Promised Land mod

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el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
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sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I just couldn't help wondering whether people thought that "Promised Land" would be incredibly controversial?
From what I can see, it takes the form of Counter-Strike but based around genuine current events and two genuine peoples who despise and kill one another. Does that not seem perhaps a little close to the bone?
Also, will there be an option to play as a small child armed with a stone? Or will there be Apache helicopters and tanks available? Or the option to strap piles of explosives to yourself and kill innocent people?
Yeah well, there are mods for every flashpoint in the world nowadays. :sleep:
A bit over the top if you ask me.
Yes I have been thinking about this since I saw it on the site. If you ask me, I think it is a very bad idea for a game.

All it is going to do is stir up religious tensions, and glamourise the violence that takes place in the anti-palestinian genocide.

I really cannot think of anything that could be more offensive as a source of gameplay. It is an incredible mistake to make a game about such a specific conflict, especially a conflict so one sided.

What an idea for a computer game: "Muslims Vs The Jews: Wheelchair Airstrike"
Wrong section el Chi and you knew it. Moved without a redirect. Don't see why this one should get more exposure than all the other mods.
No, Fenric I did not know that it was the wrong section - I never look at this one so it didn't cross my mind. Sorry for my mistake but your response is unnecessarily curt.
el Chi said:
No, Fenric I did not know that it was the wrong section - I never look at this one so it didn't cross my mind. Sorry for my mistake but your response is unnecessarily curt.
It's ok, apology excepted.
Crusader said:
Yes I have been thinking about this since I saw it on the site. If you ask me, I think it is a very bad idea for a game.

All it is going to do is stir up religious tensions, and glamourise the violence that takes place in the anti-palestinian genocide.

I really cannot think of anything that could be more offensive as a source of gameplay. It is an incredible mistake to make a game about such a specific conflict, especially a conflict so one sided.

What an idea for a computer game: "Muslims Vs The Jews: Wheelchair Airstrike"

check the site were making the mod completely non bias, its only a conflict. as for the guy in the wheel chair, he was a known terrorist that was a leader of hamas,he told children to go blow them selves up on buss's our mod isnt going to do that. seriously if you guys are going to complain about this, why dont you complain about BF42 where you can kamakazi into ships, or use expacks to kill your self and enemy players, to the mod team,this is just another conflict that can be modded.
Crusader said:
Yes I have been thinking about this since I saw it on the site. If you ask me, I think it is a very bad idea for a game.

All it is going to do is stir up religious tensions, and glamourise the violence that takes place in the anti-palestinian genocide.

I really cannot think of anything that could be more offensive as a source of gameplay. It is an incredible mistake to make a game about such a specific conflict, especially a conflict so one sided.

What an idea for a computer game: "Muslims Vs The Jews: Wheelchair Airstrike"

Stir up religious tensions? I dont see anyone complaining that in Counterstrike, there are obviously Arab terrorists vs Western special forces. Ours is more personal, and not cartoony, yes, but is that a reason for not making it? no.

Far greater atrocities were committed during the world wars, vietnam, bosnia, etc. is the only reason those are made into games is that they happened in the past, therefore didnt happen? thats rediculous. the premise of our game has been going on for so much longer, hundreds of years. basically what it all comes down to is, if youre offended, dont play the game.
Well, in Counter-Strike that isn't the focal point of the game now, is it? So that's a pitiful argument for a start.

Secondly, if the teams having the respective symbols of the Muslim and Jewish faiths isn't irresponsible in terms of causing religious strife, don't know what is.

I hope that not all Muslims hate Jews, and not all Jews hate muslims.

I have yet to see a WW2 game that concentrates on the genocide aspect of the war.

I don't think you shouldn't make the game, I just think you should be very careful in terms of the religious symbols etc.

About the guy in the wheel-chair, he's still an old guy in a wheel chair. Asking palestinians to protect the land that is being occupied by the Israeli army. Here I must stress, however, that the palestinians have also committed atrocities in their cause, and I cringe when I hear of fatalities on either side.

A lot more palestinians have died through the conflict than the Israelis, which have access to tanks, attack helicopters etc. how is this going to be portrayed in the game?

Personally, I have no allegiance to either side in this conflict, since I am from the UK, however it is very clear to me that this is not the least controversial game concept I ever saw.

Bah... I just cancelled 3 hours of download because of the crappiness of windows...
Crusader said:
Well, in Counter-Strike that isn't the focal point of the game now, is it? So that's a pitiful argument for a start.

Secondly, if the teams having the respective symbols of the Muslim and Jewish faiths isn't irresponsible in terms of causing religious strife, don't know what is.

I hope that not all Muslims hate Jews, and not all Jews hate muslims.

I have yet to see a WW2 game that concentrates on the genocide aspect of the war.

I don't think you shouldn't make the game, I just think you should be very careful in terms of the religious symbols etc.

About the guy in the wheel-chair, he's still an old guy in a wheel chair. Asking palestinians to protect the land that is being occupied by the Israeli army. Here I must stress, however, that the palestinians have also committed atrocities in their cause, and I cringe when I hear of fatalities on either side.

A lot more palestinians have died through the conflict than the Israelis, which have access to tanks, attack helicopters etc. how is this going to be portrayed in the game?

Personally, I have no allegiance to either side in this conflict, since I am from the UK, however it is very clear to me that this is not the least controversial game concept I ever saw.

Bah... I just cancelled 3 hours of download because of the crappiness of windows...

terrorism isnt the focal point of cs? of course it is, but it sure isnt the focal point here. frankly, i have no opinion on which group is good, or bad. all i know is there are facts.

yes the two groups have symbols. im not sure im understanding how even if we portrayed this in the most rediculous sense (i.e. true to life) how would it cause 2 groups who have been at each others throats for years to step off any violence? there are realistic conflicts portrayed everywhere. do you think desert combat made iraq hate us more? of course not.

me too.

thats true, no game does focus on the genocide of world war 2. who says were focusing on suicide bombers, and civilians dying, etc? oh thats right: no one. were not here to judge either side.

we are being careful with religious symbols. the star of david is the israeli's FLAG. and for lack of a better symbol of hamas, we took the muslim star and crescent moon, because it represents what/who they fight for.

regarding helicopters: this still hasent been sorted out. there will not be any player flown helicopters (or vehicles, outside of light jeeps, humvees, etc). whether were going to implement an airstrike option is not out of the question yet. there may also be helicopter deployment missions where a blackhawk is involved.
el Chi said:
sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I just couldn't help wondering whether people thought that "Promised Land" would be incredibly controversial?
From what I can see, it takes the form of Counter-Strike but based around genuine current events and two genuine peoples who despise and kill one another. Does that not seem perhaps a little close to the bone?
Also, will there be an option to play as a small child armed with a stone? Or will there be Apache helicopters and tanks available? Or the option to strap piles of explosives to yourself and kill innocent people?

i don't see what the difference is

CS is a broad version of promised land

promised land is (ignoring gameplay) a more locale specific version of CS

does anyone disagree?
I think it just goes to far with the suicide bomber class :|

What kind of mission you gonna use that in? See how many kids you can blow up on a school bus?
Why did you say:"terrorism isn't the focal point of CS?" You know full well that wasn't what I was saying.

Well, anyway. Enjoy making your mod, modding is great fun. You don't have to agree with me. Just bear in mind that there will be people who find the idea distasteful.

In fact if I were you I would take it as a challenge to make the most respectful game based around the concept that you can.

The most important thing is that you make a fun game, and if you succeed there, and don't cash in on the controversy, then that's great.
Crusader said:
In fact if I were you I would take it as a challenge to make the most respectful game based around the concept that you can.

thats the idea.

the suicide bomber has been replaced, its on the site - now theres a bad idea.

dassbaba, im tired of having it being compared to cs, but the gist, yes its a more localized version of cs. the gameplay will be vastly different though.
Doesn't the fact SOOOOO many people think this mod is a bad idea, possibly give you guys cause for concern? I mean, so many don't like it, so whats the point making it, so few will bother even playing it. Apart from the whole controversial aspect, this mod has little going for it. It just comes across as substandard, all the complaining about the subject matter is hiding that, for now anyway.

Really, wasting your time chaps, come up with something original, or atleast something that doesn't have controvisy follow it wherever it goes.
For the simple fact that it is so controversial, a lot more people will play this than pretty much any other mod out there besides CS. I even remember that I only heard of CS 'cause I heard of some guy getting stabbed in real life during a CS game.

I don't wanna sound evil, but if you would put suicide bombers in the game, even more people would play it. That's the truth, and you all know it.

Also, I've noticed that most of the users located in the United States of America have no problem with the game, while others such as those from the UK seem to oppose it. Why is that?
ROD said:
For the simple fact that it is so controversial, a lot more people will play this than pretty much any other mod out there besides CS. I even remember that I only heard of CS 'cause I heard of some guy getting stabbed in real life during a CS game.

I don't wanna sound evil, but if you would put suicide bombers in the game, even more people would play it. That's the truth, and you all know it.

Also, I've noticed that most of the users located in the United States of America have no problem with the game, while others such as those from the UK seem to oppose it. Why is that?
People oppose it because its bad taste. I think some are getting confused with the whole issue of "all publicity is good publicity" all something like this will achieve is opening the flood gates for ever more distateful mods, eventually lowering the whole modding community for everyone and giving it a bad name.

I'd much rather see them put their talents to good use in something original that will be remembered for being good, not for how many people it can piss off.
Most of the people on this board.. are a little more "sensitive" than others to things like this. I really don't see any problem with it. Except that it still looks like a CS clone.
yeah virtually everywhere else we've gotten a great reception, even fpscentral.
If it is a modern day tactical shooter with m16's and AK47's with counter-terrorism mixed in it must be a CS clone in my book.
Just asking, but would a Six Day War or Yom Kippur War mod piss off anyone here? I really want to know. Those wars haven't been modded have they?
babywax said:
If it is a modern day tactical shooter with m16's and AK47's with counter-terrorism mixed in it must be a CS clone in my book.

then youre stupid in my book. raven shield? that has all of these things, is that a cs clone?
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