prime numbers?


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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i noticed that the % of prime numbers go down when the numbers get bigger.

such as: 1 ~ 10 = 40%
1 ~ 100 25%
1 ~ 10000 9.---%

does anyone know why?

i'm confused.
prime numbers are number that can only be divided by '1' and 'themselves'. is that right?

think i can remember from school.
Is 15357 a prime number?

Anyway, if you can solve the riddle about prime numbers, you will be rich. $1 million prize.
if you discover a new prime number you get paid by CIA for it.
Go back to school.
The older,the stupider.
Sieg said:
Go back to school.
The older,the stupider.

lol thats the trouble i only left 2 years ago..

but was i wrong then? read my post again above. :rolling:
A prime number is a number with only 2 factors.

IE 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,39 (Oh look a pattern :p but it won't last long lol)
SimonomiS said:
Because theres more numbers that it can be divided by?

Exactly, the higher the number, the more smaller numbers there are that could be divided into it.
Sam2k said:
A prime number is a number with only 2 factors.

IE 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,39 (Oh look a pattern :p but it won't last long lol)
39 isn't prime : P
Ikerous said:
39 isn't prime : P

Thats rained on his parade :p

Largest prime number:
2 to the power 24,036,583-1 which is a Mersenne prime.

How do you do superscript on here anyway?
Largest prime number:
2 to the power 24,036,583-1 which is a Mersenne prime.

Fool, there are an infinate amount of primes, they just get rarer the bigger the nunmber, just ask a mathmatician.
solaris152000 said:
Largest prime number:
2 to the power 24,036,583-1 which is a Mersenne prime.

Fool, there are an infinate amount of primes, they just get rarer the bigger the nunmber, just ask a mathmatician.

Ok, the largest FOUND prime, no need to call me a fool for wording it wrong. That would be like me calling you a fool for spelling number incorrectly.

Also, 39 divided by 3 = 13.
As an interesting side-note, many encryption algorithms take advantage of the difficulty inherent in finding large, prime numbers to prolong the process of decryping any chunk of data. That's a big reason for the race to find not only bigger prime numbers, but also better algorithms to do so.
SimonomiS said:
Thats rained on his parade :p

Largest prime number:
2 to the power 24,036,583-1 which is a Mersenne prime.

How do you do superscript on here anyway?
Actually the newest Mersenne prime found is:
2^(25,964,951) - 1

Hey, since this is already a math thread, would anyone happen to know how to integrate the arcsec? I've been trying to figure it out but i'm stumped >< I know what the antiderivative is and all.. i just have no clue how to find it :-/ I assume its integration by parts but i get stuck -_-
15357 said:
i noticed that the % of prime numbers go down when the numbers get bigger.

such as: 1 ~ 10 = 40%
1 ~ 100 25%
1 ~ 10000 9.---%

does anyone know why?

i'm confused.
I'm no mathematican, but would the percentage be more regular if it was
10 ~ 100
10 ~ 10000

Because a whole load more prime numbers are bunched in between 1-10 than any other 10 number interval...
Dont think our number system being base don 10 has anything to do with that.
solaris152000 said:
Dont think our number system being base don 10 has anything to do with that.

I don't think so, because on any base number scale, 9 is still a multiple of 3 for example.

At least I hope it is :O
Prime numbers are really odd. That's what one thing that SETI @ home looks for btw in the signal. Prime numbers. Since they can't really be natural.
MaxiKana said:
Prime numbers are really odd. That's what one thing that SETI @ home looks for btw in the signal. Prime numbers. Since they can't really be natural.

Yeah, they're all odd, except 2 :p
MaxiKana said:
Prime numbers are really odd. That's what one thing that SETI @ home looks for btw in the signal. Prime numbers. Since they can't really be natural.

Yes and the fact that any alien civilisation that has knowledge of prime numbers would at least be as in intelligent as we are, it would also be a common ground for communicating.

And 3 will also go into 39.
isnt 26147147548721581581581 a prime number.

a very well known one i might add.
KoreBolteR said:
isnt 26147147548721581581581 a prime number.

a very well known one i might add.

argh too big to check with my prime number yes/no program...
26147147548721581581581 can't be divisible by 2.

it isn't a even number.
babyheadcrab said:

2.614714754872158e+22 is not prime. It is divisible by 2.

Actually that's only to 13 or 14 significant figures. So without futher information, it is impossible to deduce whether it is prime or not.

There's an error margin of +/- several billion, of which many prime numbers lie within, I am sure.