Probably the most disgusting thing happened to me this weekend.

I'm pretty sure a roach problem is the most difficult pest to get rid of, bar none.

If you were to have moved your stuff in there, it would quickly infest your stuff and they would come with you to your new place.
Cockroach Assasins. :laugh:
Did the guy look like this?


hahahaha :laugh: I was about to post the same thing...... hahaha :laugh:
Well update. I gave the key back. He said it got sprayed and they are all gone, and someone is moving in right now. I don't believe him. I seriously doubt some out of work son on law that he probably got did that good of a job. It was WAY too infested. Oh well, whatever gets his jollies off. I'll have to get the pics from my dad though. They are still on his camera.

Ugh, still disgusted.
They emit some terrible sticky, smelling goo and shit all over the place to leave a trail to attract more roaches. So even if they got rid of the bodies, they still have roach goo on everything. The eggs are microscopic too.
You should have kept the place. Roaches are a good source of protien.
When the landloards of the roaches said they got rid of it, and pointed at their "DIY" extermination kit...I chuckled to myself.
Damn. That's pretty disgusting. Good thing you're cancelling your contract.

I read on MSN a few weeks ago about similar disaster areas in houses, hotel rooms, and apartments. That would probably qualify for that list.
/me shudders.

Srsly, complain to someone extremely vocally. : D
roaches.... ah..... I used to ****ing hate those bastards...... now they dont exist anymore, thanks to chlorine and te beauty of flammable liquids.
Please elaborate. :)

Well, they said they would get an exterminator in there. Then I decided that it was way too far gone, and disgusting, to live I backed out. Well, I go there to day to drop off the key, and he is like "We sprayed, and everything is clean." And he pointed to some shitty tubs where they put the pesticide in, and spray themselves. So he probably got his son in law or something to do it. Obviously not professional. So the place is still probably run down shitty.
Well, they said they would get an exterminator in there. Then I decided that it was way too far gone, and disgusting, to live I backed out. Well, I go there to day to drop off the key, and he is like "We sprayed, and everything is clean." And he pointed to some shitty tubs where they put the pesticide in, and spray themselves. So he probably got his son in law or something to do it. Obviously not professional. So the place is still probably run down shitty.

I'm sure you could've easily taken on all of those buggy bastards with a can of deoderant and a lighter.
They reproduce like you won't believe.
Pics or it didn't happen, in my rather honest opinion.
Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to make sure.

On a side note, I have a small roach problem in my little rental ghetto. Small as in one or two roaches making house calls once every few weeks. I think a can of raid should work in this case....
Pics or it didn't happen, in my rather honest opinion.

Like I said, they are on my fathers camera. He has his own speed for things. Hopefully he has them up today. If not, I'll try to get them to you tonight. Just remind me to hound on his ass about it :p
Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to make sure.

On a side note, I have a small roach problem in my little rental ghetto. Small as in one or two roaches making house calls once every few weeks. I think a can of raid should work in this case....


I see 7 or 8 roaches on a daily basis. I've started cleaning up the food i've left strewn around my computer, and putting roach traps out though, and the number is slowly going down :(

They're friendly little buggers, but when they start crawling over your open wounds, well... That's just crossing the line :angry:

Like I said, they are on my fathers camera. He has his own speed for things. Hopefully he has them up today. If not, I'll try to get them to you tonight. Just remind me to hound on his ass about it :p

No need to pitzy, i've got all the ass reaming covered :thumbs:

I see 7 or 8 roaches on a daily basis. I've started cleaning up the food i've left strewn around my computer, and putting roach traps out though, and the number is slowly going down :(

They're friendly little buggers, but when they start crawling over your open wounds, well... That's just crossing the line :angry:

I feel like they wouldn't only have crawled on my wounds, but probably inserted themselves into places I only let men go.
I feel like they wouldn't only have crawled on my wounds, but probably inserted themselves into places I only let men go.

If they're male roaches, then what's the problem?


In any case, how goes house hunting elsewhere?
If they're male roaches, then what's the problem?


In any case, how goes house hunting elsewhere?

Well, we found a place, but it's up to us, and one other bunch of people. So he's going through, calling references and everything. I'll find out today if we got it, or if we need to go back on the every day all day search...
Well, we found a place, but it's up to us, and one other bunch of people. So he's going through, calling references and everything. I'll find out today if we got it, or if we need to go back on the every day all day search...

*prays for pitz*


*would pray for pitz if I didn't think religion was an irritating scapegoat, but we won't go there, because that's just soaking the thread in gasoline*
I'll take it for how you mean, then. :) Thanks for wishing me luck. It's just really hard to get a house to rent to you when you're 20-22. The other ****ers my age have pretty much ruined it for us, destroying property, not paying rent, I've been denied places to live at least 7 times so far, and it hurts. AND SUCKS. ><
I'll take it for how you mean, then. :) Thanks for wishing me luck. It's just really hard to get a house to rent to you when you're 20-22. The other ****ers my age have pretty much ruined it for us, destroying property, not paying rent, I've been denied places to live at least 7 times so far, and it hurts. AND SUCKS. ><

You could always get a lappy and live out of your car while you try to find a place. I'll probably end up doing that, if only for the experience.

Dunno how public accommodations are there though :\ Over here, all the Beach Parks have showers, which is a major++ to any social drifter.

G'Luck :)

(I need to sleep)
Yeah, we don't have those types of public showers and such...and it's not like I'd have nowhere to go if I don't find a place soon. I can live with my father for a short time.
I've always kind of wanted to be a "social drifter" (read: bum) for awhile and just see what it was like.


As some of you know, I've been trying to find a place to live, as the current location I'm at, I'm no longer wanted. Well, I've been denied at least 5 places so far, and I am starting to get angry/desperate. Well, this one place was a 3 bedroom, good size, for 625 a month. That is a little high, but the 2 others that were coming, we could afford it. Well, we do a quick run through of the place to make sure there was no giant holes anywhere. Place looked decent. The reason we were running through the place checking it so quickly, the guys said, "First person to give us a deposit check, pretty much gets the house." So we were in a rush to get the check to him. We give him the check on Saturday, and I get the key, I go in to move in. I open the door, walk into the kitchen with my father and step mother, and we notice something.....horrible

The floor, along the corners of the wall were roaches, everywhere. So, we went and got 4 cans of RAID, and 6 cans of "bombs". We go through, and spray the corners of every wall, and I swear to god, we killed at least 1,000 roaches. We open the cabinets, and at least 40 would fall from them. At one point, my father was spraying this one room down, and through the doorway, it looked like it was literally RAINING cockroaches. It's enough to make your skin crawl. but even after 3 cans of RAID, and the 6 bombs *which was enough to hit each room...*, we still went in there the next day, and it looked like the same amount had returned.

So all in all, I'm going to cancel the check today when the bank opens in 30 minutes, and I'm giving back his key, and getting my check back, and I'm going somewhere else. And when I told the guy about it, he was like "Orly?". I think he knew about it, and tried to trap me. Good thing I never signed the lease yet.

And that was my weekend.

screw him: report him to the health board/Rental tribunal (or equivilent) ..they'll force him to shut it down/sray before he can rent it out
Yeah, I would..but I just give up. I'll let him try to rent it out. I just don't care. I'm done. I've lost over $100 to him all in all from shit, and I just don't want to deal with it. I'm just done.
yes but revenge is pretty sweet ..nothing says "unrentable" than a sign from the city saying the room/building is being fumigated for roaches
yes but revenge is pretty sweet ..nothing says "unrentable" than a sign from the city saying the room/building is being fumigated for roaches

haha, it's true. But I am SURE I got ripped out of $100 *Only 33 from each person though* for the credit check he says. Which is 75 more than most people charge, but I think they just made that up, and I really didn't want to deal with it AT ALL, so I'm just...I'm just in a really bad mood about it all, and just want to put it behind me as a learning experience.
$100 for a credit check? that's crazy ..pretty sure that's illegal in canada
$100 for a credit check? that's crazy ..pretty sure that's illegal in canada

I'm sure it's ****ed up down here to. I think he just wanted me to pay for exposing his ass and his roaches. Whatever, I just don't care. This whole thing has put me in such a negative/bad's bad.
sue him

it's your civil duty as an American
Oh hell man... that sounds incredibly sick. I've never seen a real cockroach and fortunately I live in a place where there are no cockroaches at all. The worst thing that can happen here is to find a small spider in a lonely corner.

I'm sorry about your financial loss, it must be extremely frustrating for you not to find a place to live. I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything will work out for you :)
I tell ya

roachs will own the world

they will be 8 feet tall

claws that can break concrete and cut someone by half in one slash

and our weapons will barely do soemthing against them

and when one is killed,3 more come out of the carcass

and we will be theyr favorite

it will happen
