PS3 or Wii

Should I buy a PS3 or a Wii

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Dec 11, 2008
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I'm debating whether I should buy a PS3 or a Wii and I think I might need help deciding which one to buy. I have plenty of friends who either have a Wii or a PS3 and they're all trying to get me to buy the console they have. As of right now, I'm leaning towards the Wii. The games I want to get for the Wii are Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart, and Metroid Prime 3. The only games I want for the PS3 are LBP, MGS4, and Resistance. If Nintendo announces Pikmin 3, I'm almost definitely getting the Wii. Are there any other games for the PS3 that I can't already get on my 360 that I should look into? What features do the consoles have that might make me want to buy it more?
A PS3 isn't different enough from a 360 IMO to warrant owning both, and a wii is a gamecube when the gimmick of the controller gets old.
First of all - the PS3 and the Wii are a different league.

If you want to play current-gen titles and/or graphics play an important role for you, then get the PS3.

If you want to play games in an "innovative" way, wiggling a controller, and you don't care for the fact that they will look a few years old in terms of graphics - get the Wii.

BTW, that comes from someone that doesn't own either of them.

EDIT: I didn't read your post properly. If you have an X360, I don't see much sense in buying a PS3 that is capable of the same, unless you really want to play some of the exclusives.
I think he means in terms of multimedia use: blue ray player, etc.

The Wii is a gimmicky thing that will lose its appeal quickly - you need to be sure you will enjoy the console for the games you have listed and expect little more.
Id get a ps3 but then again as others have said theres really not that much difference in games if you already own a 360.
Get a nice ball on a string attached to a cup, ya whippersnapper.
Save your money until you have enough to get both:E
PS3 if you have an decent HDTV and sound. Wii if you want a social toy which gets it's most use when you have friends around (bear in mind, when you buy all the Wiimotes and games the price range rivals that of an anti-social PS3 package).

Personally, I'd buy a Gamecube or Ebay an N64 to use as a social device. They have massive libraries of some of the most entertaining multiplayer games available and it's a dirt cheap alternative. If you want an awesome home theater, Blu Ray player and visceral gameplay experience which you mostly enjoy by yourself and occasionally online invest in PS3. -
Okay then get the Wii. The 360 is your regular gaming system while the Wii most likely will offer you more variety in terms of gameplay style.
In all honesty, don't get a console unless it is the godly PS2. If you HAVE to get one, definitely a PS3 (and no I am not a Sony fanboy, but if you actually want to play good games, PS3 all the way)
That's like choosing between sex and food.

If you have friends/familly who like to come round and play games often, the Wii is by far the better choice. It never gets old with a bunch of mates. If you're more into traditional, single player games, online play and movies, get a PS3. It's worth it for the Blu-ray player alone.
Wii is for Kids. The PS3 is a full fledged media center/console.
No it's not, it's an overpriced GPU that happens to double as a blu ray player.
No it's not, it's an overpriced GPU that happens to double as a blu ray player.

Internet browsing
Video stream from your PC (wireless)
free online play
great games MGS4,LBP,Motorstorm RE5 etc.
bluray player
can play a wide arange of audio video formats.


motion controllers.....who gives a **** if the game itself still sucks.
shitty online gaming
shovelware games.

**** Nintendo
great games
(bear in mind, when you buy all the Wiimotes and games the price range rivals that of an anti-social PS3 package).
Whut, cause PS3 games are free?
Silly rant

Spoken like someone who doesn't have people to play games with ;) At least not in the same room. I love my PS3 and 360, but when people come round they gather dust while fights ensue for the Wiimotes. And this is with 30 something adults, not the 'kids' you mentioned earlier.
Wii. It has a world of it's own. PS3 is just a PC with Blu-Ray reader.

I haven't turned on my wii in years! But i play my PS3 all the time.
Between the two the PS3 easily. You WILL regret getting a wii :|
Not if he has friends and family that come round often :/

There's no question that the Wii is much better at this.
Or indeed two or more flatmates.
Well anyone who uses a console to browse the web is a fvcktart.
**** you

we are done Im gonna tear your lights down.
Yeah, and I'm gonna come in and dismantle all of your furniture.

And steal your toothbrush...