Proof that ghosts exist!

I knew what it was cuz I had seen it before. Hence, I turned off the sound, and sat back about 4 feet from my monitor. It still scared the crap out of me :(
Heh... Does anyone know other scary sites such as this one?
You farking bastard!

D3 didn't scare me in the least .. but that crap thing made me jump out of my farking chair!

thnx :D
You are a sick man indeed Dark Elf! How did this man attain his modizenship? :p

Synthaxx: No problem. This was one of the better made "scares"
Champ said:
You are a sick man indeed Dark Elf! How did this man attain his modizenship? :p

Synthaxx: No problem. This was one of the better made "scares"
Rec hired me before he left. I think I was a leaving "present" to the community :p :devil:
And what a present huh? I just had a severe vommiting seizure over my keyboard because of that link!
I started out expecting it, but then thought less of it, only to jump out of my skin.

I had no volume either. I was scared for the first second, but then it changed to laughter.

One of the better ones I've seen. Now I have to drive home. :D
i remember that one, probably the best sudden scare thing ever
Thats really old. I can't friggin wait for some old person to have a heart attack, die then their relatives sue the hell out of them. That's stupid advertisement. One local show in portland or something had a commercial like that.

Edit: It's nice that you DIDN'T put a warning or ANYTHING. Really.