Prince Of Persia Reviews


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Ign give it a 9.4 :O

Ultimately, the only thing holding Prince of Persia back from absolute greatness is its very traditional core. Unlike this season?s heaviest hitters, it doesn?t seek to redefine anyone's notion of gaming, it simply wants to be fun - and there's something reassuringly familiar about the overall experience. However, that doesn?t detract from the simple fact that Ubisoft has delivered an incredibly polished, tremendously enjoyable and utterly lovable experience here. It takes all the best elements of previous franchise entries then expands and refines them to create an absolutely unforgettable adventure. It?s magical in every sense of the word and, after all those years in the wilderness, it?s good to have the old Prince back.

Video review

Might be worth looking into then?

I think the artistic design alone is worth getting it for.
Oh very good game, also i made the end of the Sands of Time series of this game.

My favorite was Warrior Within, awesome story.
9.4 which sounded like a solid 8.

8.5 for replay consisting of collecting shit? Hmm.
Ehhh. Looks really good, but the lack of challenge is putting me off... sounding like yet another 6-8 hour rental. =/
PC version review?

Or can we assume, that the PC version, wont be a shitty port?
It seems to be doing very well, with its release in just a few days (Fri for Europe I think, UK anyway), it could easily snatch number 1 if you believe the theory that games with scores of 9 and above sell 3 times as many as games that dont score a 9 or more.

Personally Im torn in my belief of that, but logically it makes sense. Critics will always affect your decisions on purchases, its just our nature to read about how good something is before we get it.

Anyway, its been given a 9.3, 8.5 and a 10 so far.

I for one cant stop staring at the artistic design. This game looks like an oil painting...its just eye candy. People are slating it because of its' changes from the orginal PoP, but hey change is usually a good thing. I like the idea of fighting 1v1 rather than 1v10+. Its more personal, epic and heroic.
I picked up a copy of OPM UK and they gave it 8/10. I think that's lowest I've seen so far but still very good.
Im surprised at any DLC that actually adds a whole new aspect to the game.

Like the bikes in Burnout Paradise. That changed the game. DLC used to be just new skins or maps. Now theyre adding whole new sections, adding to the value of the game(s).
Sounds like a rental to me because of replayability and the easy difficulty.
Just watched the Game Trailers review and must say im very very disappointed. Here are the major negatives:

1. You cant upgrade your sword, and there are no other wepons

2. You have to backtrack across levels youve already completed to collect these light orbs, its just a way of increasing the length of the game and will be very fustrating

3. Only 1 enemy on screen at a time WTF!! best thing about POP was multiple enemies on screen and using power to overcome them. Now you have that whore doing the work for you

4. U never die, that Elica whore woman always rescues you if you slip

This Prince of persia is nothing like the last ones, it sounds well dumbed down... they still gave it a 9

Oh and no counter attack either!!

Definantly not getting this scrolling platformer with pretty graphics
GT have always been weird with their scores. What they say is usually spot on but the score they give along with it always seems to high (like mirror's edge or assassin's creed)
Don't think I'll pick this up. Maybe if the price drops after Xmas.

Also why is the Prince's new VA Nathan Drake? o_0
People seem to forget that change can be a good thing.

This is more of an experience than a game. Its something to get lost in. Theres so much emphasis that its not for the hardcore gamers out there.

PoP was never about the fight for me. It was a Tomb Raider set back in the day, except with 'oh hell yeah' acrobatics and puzzle solving.

PoP has gone back to its roots. Change, usually, is a good thing.

[edit] And hang on:

If people are complaining about how Elika basically saves you everytime you fall and 'die', and you basically get ported back to a checkpoint, isnt that what a savegame system is anyway? Its just a constant auto-save feature really surely? I mean, if you die in a game, you reload from the last save Elika does? It would be difficult if it forced you back to the start of the level wouldnt it? Or just plain irritating?

You can still mess-up jumps and timings. Just because theyve taken away the idea of death so that it doesnt have an affect on casual gamers doesnt mean its a BAD thing.
From people that have played it:

Played the game for 2 hours now, and I can say that the game runs great, but I
think the game is too easy, for instance the boss fights are very easy, push Attack button
and use dodge button. Also during fights there is way too much help for the player, it says
when to push Dogde button etc...

overall 7 scale of 10
+loading times
+AC engine

-Boss fights

You jump around, till you have reached the fertile ground, kill a boss, get some
lightseeds, go to the next fertile ground, kill a boss, untill you have cleared all the
reachable fertile grounds.
Then you check if you have enough lightseeds, if not, you grind the cleared areas for
more lightseeds, and once you have enough you go back to the temple and get a new
'power' (something like the plungers in supermario world, where if you jump on a blue
plunger, all the blue bricks or something come into play) and repeat.

But like in AC, it being repetetive isnt the end of the world, I still enjoy the jumping

I just got me 3rd power . What I like the least of the game though is that you can't die.
You even sometimes have to make jumps that will 'kill' you to get a lightseed, or go afk in
a bossfight, come back the next day, and you are still there fighting (if it wasnt for the
controller disconnecting ).
Another thing I really don't like is that the prince is transformed into some nero/dante

IE game most likely sux dick. PoP was the ****ing anti-repetitive, every single part was a puzzle,
never to hard but always making sure you were thinking your way from a to b in a very
fast pace, with maybe one or 2 hard ones in between just to make sure didn't get lazy.
This reeks of what UBI did with AC and FC2, I can only shudder at the thought of what
they are doing with BG&E.
Also why is the Prince's new VA Nathan Drake? o_0

idk ubi must like the guy, he also did the voice of altair as well as the prince
Going to be picking up the limited edition before work today. Cant wait till tmr!
People seem to forget that change can be a good thing.

This is more of an experience than a game. Its something to get lost in. Theres so much emphasis that its not for the hardcore gamers out there.

PoP was never about the fight for me. It was a Tomb Raider set back in the day, except with 'oh hell yeah' acrobatics and puzzle solving.

PoP has gone back to its roots. Change, usually, is a good thing.

[edit] And hang on:

If people are complaining about how Elika basically saves you everytime you fall and 'die', and you basically get ported back to a checkpoint, isnt that what a savegame system is anyway? Its just a constant auto-save feature really surely? I mean, if you die in a game, you reload from the last save Elika does? It would be difficult if it forced you back to the start of the level wouldnt it? Or just plain irritating?

You can still mess-up jumps and timings. Just because theyve taken away the idea of death so that it doesnt have an affect on casual gamers doesnt mean its a BAD thing.

This. All of it.

If you were playing PoP to fight multiple enemies at were playing the wrong game, this just emphasizes that. For the Elika thing, along with the savegame thing, isn't it basically like how rewinding time was with SoT?
I'm so fucking angry right now. I had to find a PoP thread to rage in. I'm on every message board and IRC channel I frequent right now yelling about Prince of Persia.

I genuinely enjoyed this game until the last few minutes. I should've turned off the console. I was telling myself, "Turn off the console." Had I done so I could've accepted what happened as an acceptable ending. But instead I stuck through to see the real ending. The game makes you play through that shit. You can SEE what the Prince is going to do.

YOU UNDO EVERYTHING FOR THAT GIRL. She dies to contain the dark god, and you just decide to undo it all to save her life. FUCK THAT SHIT. Even she questions why you do it at the end. There's a big sandstorm, dark god is released, TO BE CONTINUED.


Do you know how hard it is to find a good donkey?! That donkey was saddled with enough gold to buy some thick carpets! REALLY thick carpets! Son of a bitch. That sandstorm probably killed my donkey.

I am raging so hard right now. I'm just mad. Like adrenaline rush mad. Also that awesome song that was in the trailer? Never played. Not once. Not even at the end. What the hell.
I'm going to give this a rent. Sure looks pretty.
Turn off the console when you get to the ending!

Save your opinion of the game, and stave off the rage.
Oh shit, does a donkey get lost?

Maaaan I <3 donkeys. Not gonna play this game sounds too distressing.
I seriously went through the game with a smile on my face thinking I was going to find my donkey. I wanted closure on that donkey. They must've referenced it at least forty or fifty times throughout the game, but you never see the donkey.

I'm listening to the trailer song (Breathe Me by Sia) and it's making me feel a little better, but I'm still mad. Game was just too good to end how it did. Seriously, throughout all its flaws and glitches the game is very enjoyable, save for the combat. But that ending...

I know what's going to happen in the next one, too. I know why he did what he did.

He's going to look for a way to stop Ahriman without Elika dying. Contrived.
Hmm I heard there was a cliffhanger but jeese that's up there with halo 2.

Personally i'm going to get it in the january sales methinks
Wow. Between this, Assassin's Creed and Far Cry 2, it really seems like Ubisoft know how to thoroughly **** up an ending, huh?

Seriously, do they just not want us to finish their games?
****ing loved it. The entire game was amazing. Although I didn't really like the orb collecting, seemed like a big filler.
Ending was odd.
The story was great, but I think it could have been much more.

I was so disappointed to see the ending tho.

To me, the story itself wasnt fleshed out to its potential, and may I say, due to its target audience of casuals and main stream.

The ending in particular was very touching, and upsetting, and I personally cant wait until the next installment.