are doing. So if NASA scientists feel it is something that can be done given the money then why are you (most likely not a NASA engineer or anyone involved in the space business) feel that it is impossible to have a base on the moon given the technology we have?

its not that we COULDNT do it that way.

That is just not the best/most economical way to do it. (giant biodomes)

if we want it to last...and not be a 1shot deal that is.

please stop telling me im not a nasa well aware of that.

you guys have been watching to many sci-fi movies.......

its not as simple as packing some shit into a rocket and setting it up on the moon.

im not an idiot....... ive been following this subject my whole life (20 years)

well, alright. since you fools keep typing, i guess i'm going to have to drop some knowledge on the children.

1. NASA: why yes, i did work at nasa. i worked at GSFC to be exact. i was not an engineer, but a data analyst. there are tons of misconceptions about the US space program. hubble is going to be shut down for several reasons. cheifly, though, it's well over due. missions are designed, proposed and funded for specific periods of time. extensions of funding can be applied for if the mission is a huge success, as hubble has been. but hubble is old as hell now, by mission standards, much of what what hubble can do could be accomplished from much cheaper ground-based laser-correction telescopes.

using the moon as a launch pad to other other worlds (Mars) is a loooooooong way of, due indeed as crabcakes says to logistics. the simple expense of R&D, getting that much material to the moon, constructing the facility in the most hostile of environments, maintaining it necessitates more money than anyone could possibly imagine and would requitre several decades to complete, at least. such a facility would not save money as some believe, except when considered over an extremely long time scale. however, anything we could construct on the moon in the next 50 years would not remain serviceable over a very long time scale, so it'd not save money at all, quite the contray infact.
that's not to say we shouldn't invest in getting back to the moon in some capacity, but it calls for measured steps people.

2. china-bush: it is indeed very much because of the chinese that this has come back as an issue of discussion, no ****ing doubt. and, yes i think it's a good thing to have a space race for all of the ideas already mentioned in this thread. obviously without the soviets, there would have been no 60s "golden age" of space science. if it takes the chinese to motivate us, good! we're a fat lazy country, you have to start somewhere. oh and, it has nothing to do with any real competition from the chinese, but 'perceived' competition.

perception is everything, especially in politics. why bush's admin brought this out is almost certainly entirely politics. however, much like bush's statement about devoting money and time to developing a hydrogen fuel industry, it's a big idea that has little meaning in the here-and-now. it requires him to do nothing more than say a few words (ok, i want to make a joke here, but i'll control myself this once). big ideas far-off in the future score points with some people and give the administration something to point to if criticized about their domestic policy come election time, and cost next to nothing! hooray!

C.opticism: GV, wtf are you talking about? skepticism is what has gotten us where we are, Tex. I reckon alomst every great scientist and philospher were skeptics. 'aspiration' as you term it may be a driving force behind discovery, partner, but skepticism is the necessary machinery of invention.

~.calm the **** down!: seriously crabcakes, just cool off man! put down the keyboard, and walk away, before you do something crazy! we're all friends here (well, except GV, i'm pretty sure he's everyone's enemy). think of the children!

edit: after all of that, are there any questions? i'm sure i can answer them in a edutainmental way.
For reference China's not the only country planning to make a moon attempt. India announced in August that it wants to send a man by 2008.
Originally posted by Direwolf
India announced in August that it wants to send a man by 2008.

whats the odds someone cracks a "joke" about a corner shop on the moon when they do?
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Astronaut 1-"Base Controle, we can't find any crsytals for harvest...This Biodome is going to take longer than expected."
Base Control-"Damn, the Protoss are going to win!"
Astronaut 2-"What the hell are you guys talking about!? We're racing the Communists, not aliens!"

Thats the funniest thing ive read in a long time. :LOL:

Originally posted by Snakebyte
What do you mean we don't own the moon?

Since when does the UN have jurisdiction over the moon? I mean, i suppose its a satelite of earth. But it isnt actually part of Earth, neither was it created by humans. So really, anyone who puts up a fence first, gets to own it.

Originally posted by Fenric1138
whats the odds someone cracks a "joke" about a corner shop on the moon when they do?

No, that would be dumb...I mean, how many corners do you get on a sphere with no roads?
They're doing a take-off in the winter?

It'll be too cold in space!


(yes, I'm kidding)
Originally posted by waedoe
hmm what did the russians put on there again? acctually its should be the russian, US spacestation cause arent we the only ones still sorta workin on it?

only cause they have the ability to launch astronauts and equipment. Many countries have added to the ISS. Canada not too long ago updated the aging Canada arm with the Canada arm 2.