President Bush To Address Getting Back Into The Space Race!!!

Originally posted by crabcakes66
all they need is a source of water(ice)....from that they can produce all the oxygen they need.

plants would not work......there is no way we could build an efficient enough facility ....

that only works in the movies....

If theres a will theres a way. so far man kind has been able to conquer every problem we've faced. its only a matter of time before we find cures for aids and cancer. space is no prob, no one belived that we could acctually go to the moon in the 60's have some faith quit being so pesimistic.
I'm all for a revamping of the space program. I'm ready and willing to give up my tax dollars in the pursuit of science. I'm sick of my tax dollars being spent to "help out" other countries that don't even want our help anyways. It's time to get a little bit selfish.
Although I think going to the moon and exploring space is exciting and cool I think there are bigger problems america (not just bush) should be dealing with...

But hell who needs a health service... lets go to the moon....

And for all americans (and anyone else for that matter), here's a pop quiz...
1)Name as many countries as you can with a health service worse than america...

ALthough the left side of my brain is saying the above... the right hand side wants to go to the moon :cheese:
Seriously though, :cheese: , what is the point of going to the moon?? It is just a small, arid satellite. Mars is where its at. :bounce:
Originally posted by crabcakes66
so....we let our space program go to shit.......we let brave men and woman die when we easily could have prevented it...we let them go into the most hostile enviroment known to man in outdated tin cans........

....some chinese mofos think about going to the moon....and we have to compete just so we can stay #1......

i hate this ****ing country

Yes, it's the entire country's fault some bad decisions were made...:dozey:
I mean, we're obviously the worste SOBs on earth...and every other country is perfect. Though "Like it or leave it" is seemingly un-American in some cases, I would like to know; What is your problem, exactly?

BTW: What is wrong with competition? Without Competition, there would be no Space Program...not even a Russian one. The only reason the Russians began their program, was to compete with the U.S.A.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Yes, it's the entire country's fault some bad decisions were made...:dozey:
I mean, we're obviously the worste SOBs on earth...and every other country is perfect. Though "Like it or leave it" is seemingly un-American in some cases, I would like to know; What is your problem, exactly?

BTW: What is wrong with competition? Without Competition, there would be no Space Program...not even a Russian one. The only reason the Russians began their program, was to compete with the U.S.A.

gg , thanks for posting that for me , I didnt feel like arguing.

Whats the point of the moon? To prove that we CAN colonize , and then to serve as a low gravity launching point for future space flights. I have next to 0 high-tech space knowledge , but I imagine its alot easier to launch from a near 0 gravity moon enviroment than from and through Earths atmosphere , also easier to land on. Only problem is I dont know how well flame engines work without air.
I don't care what the hell the motivation for going to the moon is, as long as we get the space program back on its feet. (The idea of us now competing with the Chinese is ignorant and stupid. They do indeed plan to shoot for the moon in the longterm, but they're space program is barely on its feet, and its doubtful that they'll do it in the next few decades, if ever.)
I make no bones about it: space flight is likely the most important task that the human race will undertake. This is not an America thing, this is a human thing, and I think perhaps combining efforts with some foreign help would be excellent.
But to do it we'll have to do it right. The Apollo program essentially had unlimited funding, as long as they got the job done. This time around we need to take economics into consideration and devise a method of getting off the planet other than absolute brute force. Anyone who's been following the X-Prize competition knows that they're not only very close, but have some excellent ideas.
As to how we're going to do it: thats gonna take thought. Buzz Aldrin is advocating the idea of making another space station, a sort of cosmic pitstop, halfway between the earth and the moon. No matter what, if we can't hash it on the moon, we're never going anywhere else because its the first step.
"....some chinese mofos think about going to the moon....and we have to compete just so we can stay #1......"

Thats what i was thinking, its got nothing to do with pushing the boundaries of mankind but i am all for colonizing the moon as it would be so cool to look up one night and realise that people are actually living on that hunk of rock in the sky
Good good America, if china jumped off a cliff would you try to jump off a higher one, and faster too?

Heh, joke joke, I would like to see space stuff happaning, China or usa
Bush's war cabinant have him convinced that there's evil-doers and weapons of mass destruction on the moon.
I donno I just wish those japs would show their top secret Gundam facuilty on the moon and have them kill everyone,:farmer:
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
gg , thanks for posting that for me , I didnt feel like arguing.

Whats the point of the moon? To prove that we CAN colonize , and then to serve as a low gravity launching point for future space flights. I have next to 0 high-tech space knowledge , but I imagine its alot easier to launch from a near 0 gravity moon enviroment than from and through Earths atmosphere , also easier to land on. Only problem is I dont know how well flame engines work without air.

Infact if we had launching points for space craft on the moon, we would save money and fuel in the long run. We also would create less pollution on earth if we were able to launch further space explorations from the moon. You ask me " how would it save us fuel and money? " simply u need one burn to get going then u turn the engines off, you float for ever since there is no gravity, or friction in true space, thus u would spend less money on fuel. As for the environment, you would be able to save the environment by not haveing to launch more and more shuttles from earth. One last thing, in space since everything is weightless it would be alot easier to build large type space crafts, leading to further space exploration.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
all they need is a source of water(ice)....from that they can produce all the oxygen they need.

plants would not work......there is no way we could build an efficient enough facility ....

that only works in the movies....

You've never heard of the biodomes? where they lock people in a small man-made echo system and live there a year with no support from the outside? never herd of the plan suggestions for a mission to mars where they have a greenhouse to give part of they'r oxygen and food?

And no i can't give a link I've only seen documenterie's and watched the news.
While they cannot be relied upon as the sole providers of oxygen and water, a greenhouse goes a very long way to helping extend the use of those resources, and they provide food to boot.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
You've never heard of the biodomes? where they lock people in a small man-made echo system and live there a year with no support from the outside? never herd of the plan suggestions for a mission to mars where they have a greenhouse to give part of they'r oxygen and food?

And no i can't give a link I've only seen documenterie's and watched the news.

WE NEED TO FIND SOURCES GUYS, we need to show the world that the space program needs to be one of out top priorities!!!!
I think we should continue to try to expand into space. I would like to see a human set foot on Mars. I also think they should also continuiously research ways of space travel and stuff because the possiblities in space are endless.
"You've never heard of the biodomes? where they lock people in a small man-made echo system and live there a year with no support from the outside? never herd of the plan suggestions for a mission to mars where they have a greenhouse to give part of they'r oxygen and food?"

I pretty sure one of these projects in America was faked, they had problems with oxygen supplies and they came out early (if memory serves me correctly)
Originally posted by waedoe
WE NEED TO FIND SOURCES GUYS, we need to show the world that the space program needs to be one of out top priorities!!!!

I agree. Space exploration kinda lost popularity when the Mars rover shit the bed.
Space exploration is one of the best things for a government to undertake too. There's no true downside right now: we get tons of new technology on Earth, and we do something thats worth having pride in.
Edit: Murray: There's been more than one Biodome, the experiment has been repeated many times, in different situations and scales.
Edit Edit: What was wrong with the Mars rover?
Originally posted by Direwolf
Space exploration is one of the best things for a government to undertake too. There's no true downside right now: we get tons of new technology on Earth, and we do something thats worth having pride in.

Yah, even though the moon has nothing to offer, just the idea of getting there get's the engineers brains spinning. They wind up inventing things that we had no idea we could have any worldly use for, and yet now it feels like we could never live without.
i have no issue with space exploration, as long as it's truly for the progress of technology, etc. i don't think we should colonise (read: strip-mine) other planets until we can manage our own. i also don't see the point of sending a group of people to live on the moon. it's like the ISS: it's there to "prove" that we can do something, and in return, it costs oodles of tax money, and yields no scientific return. in this same vein, the hubble space telescope, which continues to obtain valuable scientific data and is a public icon, is going to be shut down (yes, shut down) in 2006 (2008?) because of "insufficient funding" caused by directing most of NASA's money to the entirely useless ISS.

also, being practical and being unambitious are two entirely different things.

i apologise for any tangents that may have occured :p
Thats all I've been regarding it as so far, and I think everyone's comments still stand regardless.
i love how every thread on this forum turns into an anti-bush debate
Nothing like a space race to give technology a path to advance with speed down. Its like a war, only without the killing. This should be fun. :D

Perhaps they will build a moon base, and in an unfortunate accident involving nuclear waste, the moon blows up and flys away.
Originally posted by Murray_H
"You've never heard of the biodomes? where they lock people in a small man-made echo system and live there a year with no support from the outside? never herd of the plan suggestions for a mission to mars where they have a greenhouse to give part of they'r oxygen and food?"

I pretty sure one of these projects in America was faked, they had problems with oxygen supplies and they came out early (if memory serves me correctly)

That was the first one, it failed because they had too little plants, the second one diddn't.
Originally posted by waedoe
WE NEED TO FIND SOURCES GUYS, we need to show the world that the space program needs to be one of out top priorities!!!!

Astronaut 1-"Base Controle, we can't find any crsytals for harvest...This Biodome is going to take longer than expected."
Base Control-"Damn, the Protoss are going to win!"
Astronaut 2-"What the hell are you guys talking about!? We're racing the Communists, not aliens!"
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Yes, it's the entire country's fault some bad decisions were made...:dozey:
I mean, we're obviously the worste SOBs on earth...and every other country is perfect. Though "Like it or leave it" is seemingly un-American in some cases, I would like to know; What is your problem, exactly?

BTW: What is wrong with competition? Without Competition, there would be no Space Program...not even a Russian one. The only reason the Russians began their program, was to compete with the U.S.A.

oh please, spare me your patriotic garbage.

my problem is people like you. if you were not a mod you would be on my ignore list.


Originally posted by MaxiKana
You've never heard of the biodomes? where they lock people in a small man-made echo system and live there a year with no support from the outside? never herd of the plan suggestions for a mission to mars where they have a greenhouse to give part of they'r oxygen and food?

And no i can't give a link I've only seen documenterie's and watched the news.

sure....that might work on earth..

but its not feasable to get something like that going on the moon would cost WAAAY to much money.

BTW......using plants for food is a completly differant subject..........

my point is that we cannot build something that could support enough plantlife to produce sufficient amounts of oxygen.

atleast not at the moment.....
I think you'd be surprised. :cool:
The real question is whether you can get people to rally behind it, not whether we think its possible right now.
I cannot imagine the number of people who thought Kennedy's goal was insane. "The Moon? How in the hell are we supposed to do that?!" Enough research and some good minds and we'll already be halfway there.
Originally posted by Direwolf
I think you'd be surprised. :cool:
The real question is whether you can get people to rally behind it, not whether we think its possible right now.
I cannot imagine the number of people who thought Kennedy's goal was insane. "The Moon? How in the hell are we supposed to do that?!" Enough research and some good minds and we'll already be halfway there.

im speaking logistically.....not technologically.
Logistics is the big issue, but I think its where we have the most to gain. We need something equivalent to a space cargo transport. Something that can easily and cheaply escape orbit and carry a ton of weight to the Moon, and we need it before we even try to set up something there.
Over the years there have been enough proposals, ideas, and even projects in progress that deal with creating such a vehicle that there's no real unconquerable hurdle.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Logistics is the big issue, but I think its where we have the most to gain. We need something equivalent to a space cargo transport. Something that can easily and cheaply escape orbit and carry a ton of weight to the Moon, and we need it before we even try to set up something there.
Over the years there have been enough proposals, ideas, and even projects in progress that deal with creating such a vehicle that there's no real unconquerable hurdle.

thats just agrivates me that it takes competition from the chinese to get our space program doing what it should have started doing 20 years ago.

I think its great really.....just frustrating. I think spending/devoting more resources on expanding humanity into space should be higher on the worlds list of shite to do.
I don't think the Chinese have a damned thing to do with this. Other motives might be involved, but to think its competition from the Chinese is insane.
I'm not sure how much most people here have followed their space program, but its working on a shoestring. They refuse to release almost any info on it all, and probably for good reason as they've had a history of disasterous failures.
Their goal for the moon at this point is simply propaganda. They've barely gotten one guy into space aboard a capsule with a design stolen from the Russians. They have yet to even achieve consistant orbit; to think that they're going to the moon anytime soon is ludicrous. I myself believe that the chance of them EVER getting there in the near future is at best a coin toss.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
im speaking logistically.....not technologically.

Quit being such a pessimist. where there is a will there is a way.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
sure....that might work on earth..

but its not feasable to get something like that going on the moon would cost WAAAY to much money.

BTW......using plants for food is a completly differant subject..........

my point is that we cannot build something that could support enough plantlife to produce sufficient amounts of oxygen.

atleast not at the moment.....

Do you work for NASA? I think not.
Forgive me for saying this, but, you seem to be the type of person that would have been skeptical of the television. Humanity cannot benefit from skepticism, not that it can from high hopes...but, it most certainly can from aspiration.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
sure....that might work on earth..

but its not feasable to get something like that going on the moon would cost WAAAY to much money.

BTW......using plants for food is a completly differant subject..........

my point is that we cannot build something that could support enough plantlife to produce sufficient amounts of oxygen.

atleast not at the moment.....
You would be surprised how much technology we have right now, we actually have more than enough technology right now to develop some sort of biodome, all thats needed is the money. That is where a space race comes in, you see what competition does is it stimulates the public. The government sees that the public is interested and will therefor be willing to put more money in to try and win the competition. More money into the space program means a higher chance of things like a bio-dome being developed.

The fact is NASA scientist's and planners have already developed a multitude of different ways of creating a base on the moon, and keep in mind these people know what they are doing. So if NASA scientists feel it is something that can be done given the money then why are you (most likely not a NASA engineer or anyone involved in the space business) feel that it is impossible to have a base on the moon given the technology we have?
"This is not an America thing, this is a human thing, and I think perhaps combining efforts with some foreign help would be excellent."

Ever heard of the International Space Station?
Sadly, NASA seems to have died. Nothing brilliant has come since the supposed moon landing. I hope the US does start the space race back up. I hate the fact that the US is falling behind in technology. ;(
Does nobody remember the bio-dome experiments of the mid-90's? They were failures completely, some of the plants died off and they had to bring in outside materials at one point, I don't see why we could do it on the moon if we can't do it on our own planet, you know a self-sustaining environment that is, also on the faster way of getting their they are thinking of building a launching "tube" as well in which they would pump out all the air and I don't know too much about it I didn't read too much in detail but that would I guess cause it to not have to battle friction in leaving but rather pure gravitational forces which would allow for cleaner take-offs/less shielding and some other crap, dunno you can find stuff about it if you look it's been a while personally.

edit- I just heard someone say somethign about strip-mining the moon in a negative way. Yes I'm sure it will upset the ecosystem and plant life, cause extinctions and all that to the moon rabbits if we strip mined.. Wouldn't want to displace the wildlife. *end sarcasm* the rocks wont care if we move them around to get at what we want pal.