Prop_Static Lighting Problems


Jul 31, 2009
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Alright so ive been mapping for about a month and am having some problems with lighting on some of my Prop_'s Currently the Map is made for HL2:EP2 and am using several custom textures from othersites as well as alot of textures extracted from Portal. Here is a screencapture of the problem i am having

Now the problem is that it is not being effected by lighting at all no matter where i move it, the light that is lighting the object is right above it on the ceiling and seems to light the otherones just fine, im thinking that it might be a range problem for the light but then again it shouldnt be. If anyone has encountered this problem before please enlighten me.

Thanks again, Moleman2009
i had a similar problem - why don't you upload your source file so I can check the problem
I have already fixed the problem apparently i needed to use info_lighting on the prop's and that fixed it right away, a friend helped me out with that, but not i have a few more questions, im wanting to make some rather large landscapes, for scenery purpos's would anyone have any suggestions on how to proced with this? last time i tried i ended up with over 1million faces for VRAD to work on and it crashed hammer :B anyone have any ideas on simple but detail looking geometry?
you can check coast level provided in source sdk content. it's pretty large.