Principle cancels prom


May 5, 2004
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"We are withdrawing from the battle and allowing the parents full responsibility. [Kellenberg] is willing to sponsor a prom, but not an orgy."


"The principal of Kellenberg Memorial High School canceled the spring prom in a 2,000-word letter to parents this fall.

"It is not primarily the sex/booze/drugs that surround this event, as problematic as they might be; it is rather the flaunting of affluence, assuming exaggerated expenses, a pursuit of vanity for vanity's sake -- in a word, financial decadence," Hoagland said, fed up with what he called the "bacchanalian aspects."

oh silly me, what did I expect?

"The move brought a mixed, albeit passionate, reaction from students and parents at the Roman Catholic school, which is owned by the Society of Mary (Marianists), a religious order of priests and brothers."

seems like this is nothing more than forcing morality down people's throat. Not every prom ends up in a caligula like orgy of sex, debauchery, drugs and alcohol ...only the good ones do :E
hooray for orgies. that guy is gay, students will most likely have him killed.
I went to a Catholic school and they let us have a prom. Mind you, i'm not sure if the new principle would approve.......
The kids at that school were basically flaunting their parent's money and trying to out-do everyone else. I feel bad for the parents that have those kids, wanting the most expensive thing out there because they want to be the "best."

Serves them right for flaunting money like that.
ya but the parents encouraged it ..when a group of kids put a down payment on a rental house the principle pulled the plug and wouldnt allow them to rent it the parents rented it for them
Hmm, I remember prom. Sex was involved, but no orgy. I was really hoping too :(
Yes, ruin highschool memories and experiences of these people's lives because he thinks some kids are bad. Brilliant!
Actually, the only memory/experience I had that I WANTED to remember was the sex. The rest of it was shit. I don't dance like an idiot to hip hop. I don't do that dance that looks like your trying to screw your date. Sorry, I was raised under the act like a sensible slowdancing was all I did. I found it rediculous that I only got to dance twice.

What a waste of money.
CyberPitz said:
Actually, the only memory/experience I had that I WANTED to remember was the sex. The rest of it was shit. I don't dance like an idiot to hip hop. I don't do that dance that looks like your trying to screw your date. Sorry, I was raised under the act like a sensible slowdancing was all I did. I found it rediculous that I only got to dance twice.

What a waste of money.
Your first and fifth sentence contradict each other a tiny bit. hehe.
all i got was a blowjob... but it was a very nice one, besides that prom sucked hardcore, just like every other high school dance... middle school was so much better, especially since i tended to help DJ