
Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Couldn't find a thread about it, and I'd like to add people to my PSN friend list. What are yours? Kept mine as "Sedako".
Here are some from the GTA4 group:

*** PS3 PSN ID ***

Rapstah - Rap-Olov
atomicspark85 - atomicspark85
ShinRa - NinjaSephiroth
malice - Malice345
Sir Phoenixx - sirphoenixx
Asus - wheel-jack39
DigiQ8 - DigiQ8
Mutley - nicksource
VictimOfScience - V1ctIm
Xendance - williamhenderson
Fishlore - fishlore
Rizzo89 - SimmeJ
Darkedge34 - Darkedge34
freakyflor - freakyflor
Man, that reminds me I need to add some of you guys...:O Too busy with The Last Guy, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, and Quest for Booty to get to it.
Also, since we're on the subject of PS3... is anyone get XMB framerate issues when turning on the console about 50% of the time?
Asuka oYl

I think thats it anyway...If your going to add me please mention your from
I'm on shamrock's list.

VOS, how is Quest for Booty? Also have any of you played Battlefield:Bad Company? I'm itching for a shooter and don't know what to get. I just finished Resistance Fall of Man and loved it.
I'm on shamrock's list.

VOS, how is Quest for Booty? Also have any of you played Battlefield:Bad Company? I'm itching for a shooter and don't know what to get. I just finished Resistance Fall of Man and loved it.
QFB is AWESOME. It is more platformy that TFD and I just love it. I was hoping for that even though I like the combat in R&C games quite a bit obviously--the weaponry is ingenius. I have not played BF:BC, but a guy at work swore by BF2 and played it virtually 24/7 and he LOVES Bad Company, so that is a pretty stellar review I think. Have you tried the demo?

You must be pretty psyched for Resistance 2 then...and Killzone 2 as well. The next few months leading up to mext February are going to be pretty darn hard on the old wallet (in a good way). :D
I was able to snag Uncharted from the Amazon gold box for $30, so I was playing that all yesterday. Such an excellent game (to be expected from Naughty Dog). I also bought Tools of Destruction off Ebay yesterday, so my PS3 collection is coming along pretty quickly. Any other games that are worth my time atm?
If you haven't got Resistance: Fall of Man already you can pick that up very cheap these days and it's a long of fun. Here's my rating from the game rating thread:

Resistance: Fall of Man - 9/10

Picked it up for ?15 after becoming pretty excited by Resistance 2 footage and have been more than pleasantly surprised. The game just feels right. Usually I'm not a fan of dual analogue controls but Insomniac have totally nailed it, which is surprising considering their pedigree. There's a very subtle lock-on that you barely notice, but helps curb frustration in trying to chase an enemy with your right stick. The star of the game though is the guns. Usually in an FPS you have "the best gun", and lower level firearms become obsolete. Resistance has no pistol, just lots of totally bad-ass weapons, some you're used to, some totally unique. There's a sniper rifle which slows down time for perfect headshots, a ricocheting rail gun that can assemble an auto-turret, a laser rifle that can home shots and another that blasts straight through cover. You'll find yourself using every gun in your arsenal regularly, making you play creatively with you feeling powerful but not overpowered. And just to spoil you there's also 3 grenades: the classic frag, the hedgehog nail grenade and the third releases gas into an area before igniting it for crispy results. I booted up the game expecting a serious Gears of War type affair and have discovered the most outright fun I've had from an FPS since Episode Two.
QFB is AWESOME. It is more platformy that TFD and I just love it. I was hoping for that even though I like the combat in R&C games quite a bit obviously--the weaponry is ingenius. I have not played BF:BC, but a guy at work swore by BF2 and played it virtually 24/7 and he LOVES Bad Company, so that is a pretty stellar review I think. Have you tried the demo?

You must be pretty psyched for Resistance 2 then...and Killzone 2 as well. The next few months leading up to mext February are going to be pretty darn hard on the old wallet (in a good way). :D

Nice sounds perfect, now I just need to find the time to check out QFB. Easier said than done. Resistance 2 is an absolute must buy along with Far Cry 2, then it's R&C time I think. I'll try Killzone at some point, but never played the first and I'm not sure if it's quite the genre I like.

I ended up having one of those massive brain farts at the gamestop store and got FEAR instead of Battlefield Bad Company and I've been kicking myself since.

Oh and Drake's Fortune was a fantastic game IMO, Sedako and I agree with Great Blackhorn that Resistance is a really good shooter, the best I've played on the PS3, but I haven't played them all that's for sure.
If you haven't got Resistance: Fall of Man already you can pick that up very cheap these days and it's a long of fun. Here's my rating from the game rating thread:

Resistance: Fall of Man - 9/10

Picked it up for ?15 after becoming pretty excited by Resistance 2 footage and have been more than pleasantly surprised. The game just feels right. Usually I'm not a fan of dual analogue controls but Insomniac have totally nailed it, which is surprising considering their pedigree. There's a very subtle lock-on that you barely notice, but helps curb frustration in trying to chase an enemy with your right stick. The star of the game though is the guns. Usually in an FPS you have "the best gun", and lower level firearms become obsolete. Resistance has no pistol, just lots of totally bad-ass weapons, some you're used to, some totally unique. There's a sniper rifle which slows down time for perfect headshots, a ricocheting rail gun that can assemble an auto-turret, a laser rifle that can home shots and another that blasts straight through cover. You'll find yourself using every gun in your arsenal regularly, making you play creatively with you feeling powerful but not overpowered. And just to spoil you there's also 3 grenades: the classic frag, the hedgehog nail grenade and the third releases gas into an area before igniting it for crispy results. I booted up the game expecting a serious Gears of War type affair and have discovered the most outright fun I've had from an FPS since Episode Two.

So what's your PSN ID lol.