Problems in TrapTown

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Oct 11, 2003
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ok, so i've been watching the traptown vid.
The first soldier that attacks - why does he spawn? watch closely and u see him drop out of the air.

if it aint scripted why don't the 2 combine soldiers follow freeman after he runs up the stairs (b4 blocking the way with matress)?

What gives with the shoddy collision detection when freeman shoots the swinging girder?

Why's the last soldier run directly under the falling crate and girder as if called to it by a script?

Why are the decal textures exactly the same as in hl1 when freeman crowbars the zombies? I want to see that crowbar actually stick into one of their heads.

Sorry to be picky, the game looks gr8, these little things just bug me tho.
You really need to search before asking those questions, they've all been answered and discussed until everyone is blue in the face and I don't think anyone really feels like trying to explain it yet again

do searches for scripted, scripting, ai, A.I and E3 and it'll come up with the right threads and posts
i can vouch that this was scripted....first hand experience.
Originally posted by Cyphron
i can vouch that this was scripted....first hand experience.

I see a storm coming... mods, close this now before it's too late.
I'll tell you why he spawns out of nowhere (not that i've witnessed this firsthand, my holy-than-thou self has never played the leak), cause if they let him stand there for too long, the advanced A.I. would become self aware and escape into the internet causing havoc a la William Gibson's "Neuromancer".
lol. well.....

The end result of all those threads was that yes it may have been scripted but if it was it was to either:

1.Show what the game was going to be like when they had added all the ai stuff. ie it was for demonstation purposes only


2.It was scripted because it made the game fun. Plain and simple.

and some people remained adament that valve is ******* **** and blah blah blah.
oookay time the mods lock this thread, and maybe spank Cyphron for showing off about having the stolen files too :p

Didn't D33 suggest custom names above their avatars for certain people?... what a good idea ;)
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
lol. well.....

The end result of all those threads was that yes it may have been scripted but if it was it was to either:

1.Show what the game was going to be like when they had added all the ai stuff. ie it was for demonstation purposes only


2.It was scripted because it made the game fun. Plain and simple.

and some people remained adament that valve is ******* **** and blah blah blah.

LOL Summed up perfectly.
Originally posted by iamironsam
I'll tell you why he spawns out of nowhere (not that i've witnessed this firsthand, my holy-than-thou self has never played the leak), cause if they let him stand there for too long, the advanced A.I. would become self aware and escape into the internet causing havoc a la William Gibson's "Neuromancer".

oh no!! kill them!! kill them all!!
the decals with the zombies were just placeholders, notice how the zombies bleed green when hit with a crowbar but bleed red when cut in half

valve said they 'hinted the combine where to stand' when the dumpster fell. it was just to show off the physics
I posted stuff about this before the hack by analyzing the e3 vids - turns out that some bits were scripted. Not that I care if they are, I just find it interesting how it all works. Hints, etc - neat AI ideas.
Originally posted by FictiousWill
I posted stuff about this before the hack by analyzing the e3 vids - turns out that some bits were scripted. Not that I care if they are, I just find it interesting how it all works. Hints, etc - neat AI ideas.

I've heard about those hint things, any idea how they work? I've heard/read they will still have the nodes, which I'm glad of cause I always thought they worked well when used properly. So will the hint thing be similar but with more options such as "if in this area then these things are possible, but in that area over there some things wont be possible" then the AI fills in and makes use of them or something like that?
I remember way back when this was first pointed out (about 5 months). Gabe seemed proud about how they had AI that could be 'hinted' to do what you wanted instead of completely scripted but then people started jumping up and saying HL2's AI sucks...
Originally posted by Fenric1138
I've heard about those hint things, any idea how they work? I've heard/read they will still have the nodes, which I'm glad of cause I always thought they worked well when used properly. So will the hint thing be similar but with more options such as "if in this area then these things are possible, but in that area over there some things wont be possible" then the AI fills in and makes use of them or something like that?

I think Gabe mentioned that the AI "looks around for something cool to do". For example, the zombie who kicks who kicks the barrel. I kind of imagine the barrel whispering "Psst... zombie! Come and kick me! It'll be cool", whereas a script would have it say "Yo jackass, kick me right now or else". With "hints" it makes it so the zombie would prefer to kick the barrel, but if it was way out of his way he wouldn't do it. With scripts the zombie would kick the barrel every time, even if he had to ignore a direct threat to do it. At least that's my take on it.
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
I think Gabe mentioned that the AI "looks around for something cool to do". For example, the zombie who kicks who kicks the barrel. I kind of imagine the barrel whispering "Psst... zombie! Come and kick me! It'll be cool", whereas a script would have it say "Yo jackass, kick me right now or else". With "hints" it makes it so the zombie would prefer to kick the barrel, but if it was way out of his way he wouldn't do it. With scripts the zombie would kick the barrel every time, even if he had to ignore a direct threat to do it. At least that's my take on it.

LMAO... funniest quotes I've read all day :p
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
I think Gabe mentioned that the AI "looks around for something cool to do". For example, the zombie who kicks who kicks the barrel. I kind of imagine the barrel whispering "Psst... zombie! Come and kick me! It'll be cool", whereas a script would have it say "Yo jackass, kick me right now or else". With "hints" it makes it so the zombie would prefer to kick the barrel, but if it was way out of his way he wouldn't do it. With scripts the zombie would kick the barrel every time, even if he had to ignore a direct threat to do it. At least that's my take on it.

I have a friend (;)) who dropped about 9 barrels at the Zombies in trap town, and each and everyone one of them would kick whatever barrel they were closest to.. was pretty cool

Anyhow, as others have stated, the AI in traptown/etc were just meant to show what the AI will be like in the final game, Chris Bokitch even confirmed this
wow... someone change the search button so it takes up half these newb's screens so they press it by mistake and stop making new threads :p
Maybe it was scripted so that they would know exactly what to expect? so that no surprises would creep up on them, or something they wanted to show diddn't happend?
Most of the stuff was scripted just to show off.believe me it will be different in the game.
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