Probably the most disgusting thing happened to me this weekend.


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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As some of you know, I've been trying to find a place to live, as the current location I'm at, I'm no longer wanted. Well, I've been denied at least 5 places so far, and I am starting to get angry/desperate. Well, this one place was a 3 bedroom, good size, for 625 a month. That is a little high, but the 2 others that were coming, we could afford it. Well, we do a quick run through of the place to make sure there was no giant holes anywhere. Place looked decent. The reason we were running through the place checking it so quickly, the guys said, "First person to give us a deposit check, pretty much gets the house." So we were in a rush to get the check to him. We give him the check on Saturday, and I get the key, I go in to move in. I open the door, walk into the kitchen with my father and step mother, and we notice something.....horrible

The floor, along the corners of the wall were roaches, everywhere. So, we went and got 4 cans of RAID, and 6 cans of "bombs". We go through, and spray the corners of every wall, and I swear to god, we killed at least 1,000 roaches. We open the cabinets, and at least 40 would fall from them. At one point, my father was spraying this one room down, and through the doorway, it looked like it was literally RAINING cockroaches. It's enough to make your skin crawl. but even after 3 cans of RAID, and the 6 bombs *which was enough to hit each room...*, we still went in there the next day, and it looked like the same amount had returned.

So all in all, I'm going to cancel the check today when the bank opens in 30 minutes, and I'm giving back his key, and getting my check back, and I'm going somewhere else. And when I told the guy about it, he was like "Orly?". I think he knew about it, and tried to trap me. Good thing I never signed the lease yet.

And that was my weekend.
You never fail to entertain me.
At least if you were nuked the amount of cockroaches probably would have acted as a barrier against the blast.
How did you not see them befgore handing the cheque over? I'd have thought an infestation would be quite noticeable.
Did the guy look like this?

How did you not see them befgore handing the cheque over? I'd have thought an infestation would be quite noticeable.

At first, they looked like a dirty floor in the kitchen. On the carpet, they kind of we spent a total of 2 minutes max in there running through. The creepy thing is, they wouldn't do a show through, they said, "Take a look through the windows, and let me know if you're still interested." So that should have raised something there.

I have videos/pictures. Can't be too good, place wasn't well lit. I'll have to get them to you later today/tomorrow.

*EDIT* haha, yeah, freaking I was thinking more like Joes Apartment :p
Sweet Jerusalem, reminds me of the time we stayed in a cockroach infested apartment in Fuerteventura, my Dad woke up with one sitting on his stomach.

Absolutely despise roaches, get that cheque back and run for the hills.
All you would've needed would be some of these, or the like. Could have had 'em eradicated in a week, tops...
It could have been worse.

They could've been imps.

Hate insects so much!

I handy flamethrower should do the trick, torch the place to hell!
All you would've needed would be some of these, or the like. Could have had 'em eradicated in a week, tops...

I doubt it. Considering high quality bombs *that are supposed to kill them* and roach powder/3 cans of raid didn't even DENT them. It would probably need to be's got wood panelling inside, so the roaches have a nice home behind that...the 1000s we killed was probably only 5%. I mean, they had babies hatching on a daily basis there :(
No, the most disgusting thing that happened to you this weekend was you singing to some random girl on CSS displaying your love, under the influence.

jk <3

Oh, btw I have that on demo.
I doubt it. Considering high quality bombs *that are supposed to kill them* and roach powder/3 cans of raid didn't even DENT them. It would probably need to be's got wood panelling inside, so the roaches have a nice home behind that...the 1000s we killed was probably only 5%. I mean, they had babies hatching on a daily basis there :(

I had a place with a pretty bad problem once (although not quite as bad as what you were describing), tried sprays and bombs, none of that crap works, they just snort it to get high.

I got some of those traps, fully expecting them not to work, but within 2 days I didn't see anymore live ones. Just a matter of cleanup after that...
I had a place with a pretty bad problem once (although not quite as bad as what you were describing), tried sprays and bombs, none of that crap works, they just snort it to get high.

I got some of those traps, fully expecting them not to work, but within 2 days I didn't see anymore live ones. Just a matter of cleanup after that...

I see. Well, another thing is, it's not a pretty neighborhood, and it's next door to some cheap "apartments" or whatever, like a house rented out to 5 people. And they look like some good methers, and I bet the next door people all have about as bad a problem, so they will just migrate on over. I'm afraid that house is doomed :(
Just use this

As some of you know, I've been trying to find a place to live, as the current location I'm at, I'm no longer wanted. Well, I've been denied at least 5 places so far, and I am starting to get angry/desperate. Well, this one place was a 3 bedroom, good size, for 625 a month. That is a little high, but the 2 others that were coming, we could afford it. Well, we do a quick run through of the place to make sure there was no giant holes anywhere. Place looked decent. The reason we were running through the place checking it so quickly, the guys said, "First person to give us a deposit check, pretty much gets the house." So we were in a rush to get the check to him. We give him the check on Saturday, and I get the key, I go in to move in. I open the door, walk into the kitchen with my father and step mother, and we notice something.....horrible

The floor, along the corners of the wall were roaches, everywhere. So, we went and got 4 cans of RAID, and 6 cans of "bombs". We go through, and spray the corners of every wall, and I swear to god, we killed at least 1,000 roaches. We open the cabinets, and at least 40 would fall from them. At one point, my father was spraying this one room down, and through the doorway, it looked like it was literally RAINING cockroaches. It's enough to make your skin crawl. but even after 3 cans of RAID, and the 6 bombs *which was enough to hit each room...*, we still went in there the next day, and it looked like the same amount had returned.

So all in all, I'm going to cancel the check today when the bank opens in 30 minutes, and I'm giving back his key, and getting my check back, and I'm going somewhere else. And when I told the guy about it, he was like "Orly?". I think he knew about it, and tried to trap me. Good thing I never signed the lease yet.

And that was my weekend.

AHH kill it /w fire Pitz!!
they have no chance make their time!
Did the guy look like this?


Hilarious! :D

I don't know about where you live, but in Baltimore,MD I wouldn't have been surprised to find cockroaches in a 3 bedroom place for less than $700/month. My gf and I are looking at places and are having trouble finding a 2 bedroom place for less than $1200/month(outside the ghetto). :p
At first, they looked like a dirty floor in the kitchen. On the carpet, they kind of matched....
Do you need glasses, Pitz?

This creeps me out. I hope I never have an encounter like that.
Yeah that's not even worth it. I don't think we will hear anymore tales of who you had sex with if your apartment is filled with cockroaches. Would kinda ruin the moment. :LOL: Why did they kick you out in the first place?!
The thread title makes me lol

For me, that would not only be the most disgusting thing to happen to me on any given weekend, but my entire life
pics or it didn't happen D:

(and why doesn't the guy who owns the place call a proper exterminator?)
Well update. I gave the key back. He said it got sprayed and they are all gone, and someone is moving in right now. I don't believe him. I seriously doubt some out of work son on law that he probably got did that good of a job. It was WAY too infested. Oh well, whatever gets his jollies off. I'll have to get the pics from my dad though. They are still on his camera.

Ugh, still disgusted.