I really don't see what the big deal with prom is. I guess if you have a girlfriend that's clinching you by the balls, I can understand going. But otherwise?
Drinking moderately (if at all) in an uncomfortable outfit while praying for poontang under watchful eyes. VS.
Getting pissed in your jeans and t-shirt with your mates and later going out to grab drunk titties. You could crap yourself without risk of penalty.
I dunno... Never really cared much for such social conventions.
There's a tradition here. Junior year you go to have fun. Senior year you go to get laid. I have one more year. And generally prom is pretty fun here though, from what I've heard. And I'm one of those guys that tries to have a serious relationship with a girl, not f*ck her brains out on a second date. She had to watch her grandma die on monday, so, I'd rather cheer her up a little and have some fun.
I never bothered with our leaving High School prom. Really couldn't be arsed, and there was alot of people I disliked in my High School. I'll go to the leaving prom/ball for Sixth Form, though, as I pretty much get on with everyone in our college department of school so it'll be a blast.