Provisions for HL2 release day


I hope no one actually took me seriously. I found that website about six months ago and thought it was pretty cool.

Here's the main site:

I thought my story about the government, night vision, and poisonous snakes would make it clear it was a joke. :P
myself, assuming I'm still living where i am, I'm moving my rig into the garage, finding a comfy chair and blasting my speakers.
Neutrino said:

I hope no one actually took me seriously. I found that website about six months ago and thought it was pretty cool.

Here's the main site:

I thought my story about the government, night vision, and poisonous snakes would make it clear it was a joke. :P

oh man i thought those were your pictures.

pretty darn funny though
Bullsquid Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Lo*ca"tion\, n. [L. locatio, fr. locare.] 1. The act or process of locating.
Posts: 200

Originally Posted by aeroripper
not really... you can take a lot of objects and rotate them 90 degrees and... omg! they look like a swatztika... omg nazi police come quick....... :-P

Well bubbly, first of all, it was an observation not a complain.
For all that I care he left it be.
second I typed: nevermind, stating that I(that'd be me) personally do not care about the point I made.

Btw, who puts god bless america magnets on their cars...unglaublich

People (particularily people with nice or higher end cars, middle aged or higher 98% of the time)
in lincoln, nebraska do.

A lot of the nicer trucks have the united we stand stickers, or just the flag sticker. Then i see one that makes me laugh every day. Like "free iraq" and "america: love it or leave it"

Its like a contest... today i saw a car with not 1, but *3* different themed ribbons. United we Stand, God Bless America, and Support our Troops... all different colors

i think its funny as hell... United we Stand? what the hell is that supposed to mean anyways? That's not the case at all

EDIT: heh i saw that website with the construction of the bunker and all... now i want one :( although i wonder if it would have been possible to drywall or anything down there... like flatting the walls out and stuff... but i guess that would have been a problem with the moisture and all, probably rot it or something...
Clavius said:
that avatar of yours, it sorta hints to a swastika, I just realized.

nevermind people, just an obervation
ummmm thats mine ^ :devil: