PSP being a failure?


Companion Cube
Dec 28, 2005
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Does anyone else see this? I keep seeing things like "DS outselling PSP 5 to 1 in Japan" and "UMD's failing to sell". I think Sony put a little too much on their plate, and should have opted with a gaming system and not a multi media device. Sure...maybe it might take a while for the PSP to get some good games out and become a top seller, but right now it's going downhill in a slow and painful death.

Your thoughts...
they treat umd like other people besides teenagers with psp's would actually use them. I see movie commercials saying now out on dvd and umd...... yeah nice try sony but UMD is not going to become a standard
If the psp did not have UMD it would be less atractive, the multimedia capabilities just add to it. The problem with the psp is that it infact isn't a portable, with the current batteries. Plus all that bad pixels crap and everything.
Grey Fox said:
If the psp did not have UMD it would be less atractive, the multimedia capabilities just add to it. The problem with the psp is that it infact isn't a portable, with the current batteries. Plus all that bad pixels crap and everything.

More like a hand held is exactly that, a handheld, not much of a purpose in releasing every godamn movie sony publishes on UMD when only kids with this game machine will be useing it. PSP does not appeal to adults or people who frequently travel (especially considering it's battery life). So sony's approach of using UMD as a multimedia format is failing imho.
I wouldnt say they failed with the PSP, but it could have been better.

Sony markets the PSP to be a multimedia device which IMHO isnt a very good thing to do. They should have gone the same road Nintendo did and make a pure gaming device. Now youre stuck with poor battery life, mediocre and few games, UMDs (which is pretty much useless), expensive brick (pretty sexy brick though).

Nintendo made a slower and uglier machine (except for the Lite version, its sexy) but its a gaming device. It's cheaper to develop for (you dont have to make 3d, 2d is just as good) and you have the touchscreen and mic to play around with and use them in game. You can say it welcomes smaller more original games than the PSP. The PSP is basically a ps2 but smaller and on battery.

So the PSP isnt failing, but when you see more UMD movies than games for a gaming console, you start to wonder.
I don't get why Sony and similar seem to think we want to listen to music and watch DVD's on handhelds/consoles. It's just a waste of money on their part. If I want to watch DVD's I'll buy a DVD player, and if I want to listen to music I'll buy an mp3 player.

It's the same with Microsoft and that multimedia TV that nobody bought.
Darksabre said:
Does anyone else see this? I keep seeing things like "DS outselling PSP 5 to 1 in Japan" and "UMD's failing to sell". I think Sony put a little too much on their plate, and should have opted with a gaming system and not a multi media device. Sure...maybe it might take a while for the PSP to get some good games out and become a top seller, but right now it's going downhill in a slow and painful death.

Your thoughts...
What figures are you loooking at?

Here's some from March of 2005:
PlayStation Portable: 43,644 (Annual: 580,120)
Nintendo DS: 22,446 (Annual: 429,545)


Here's some from September 2005:
"More than 185,000 were sold in its first four days in UK shops, say official Chart-Track figures."
"Rival handheld, the Nintendo DS, sold 87,000 in its launch week in March."

To follow-up on those numbers, here's a quote:
"The Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) has broken records to become the fastest-selling games console of all time in the UK, according to figures."

I don't know what you have been reading, but it doesn't seem quite as bad as many are making it out to be. They're both great gadgets and the expanding functionality of both of them are making them even more appealing to a wider audience.
VictimOfScience said:
What figures are you loooking at?

Here's some from March of 2005:
PlayStation Portable: 43,644 (Annual: 580,120)
Nintendo DS: 22,446 (Annual: 429,545)


Here's some from September 2005:
"More than 185,000 were sold in its first four days in UK shops, say official Chart-Track figures."
"Rival handheld, the Nintendo DS, sold 87,000 in its launch week in March."

To follow-up on those numbers, here's a quote:
"The Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) has broken records to become the fastest-selling games console of all time in the UK, according to figures."

I don't know what you have been reading, but it doesn't seem quite as bad as many are making it out to be. They're both great gadgets and the expanding functionality of both of them are making them even more appealing to a wider audience.

He most likely looked at the Japanese market where the DS has the advantage, both hardware and software.
I like how VictimOfScience only gave statistics from the PSP's launch (March) against the DS (which had already been out for over 5 months) sales figures from the same month... and those quotes "from September 2005" refer back to the same period, March... and all of this only refers to the UK. If you want to talk about European total sales (not shipments as Sony reports) it's something like 3.7m for the DS and an estimated 2.5m for the PSP. The DS is also ahead of the PSP in total worldwide sales. The DS has sold more than 14m units... while Sony has only shipped 15m units and every store I've visited still has plenty of them.
in japan, the ds is 'owning' the psp.

it's going as well as i expected, maybe a little bit less.

i haven't bothered to buy one yet and i don't think i will, though, i've used a friends and others, and they're a good solid product.
OCybrManO said:
I like how VictimOfScience only gave statistics from the PSP's launch (March) against the DS (which had already been out for over 5 months) sales figures from the same month... and those quotes "from September 2005" refer back to the same period, March... and all of this only refers to the UK. If you want to talk about European total sales (not shipments as Sony reports) it's something like 3.7m for the DS and an estimated 2.5m for the PSP. The DS is also ahead of the PSP in total worldwide sales. The DS has sold more than 14m units... while Sony has only shipped 15m units and every store I've visited still has plenty of them.
Ha! From your post I get the feeling that you don't actually "like" what I said. I just used some numbers that were pretty meaningful in my eyes. They are totally accurate, though yes, a few months old.

Why exactly does anyone care which system sells more? Do any of you really care if the DS ships more units or if the PSP sells more units? As long as good games and good functionality comes to both, what's the difference??? Let them both sell well and drive competition! Let that competition spur new growth and innovation in the handheld market! Why the fuss?

I know: Fanboys live and die by their beloved corporate gods. Pity that....
I don't care. I already have my DS and 7 great games. If that wasn't already enough they're releasing a sleeker/smaller DS, a web browser, a kick-ass game lineup for 2006, and possibly even a TV tuner (US version might not go through). Plus, if I wanted to use it as a multimedia device I could just buy a currently available addon. That's something Nintendo does well. They design systems for gamers then make addons for people that want the extra crap. You only buy what you want. Something else that is interesting (moreso if you think the PSP has a bigger market share) is that the PSP game sales are completely dwarfed by DS game sales and the UMD sales have sucked. It seems like a lot of people are just buying the PSP to play their free music and movies.
It's a good handheld, and it's a lot better than the DS. Of course buying UMD movies is retarded, but theres no harm in having the feature there. Because of those multimedia capabilities I can download movies and watch them on the go. Also I use the thing as a replacement for an Ipod, which would just be unnecessary if you have a PSP.

Then there's homebrew. Being able to play any SNES/NES, Gameboy, Genesis, or old arcade game freely and easily alone makes it superior to the DS.

And that's not even beginning with the games, the PSP has real games. These are console quality games on a handheld. The DS just doesn't appeal to me. It's a whole bunch of gimmicky games that you finish and get tired of within a day. There may be a few exceptions, but overall the system doesn't have the types of games that appeal to me. And to the people apparently saying that the DS appeals more to adults than the PSP ... are you joking? The DS is a freaking toy, it is geared towards a much younger market than the PSP and has the design/games to prove it. Sure the PSP is a toy too but it's a toy that has features that can appeal to adults.

As far as the sales, the PSP costs about twice as much. Also with the business model Sony is using, they lose money on the machine and make it back on Game/UMD sales, which is very different from the approach Nintendo is using. It's not quite fair to straight up compare sales figures.
OCybrManO said:
If that wasn't already enough they're releasing a sleeker/smaller DS, a web browser, a kick-ass game lineup for 2006, and possibly even a TV tuner (US version might not go through).
Yeah, this is what actually might push me over the edge and make me prefer the DS. The ScummVM is another reason, though the PSP does that too. The DS would appear to have the most potential for adventure games though, so who knows what will happen! Exciting stuff though. :)
smwScott said:
It's a good handheld, and it's a lot better than the DS. Of course buying UMD movies is retarded, but theres no harm in having the feature there. Because of those multimedia capabilities I can download movies and watch them on the go. Also I use the thing as a replacement for an Ipod, which would just be unnecessary if you have a PSP.
Does your PSP have 30GB of storage? Does your PSP do TV out? Does your PSP support iTunes? Can your PSP run Linux? Yeah... I can see why the PSP makes the iPod useless. Plus, if you want those PSP features on the DS you can just buy an addon. Don't make the rest of us pay for that crap. I don't want a jack of all trades. I want to play games. Similarly, when I buy an MP3 player I don't care about its gaming capabilities.

smwScott said:
Then there's homebrew. Being able to play any SNES/NES, Gameboy, Genesis, or old arcade game freely and easily alone makes it superior to the DS.
I'll let you find the irony of using the ability to illegally play old Nintendo games to make the PSP "superior" to the DS. If you want a handheld designed for homebrew, get a GP2X.

smwScott said:
And that's not even beginning with the games, the PSP has real games. These are console quality games on a handheld. The DS just doesn't appeal to me. It's a whole bunch of gimmicky games that you finish and get tired of within a day. There may be a few exceptions, but overall the system doesn't have the types of games that appeal to me. And to the people apparently saying that the DS appeals more to adults than the PSP ... are you joking? The DS is a freaking toy, it is geared towards a much younger market than the PSP and has the design/games to prove it. Sure the PSP is a toy too but it's a toy that has features that can appeal to adults.
The PSP has ports of console games designed to be played like console games. That's why the game sales pale in comparison to DS game sales. Nintendo knows the handheld gaming market much better than Sony... and Apple knows the portable music/video player market better than Sony. The PSP is stuck in the middle.

Plus, as for the quality of games, I can think of at least a dozen great DS games that I either have or want that are available right now... and in 2006 there are another dozen or so that I am really looking forward to. Your idea of "mature" seems to be just the kind of game that generally shouldn't be given to children. If it looks cute, it's for kids... right? In reality, those games are the ones that appeal to the widest demographic.
I just want to add a few things.

Emulators actually run better on the DS since they arent ports from other platforms like the ones for the PSP, but its easier to run homebrew stuff on the PSP.

Also, Nintendos game philosophy is different from Sonys. Nintendo wants to make games you can pick up fast and play for 10mins while you wait for the train. No loading times, easy game mechanics and funny games. The PSP on the other hand is like a small PS2. You need time to play it. You can't pick it up and play for 10min in the same way you can do with most DS games.

But in the end, its all up to what kind of gaming you want to do. I carry my DS with me all the time, and sometimes im a little early for the train so i pick it up and play 5-10mins or so. Perfect. PSP is more airliner-gaming if you understand... you need more time.

Also, who cares about who actually got the console? My 10 year old brother got a DS too, but I don't hate it for that or think its a kids-only toy. Only the immature guys get a PSP just because their little brother got one. "Hey, look, Im mature! I got a PSP!"

Both are toys/consoles, we play what we like. Dont fall for stupid things like that.
VictimOfScience said:
Why exactly does anyone care which system sells more? Do any of you really care if the DS ships more units or if the PSP sells more units? As long as good games and good functionality comes to both, what's the difference??? Let them both sell well and drive competition! Let that competition spur new growth and innovation in the handheld market! Why the fuss?

To an extent, it matters. If one handheld does appallingly, there are likely to be less games produced for it, thus the value of owning one is lessened. Although in this case it's pretty much safe to say that this will affect neither DS nor PSP, but it is what happened to the Gamecube.
I think what will ultimatley be the downfall of the PSP is it's shitty selection of titles (mainly PS2 hand-me-downs) and the fact that it isn't really a pick-up-and-play device. What I mean by that the games that are out for the PSP on the whole aren't games that you would play on a bus journey (because they've been developed for a console orginially they were developed to be played for hours).

I don't own a DS, but I did own a PSP (I got rid of it when I got bored of Ridge Racer). I will be getting one one of the new DSes when they come out.
Psp is NOT better than DS. That's a huge fact.

I swear, you sony fanboys are everywhere...
Septih said:
To an extent, it matters. If one handheld does appallingly, there are likely to be less games produced for it, thus the value of owning one is lessened. Although in this case it's pretty much safe to say that this will affect neither DS nor PSP, but it is what happened to the Gamecube.
Of course it matters to an extent, but like I just said, as long as both do well and create good competition to generate innovation and growth, who cares? Yes if one does really terribly there might be an issue (like studios already cutting umd production due to lack of sales), but that's sort of inherent in my previous comment. They are both doing well now--the only reason people are arguing is because they are fanboys. They are both great systems with advantages and disadvantages! Geez!
I don't want to get into this argument, but I will say this:

At my school, three kids own PSPs, while at least 20 (myself included) own a DS. And every kid with a PSP has either sold it or is in the process of finding a buyer.
VictimOfScience said:
Of course it matters to an extent, but like I just said, as long as both do well and create good competition to generate innovation and growth, who cares? Yes if one does really terribly there might be an issue (like studios already cutting umd production due to lack of sales), but that's sort of inherent in my previous comment. They are both doing well now--the only reason people are arguing is because they are fanboys. They are both great systems with advantages and disadvantages! Geez!

I was just explaining why it might matter, no need to sound so pissed off... :)
OCybrManO said:
Does your PSP have 30GB of storage? Does your PSP do TV out? Does your PSP support iTunes? Can your PSP run Linux? Yeah... I can see why the PSP makes the iPod useless. Plus, if you want those PSP features on the DS you can just buy an addon. Don't make the rest of us pay for that crap. I don't want a jack of all trades. I want to play games. Similarly, when I buy an MP3 player I don't care about its gaming capabilities.

The PSP plays music that I put on it, which is also what an Ipod does. It doubles as an mp3 player, the DS doesn't. It does everything I'd ever want it to music wise. And just so you know 1.5 PSPs can run Linux and even Windows (although both are very flawed). And I do want a jack of all trades, I didn't have an mp3 player, and I wanted one. It's also nice that it plays game better than the DS.

OCybrManO said:
I'll let you find the irony of using the ability to illegally play old Nintendo games to make the PSP "superior" to the DS. If you want a handheld designed for homebrew, get a GP2X.

Sure there's irony ... but the point is I can play all these great games on my PSP, on the go. These are great games, the catalogue of SNES games alone tops the DS. The PSP allows the best of both worlds, new console style games and every old school game ever made. And I couldn't play Liberty City Stories or the other great PSP games on a GP2X now could I?

OCybrManO said:
The PSP has ports of console games designed to be played like console games. That's why the game sales pale in comparison to DS game sales. Nintendo knows the handheld gaming market much better than Sony... and Apple knows the portable music/video player market better than Sony. The PSP is stuck in the middle.

I don't own a single port for the PSP. GTA, Lumines, Metal Gear Acid, Wipeout Pure, etc. There are a lot of quality original games available on the PSP. I prefer this style of games to the simple, "pick up and play" style of DS games.

OCybrManO said:
Plus, as for the quality of games, I can think of at least a dozen great DS games that I either have or want that are available right now... and in 2006 there are another dozen or so that I am really looking forward to. Your idea of "mature" seems to be just the kind of game that generally shouldn't be given to children. If it looks cute, it's for kids... right? In reality, those games are the ones that appeal to the widest demographic.

I don't believe I ever said that DS games were immature. I was pointing out that the way the system is designed and it's reliance on gimmicks seems geared towards a younger audience, whereas a more expensive machine that plays contemporary style games and has multi-media support would be better for an older crowd. And besides Mario Kart and that new Metroid game there's not a single DS game I really want to play, and I get all the old Mario Kart and Metroid games through emulation.
I like my PSP. I have Lumines, Burnout, Wipeout Fusion, and Mercury. I don't have a DS yet but I'd like to get one. :thumbs:
The UMD movie format is looking to be a failure at least. Which of course certainly won't help the PSP.

The PSP won't be a failure though, a failure was the N-gage. The PSP could at least warrant Sony making a PSP2. They certainly could have done far far better with it though.

Also there is no "fact" stating which is better. Only opinion at the moment, yes they are better at different things but when it comes to the overall system it all depends on the individual user to decide which features they like better. Personally the DS absolutely destroys the PSP, there is no way I would get the PSP anymore, but that is just me.
smwScott said:
I was pointing out that the way the system is designed and it's reliance on gimmicks

If the DS has proved one thing, it's that it doesn't rely on gimmicks. Many of its best games would not work on any other system. Sure, there's a few in which touch screen feels tacked on, but every system has poor games, and this certainly isn't the case for all of them - since the DS was released there's been more quality titles arrive than on any other platform (imo, of course). For the first time in years video games are feeling new and fresh (I can't wait for the Revolution)
smwScott said:
And to the people apparently saying that the DS appeals more to adults than the PSP ... are you joking? The DS is a freaking toy, it is geared towards a much younger market than the PSP and has the design/games to prove it. Sure the PSP is a toy too but it's a toy that has features that can appeal to adults.

LOL, features that appeal to adults?!? Like what? An inferior mp3 player? A UMD player? Are you serious? Any adult who would buy a handheld surely has a real mp3 player and a real dvd player. I'll be thirty in a few short months and the reason I bought a handheld is for games. Quality games with new types of gameplay to be specific. I'm sick of PC and console gaming. It's all very stale to me. I bought a DS because it has games you simply can not play anymore else, period.

Here's a tip little guy. Gaming for the older folks isn't about cutting edge graphics. It's not about photorealistic faces and blood and gore. It's not about raw horsepower. That's for the kids worrying about fitting in with their peers. It's about fun and accessible gameplay. Aside from parents buying PSPs for their spoiled children, I bet very few adults have bought them. I certainly know I've never met one.

I'm sure there are a few quality titles out there for the PSP. That's great. It sounds like you enjoy yours and that's all that matters. I'm not here to bash the PSP. I just get annoyed with people that start the whole Nintendo is for kids nonsense.
smwScott said:
I don't own a single port for the PSP. GTA, Lumines, Metal Gear Acid, Wipeout Pure, etc. There are a lot of quality original games available on the PSP. I prefer this style of games to the simple, "pick up and play" style of DS games.
Let's take a look at most of the best PSP games:

WipEout Pure... rehash
Ridge Racer... port
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories... soon to have a PS2 port
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee... port
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix... port
WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2006... port
Madden NFL 06... port
Virtua Tennis World Tour... port
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06... port
Twisted Metal: Head-On... rehash
Burnout Legends... port
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse... port
MLB... stripped-down port
SSX On Tour... port
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max... port
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo... port
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X... port
World Soccer Winning Eleven 9... port
NBA Live 06... port
The Sims 2... port
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire... port
Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0... stripped-down port
NBA '06... port
FIFA Soccer 06... port
Crash Tag Team Racing... port
Gretzky NHL 06... port

... and those don't even include the shitty, half-assed ports. Of all of the PSP games that have gotten decent scores... only a handful are even remotely original. The PSP is just a way for Sony to get consumers to pay for the same game twice. If you like it, fine... but I, along with many other people, already have a PS2. No one is arguing that the DS has more powerful hardware. We're just saying that it actually offers a unique experience that, in our opinions, is more fun than the thought of a portable PS2.
Septih said:
I was just explaining why it might matter, no need to sound so pissed off... :)
Oh, ok. Sorry to sound a bit anti-. It just seems like this thread has become rather one-sided for some reason. I know people love Nintendo and want to support them in all of their endeavours as they have been the underdog for a while now and Sony has done nothing but lie to the community since day one (and bring some seriously kick-ass gaming to the masses), but I am still at a loss as to why people feel so vehemently one way or the other. Can't you (not you Septih, but people in general) just be happy with your system without bad-mouthing someone else's? No one can say which will succeeed and which will fail at this point in time. Maybe once the second iteration of these units releases we can sit backand look at the numbers, but do numbers alone constitute failure/success? And to whom: you? the developers? the publishers? the harware manufacturers? Ugh...tough crowd!:sniper:
Fishlore said:
LOL, features that appeal to adults?!? Like what? An inferior mp3 player? A UMD player? Are you serious? Any adult who would buy a handheld surely has a real mp3 player and a real dvd player. I'll be thirty in a few short months and the reason I bought a handheld is for games. Quality games with new types of gameplay to be specific. I'm sick of PC and console gaming. It's all very stale to me. I bought a DS because it has games you simply can not play anymore else, period.

Here's a tip little guy. Gaming for the older folks isn't about cutting edge graphics. It's not about photorealistic faces and blood and gore. It's not about raw horsepower. That's for the kids worrying about fitting in with their peers. It's about fun and accessible gameplay. Aside from parents buying PSPs for their spoiled children, I bet very few adults have bought them. I certainly know I've never met one.

I'm sure there are a few quality titles out there for the PSP. That's great. It sounds like you enjoy yours and that's all that matters. I'm not here to bash the PSP. I just get annoyed with people that start the whole Nintendo is for kids nonsense.

Try to be a little more condescending next time, "little guy." Sorry, I forgot that adding in a second screen which 95% of all games released relegate to an oversized minimap or HUD information that could be easily placed on one screen. Almost all the time one of those screens is useless. The touch screen is also very underused, although there are some fairly innovative games out there that utilize it.

I did not have an mp3 player, and didn't really want one all that bad. However when the PSP came out it was perfect for me. I had held out on buying all those other random gadgets ... then the PSP came out for less than some of them and did just about everything decently well. And it plays games better than any other handheld on the market. And it plays better games too.

And to other guy ... your list is so badly flawed. Some of the games you listed as ports like Ridge Racer .... aren't ports. The PSP Wipeout is the best version of the series available. And you conveniently left out games like Lumines and Metal Gear Acid (also a bunch of games I don't like or own but are very original like Exit). And what would be the point of owning Liberty City Stories on PS2? It's a PSP game through and through, would be a huge step down from San Andreas. It's designed to be portable.
Man I should have put a warning on this "DO NOT TURN THIS INTO A DS vs. PSP DEBATE". Anyway, the point of this thread was to debate on whether the PSP is going to die a painful death or perhaps regain momentum. Frankly...with Metroid Prime Hunters coming out (and a new Mario and Zelda :O!) I think it will take one hell of a killer app from the PSP to break in.
Hey Scott? Try reading VirusType2's post next time. Nobody likes a rabid idiotic fanboy. Particularly me.

EDIT: Damnit Sabre, you beat me!
Fine, downgrade a couple of them from port to rehash. It doesn't change the point of the list.
smwScott said:
And you conveniently left out games like Lumines and Metal Gear Acid (also a bunch of games I don't like or own but are very original like Exit).
Conveniently? Yes, when making a list of one thing it is very convenient to not have to put unrelated things in the list. It was a list of PSP games that scored over 7.0 from IGN and could also be played on consoles. Why would I add anything else to the list?
Whatever, I'm out. I never said the DS was kiddy, you guys did, sounds like you're the ones that seem to think that and are trying to justify it. I gave reasons why I like the PSP better, I'm not a "fanboy." If anyone is a fanboy it's the people trying to discredit every single thing the PSP does to make it look bad, which is just silly. There are plenty of great PSP games. I'm sure you all have DS games you like too ... but in my opinion the best PSP games beat the best DS games hands down.

I really don't care if you guys disagree with me, as obviously you're all set in your ways. I said that the DS does some original things, such as the touchpad. I also said that the second screen is a stupid gimmick, which it is. I don't hate the thing, but I also have no intention of buying it. I'm done, this is stupid.
smwScott said:
I never said the DS was kiddy, you guys did, sounds like you're the ones that seem to think that and are trying to justify it.
Yeah, you never said "The DS is a freaking toy, it is geared towards a much younger market than the PSP and has the design/games to prove it. Sure the PSP is a toy too but it's a toy that has features that can appeal to adults." In fact, I think I might have imagined it.
smwScott said:
Whatever, I'm out. I never said the DS was kiddy, you guys did, sounds like you're the ones that seem to think that and are trying to justify it. I gave reasons why I like the PSP better, I'm not a "fanboy." If anyone is a fanboy it's the people trying to discredit every single thing the PSP does to make it look bad, which is just silly. There are plenty of great PSP games. I'm sure you all have DS games you like too ... but in my opinion the best PSP games beat the best DS games hands down.

I really don't care if you guys disagree with me, as obviously you're all set in your ways. I said that the DS does some original things, such as the touchpad. I also said that the second screen is a stupid gimmick, which it is. I don't hate the thing, but I also have no intention of buying it. I'm done, this is stupid.
I have to say that I pretty much agree with Scott on most everything he said.

And about the games being ports, well, looks like some people forgot about the GBA days. Nintendo is just as port crazy as Sony is. And thats besides the point. To me, the ports are a plus becuase I don't own a PS2, so the ability to play them (and on the go) is a major plus for me. Also, you have GOT to put that stupid "battery sucks" thing away. I own a PSP (unlike most people in this thread I'd bet) and I NEVER turn my PSP off, I always have it in sleep mode on the home menu, and the battery lasts pretty long, even when playing disc intesive games like GTA.

But whatever. To answer the question, I would have to say that: No, the PSP is not a failure (sorry Nintendo fanboys) and it will keep going strong for another long whle. What is a failure are those dumb UMD movies no one ever buys.
It was slightly different with the GBA. There were plenty of ports, but there was also a massive amount or original and quality games - so many that it still remains the best handheld around for gaming on the move (the micro is lovely). The DS is follwing in suit, and the amount of quality released since launch is staggering.

This isn't the case with the PSP. The games aren't original, and there isn't a great deal of quality around. If you never had a PS2, or didn't get around to playing these games in their previous incarnations, then i'm glad you get the chance to enjoy them, but don't be suprised when many of us remain unimpressed.

It's a good console, and some decent titles are starting to come out, but so far (imo) the software doesn't come close to matching the volume of quality, original and innovative games on the DS - especially in multiplayer.

(I don't own a PSP btw - my brother and a few friends did. They've all since sold them, and all still play the DS. So does my mum and better half. It says something when these 2 people, who previously hated video games, can sit down and play a handheld for hours on end :))

//edit - having said all this, i'm looking forward to Power Stone Collection and the new Ghouls 'n' Ghosts a great deal. Who cares if they're rehahses when they look this good? :) Luckily, there's loads of second hand PSP's floating around