Provisions for HL2 release day


Apr 28, 2004
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I have read many many threads on who is doing what on the 16th, but no one seems to have taken a serious issue into account. For those of us who have booked time off for the day (Or 3 days, as I have) we need to ensure that we have adequate provisions to ensure that we only need to leave the computer to go to the toilet.

So, we must compile a list of food and drink suggestions to ensure we can aquire what we need.

Food is broken down into 2 groups. Meals and snacks.

Chicago town pizzas. Tasty, and fast to cook.


12 pack(s) of beer (Or alcholic beverage of your choise) - For relaxing
12 pack of coke (Or sugary soft drin of your choise) - For energy fix
2 litre bottle of water (Or mineral water, or fizzy or whatever) - To help flush the above crap out in an orderly fasion

Something soft to rest forearms on (solid days at a PC can hurt arms)

As you can see this list is not of an acceptable length, so I appeal to you, the good people of HL2, to help me lengthen it. Remember, meals should be things that you cook (Hot food makes you play better ;)) but should be quick to cook. Snacks should be open and eat type foods. For drinks, don't say "Lemonades better than coke" or whatever, but we do need to think of any other value we can obtain from drinks, and an example of said ingredient provider.
this is sad

you have just entered the new meaning of "how pathetically sad and desparate are you for hl2".
lol you the man.

im so going to take the day off work on the 16th!!! omg so going to.

i will make sure im the only one on this game for the whole day. My brothers are not touching it *in fear of them getting abit further then me to start with and wanting my help.*

i plan NOT to re-boot my pc before the 16th because i have Just finished downloading all of half life2 (if i re-boot i will then have to download it all over again.)

A bit bag of pretzel will be ready on the table next to my comp. (and hmmm fizzy or beer hmmmmm. hehe)
cheese04 said:
you have just entered the new meaning of "how pathetically sad and desparate are you for hl2".

Quote of the day, contender A.

that avatar of yours, it sorta hints to a swastika, I just realized.

nevermind people, just an obervation
Come on guys, keep to the topic please.

Cheese04 - Whether or not that is true, it has nothing to do with this topic.

crzsink - I am not looking for food for a lifestyle, just for a couple of days.

Ok, food/drink/non-consumable provision related posts only please.
Kongo said:
Say what?
well i have pre-loaded half life 2 on my comp.

if i re-boot my whole comp...

then doesn't that mean i would have to re-install Steam and pre-load half life 2 all over again
Clavius said:
that avatar of yours, it sorta hints to a swastika, I just realized.

nevermind people, just an obervation

You know, the more I look at it, the more I see your point. It's just the way it's kind of shaped, I guess - blame Valve, it's one of their Squad Hud icons from HL2.
commando said:
well i have pre-loaded half life 2 on my comp.

if i re-boot my whole comp...

then doesn't that mean i would have to re-install Steam and pre-load half life 2 all over again

I think you mean format? Just rebooting wouldn't harm it in anyway.
I was actually planning to edit it, so the guy drops off the top. I may bring that designn project forward. The more I'm looking at it, the more annoyed I'm becoming with it :)
Clavius said:
that avatar of yours, it sorta hints to a swastika, I just realized.

nevermind people, just an obervation
I think most people are not going to understand what a swastika is ;)
I have a physics test on the 16th and a findal draft due for comp2.

sad, sad day for me.
Sorry mister link.

Usually on lan parties he have:

Shoarma at ' Chef's ' , it means getting out of the building for 30 minutes, but your legs will get stiff otherwise.

Donuts, crisps, toffees and everything else thats easy to eat and high on sugar/fat

beer. lots of it. Oh and some red bull when you're close to falling aspleep.

mobile telephone charger! I always forgat that thing, and this fance phone of mine doesnt work longer tan 2 days or so...
ok im being very noobish.....

what is "RE-BOOTING£ mean?

re format is completly restarting computer to fresh.

but Re-booting is????
Mac said:
I have a physics test on the 16th and a findal draft due for comp2.

sad, sad day for me.

I start at 9am and finish at 7pm my uni plus there will be 2 courseworks on the same date to do. :(

/me buying HL2 on the 17th ;)
commando said:
ok im being very noobish.....

what is "RE-BOOTING£ mean?

re format is completly restarting computer to fresh.

but Re-booting is????

Booting or re-booting, in a nutshell, would just be turning your computer on, or restarting it. So no worries with that :)
ok you will need for you HL2 experiance.


ok Firtsly we need some crisps. High in carbohydrates, they wil provide a slow release enegery for your body to use for the long haul ahead. They also contain fat..which is bad, but over time an also be used as fuel. Next we need maybe some bread...this is the more healthy option to the above..but cmon people, you just cant beet crisp buttys!!

Meals:- PErsonally i would go for something or the microwave variety. This is because a: it dont take long to cook and b: you can hump the Microwave up to your workspace to nuke some food. I personally like "Tesco" or "Asda" ready meals (Asda = Wallmart US) Anyways, these are easy and quick to cook, and are mighty fnie!!

Drinks:- Ok we need drinks.. Water is good but dont taste as nice, as something like Newcastle Brown Ale. I find i play my best games after 3pints or the Above (4.9% abv). But obviously you cant go drinking alkihol all night. So coke, or coffe, or tea is good for that caffeine fix, but not Red Bull / all its other cheap compadres, as well it f**ks around with you.. Water is alwasy good to have tho, i mean one glass to very 3 of coke is good..stops you geting to dehydrated from the sugar

ooo one last thing tho.. TISSUES!! for all that druel dripping on your keyboard from the hl2 experiance (and also any other bodily fluids SOME of you may be producing whil installtion is going on!!!)
Someone said:
Booting or re-booting, in a nutshell, would just be turning your computer on, or restarting it. So no worries with that :)

I think when he said rebooting re meant reformatting.
lol this thread made me laugh... 12 packs of beer?!!?! your gonna be to drunk to even concentrate :-P

Originally Posted by Clavius
that avatar of yours, it sorta hints to a swastika, I just realized.

nevermind people, just an obervation

not really... you can take a lot of objects and rotate them 90 degrees and... omg! they look like a swatztika... omg nazi police come quick....... :-P

That reminds me of those "God Bless America" magnets for cars we got here in the US... how it has a stripe on the bottom with a slightly less obvious stripe that "conveinently" makes a cross on it

Don't forget kids ... Jesus is the real leader of america *rolls eyes

EDIT: hahaha those pics from that outdoor cellar thing... you are insane... your gonna get bitten by bugs and stuff crawling into your pants

I'd rather play inside :-P or just bring the laptop into the closet and lock the door

"What are you doing in there?? Why is the door locked?? Nothing mom go away!"
Don't come between that guy and his HL-2... you should send a pic to gabe, maybe he'll send you a hat or something

maybe some cool city 17 sunglasses (made of broken bottles)
As for me, I am going to be taking off work that next day, so that I can stay up all night.

As far as my provisions go:

Food: Pizza, for sure. I am going to order out early and save the pizza for when I get hungry in the middle of the night, COLD PIZZA IS THE BEST!

Drinks: I am going to stock up on Pepsi, not coke! I also will get me a pack of Frappicinos (Spelling!!! :eek:)

Snacks: Doritos!!!!!!!!! Regular not Cool Ranch!!!!

My plan is that me and my 2 brothers are going to stay up all night and play this game! We have each ordered the silver package via steam.

Useless FYI (Computer Information):
Josh: Computer 1: 2.54 P4; 256 MB of RAM; FX 5200 128 MB

Tim: Computer 2: 1.7 AMD; 256 MB RAM; FX 5200 128 MB

Paul(ME): Computer 3: 2.54 P4; 1 GIG RAM; 6800 Ultra 256 MB

Sadly, I just started my new job, so I cannot take off that day. I work 2nd shift (1 PM - 10 PM), and I live a half hour away from my hometown, where EBGames is located. Obviouslly, EBGames closes at 9. I get an hour lunch break, so I could possibly go, pick it up during my break, run back to work. buahaha. Play it that night, wake up in the AM, play it that morning, goto work, etc. etc.
Aceallways said:
how much do you weigh?


165 LBS. AGE: 18 Height: 5'11 :thumbs:

Anything else you would like to know, my shoe size???? anything at all????
Mac said:
lol this is the funniest thing ive seen in a while. cant stop laughing.

more power to ya :cheers:

Ya, the god damn government kept monitoring me in the house which was interfering with my gaming. Had to move out there to ma hole try to get some privacy.

But they've even by trying to infiltrate my hole as well. I caught them trying to sneak up on me in the dark using night vision equipment:

Luckily I caught 'em at it and fired a few rounds off to scare 'em off. But before the left they tried to drop a poisonous snake into my hole to try to kill me:

I was lucky to kill the little bugger before he got me:

Though it turned out alright as I skinned the little bugger and fried him up for dinner.
I have been onto a medical supply mail order company and have ordered a saline drip apparatus, this will apprently sustain most life forms for 36 hours. I will rig it up to my PC so that the tubes do not impede the gameplay but pass harmlessly through the keyboard and directly into my body through an intravenous process that I have devised. My body has been surgically adapted so that all of my natural waste products are fed directly into a fleet of portaloos that will be installed directly outside my room.
Also I have had the windows in my computer room bricked up so that natural light will not enter until early March next year.
I have paid for my wife to go on a six month all-inclusive holiday in the Maldives so that I will not have to waste valuable time talking to her.
Finally I have posted notices on my front door informing everyone that the inhabitants inside have all contracted a virulent form of scabies that directly attacks the nervous system producing instant death.

"and you try telling the youth of the day that-and they won't believe you"
sawyer1927 said:
I have been onto a medical supply mail order company and have ordered a saline drip apparatus, this will apprently sustain most life forms for 36 hours. I will rig it up to my PC so that the tubes do not impede the gameplay but pass harmlessly through the keyboard and directly into my body through an intravenous process that I have devised. My body has been surgically adapted so that all of my natural waste products are fed directly into a fleet of portaloos that will be installed directly outside my room.
Also I have had the windows in my computer room bricked up so that natural light will not enter until early March next year.
I have paid for my wife to go on a six month all-inclusive holiday in the Maldives so that I will not have to waste valuable time talking to her.
Finally I have posted notices on my front door informing everyone that the inhabitants inside have all contracted a virulent form of scabies that directly attacks the nervous system producing instant death.

"and you try telling the youth of the day that-and they won't believe you"

I will tell you the best food to have in the house to game: If you read this, you will be one of the lucky few with the power to game on forever and ever:

-Coke, 7up, Beer, water, redbull
-oven stuff: pizza, hotdogs, hamburgers, anything you can just put in the oven and forget about
-fried stuff: fries, dimsums, meatballs, chickenwings, anything you can just drawn in hot oil and forget about
-dehydrated stuff: noodles, soup, anything you can just throw in a bowl and poor hot water over
-order stuff: pizza, pitta, chinese, anything you can order (requires money)
-canned stuff: canned tuna, canned saladmixes(there are very good ones), canned fruit, anything you can just open, and eat right away
-healthy stuff: toastable pitabread with all kinds of sandwichstuffing waiting in the fridge
-special stuff: spacecake, or anything else that will get you more 'into' the game