Proof that ghosts exist!

What the... I was just posting on the other thread and it got deleted..

anyways that was cool :) i've seen better tho and more scary ones
I've seen that before. It's on ebaumsworld, but I accidently watched it without sound so it wasn't scary.

As if that was a real advert though :lol:
Haha! That was cool :D IMO this one is very well made.
I saw that on somethingaweful awhile ago, scared the hell outa me. Funny stuff.
I've seen it before...on this site actually only it wasn't supposed to be a ghost thing.
you bastard I totally fell for it.. I looked up close to see the mist, and wham.. shat my pants (had sound cranked from playing heavy meta)

once more to reiterate how I feel,
you bastard!
whaaaaat the....? where'd all those replies go?
Dedalus & HatRabit:
The thread got deleted so I started a new one.
lmao i read through this thread and it STILL made me jump. Damn you original poster :p

Edit: Champ. Ok well firstly if a thread of yours gets deleted, don't make a new one, you'll likely get banned for that. BUT in this case I can't find why the mod in question deleted your other thread, there's no reason given so I'll allow this thread as i see no reason for it being deleted.. besides I wanna see others get scared by the vid :E
Alright.. I figured it was a server error, seeing as mods usually close threads instead of deleting, and that's only when it gets either silly or nasty!
If sound required = 1
then watch = 0

It's so predictable when a site asks you to turn the sound on.
Champ said:
Alright.. I figured it was a server error, seeing as mods usually close threads instead of deleting, and that's only when it gets either silly or nasty!
well exactly, but i can't see a reason for it being deleted, no point bringing it back now as this one is going fine. Only possible reason would be if its been posted before, but we'd lock those and not delete them so people could still catch them in searches, which can't be done with deleted threads, thus causing people to repost even after searching.

So anyway yeah, stays open as far as im concerned, but scare me again and I'll ban ya ;) hehe
Uhhh my reason for deleting the original, was that it has been posted before, and there was a lot of negativity about it the last time. Apparently I was wrong, this thread is fine now :p
ComradeBadger said:
Uhhh my reason for deleting the original, was that it has been posted before, and there was a lot of negativity about it the last time. Apparently I was wrong, this thread is fine now :p
shh badger, i wasn't giving your name as the locker for a reason :p

I was trying to be discreet :)
Dark Elf: Hehe, Alrighty! I'll watch me ass

PvtRyan: There could be a number of reason for putting on sound. There might be commentaries and such aye? Whats with the numbers anyway? I thought it was one of the best "scare-the-****-outa-me-jokes" out there. Heck, I'm a suspicious guy so I scan the video through with the slidebar before I play it.
And even then I had a terrible shock when the zombie thing appeared
Champ said:
Dark Elf: Hehe, Alrighty! I'll watch me ass

PvtRyan: There could be a number of reason for putting on sound. There might be commentaries and such aye? Whats with the numbers anyway? I thought it was one of the best "scare-the-****-outa-me-jokes" out there. Heck, I'm a suspicious guy so I scan the video through with the slidebar before I play it.
And even then I had a terrible shock when the zombie thing appeared
haha :p

well I turned the sound down after reading the thread and expecting the usual scare at the end, didn't turn it down enough :E
Badger: Negativity? How's that possible?
Do you have the link or any keywords that might retrieve it in a search?


Actually, I do get the shakes from shit like that ><
Ive seen this before but it still scared me...
I dont know why but these shocker flashes/ movies are soooo freaking predictable. I just sit there and the thing pops out and I'm like hmm ths is lame.
it is now 11:20 PM the sound is one. im the only one downstairs on the computer, everythings dark and i watched that... HOLY *@#*%!!!!! IT SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!!!!! i never knew that was coming!
I want someone to take a screen cap of the zombie in the vid, I wanna see what they made it look like, the time before when I did see it I was too shocked too remember what it looked like.
I remember when zis was posted before... and I think Doom 3 has desensitized me to lesser jump-scares. :P
Man, whoever's making these should get some originality.

It's the same damn gag every time, and it's not frightening now that I'm expecting it to pop up in every single thing I see online.
I was looking so attentively trying to catch a glimpse of the ghost, unblinking, with my eyes peeled, and then "waah."
I was suspicious when they said you need sound, but then when I started to play it I knew I saw it before.
I was expecting something of the sort, but it still scared the crap out of me. Heh. Even when I watched it again, I jumped. Damn. :thumbs:
Does anyone know anything about that commercial, like if it was actually aired in Germany or whatever that language was?