PsP = porn delivery system/Nazi recruiters wet dream


May 5, 2004
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continuing with the "Media scares the beejubus out of ignorant parents" theme comes this story:

Playstation Portable Porn delivery system

What mom thought was just a game is actually a very sophisticated piece of electronics that a clever kid can use to capture pornographic images out of thin air. In the school's library, Jeff was eager to show his friends his new Sony Play Station Portable, or PSP. On a dare, Jeff showed his pals how the PSP could magically display images of naked women.
ya I posted this story before but didnt have a video ..I do now
The way for parents to solve the problem is to get rid of the wireless router at home. Simple as that. Not just:

"set up parental controls"
"lock psp with password"
"talk to your children"
I didn't know PSPs could do that :O

I might get one for Christmas now.
I hate the media, it's why my mum is really worried about my amount of computer usage. Well yeah I'm on it when I'm not at school, in bed or eating, but she thinks it's brainwashing me and my dad thinks it's completely destroying my social skills and killing my friendships :| Oh yeah and when I get a bad mark in school guess what they blame. Ffs.
This is indeed quite old. Its also one of the worst examples of reporting that I have ever seen. These people make it sound like its a direct hotline to Satan's own blood-bedewed den!! Holy sh*t but the same could be said about most electronic devices out there!! And this is the sort of stuff that mainstream parents see unfortunately. No wonder videogames get such a bad rap.
I hate the media, it's why my mum is really worried about my amount of computer usage. Well yeah I'm on it when I'm not at school, in bed or eating, but she thinks it's brainwashing me and my dad thinks it's completely destroying my social skills and killing my friendships :| Oh yeah and when I get a bad mark in school guess what they blame. Ffs.
Sounds like they have a point.
Once again the solution is simple, BE A REAL PRARENT YOU FU**S
I love how the next video on the playlist is "The Internet Is For Porn" :laugh:
Can you imagine how much these things would sell if they actually could conjure porn out of thin air? PSPs are pretty dead as I understand it; this could be just the boost in sales the platform needs!
Omg they showed video clip of Fear Extraction point........since when was that game on PSP?

My god these people are stupid. Parents who fall for this deserves to just....die

I hate the media, it's why my mum is really worried about my amount of computer usage. Well yeah I'm on it when I'm not at school, in bed or eating, but she thinks it's brainwashing me and my dad thinks it's completely destroying my social skills and killing my friendships :| Oh yeah and when I get a bad mark in school guess what they blame. Ffs.

Yeah I know, its not like you could study and talk to people or hang out during that time.
it's more the media's fault for fearmongering ..some parents are afraid of technology so they believe whatever crap they're spoonfed ..some parents may watch this segment and thought twice about getting their kid a psp .. it's the fear of what their kid could potentionally do that has them so freaked out because they have no control over it
it's the fear of what their kid could potentionally[/do] that has them so freaked out because they have no control over it

When in fact they do have control over it. For some reason parents tend to believe that their kids will do every bad thing in the world whether or not the parents teach them about it... and thus the parents dont bother. Parents as a whole need to grow some balls and teach their kids properly.
Porn? On the internets?! My god, and I've been using it for information this whole time!
I hear my right hand and a piece of paper can conjure up porn too... I guess my parents should have glued my hands together whenever I wasn't home.
I used to surf TEH INTARWEBZ off my PSP back in the days. You can get porn off anything these days, even a microwave if you try hard enough. I bet these parents wouldnt think twice about giving their kids mobile phones, and you know those things are pr0n magnets.

As a wise man once said to a stupid ignorant woman "You're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one are you!"
I also like the random quotes they have from "policeman" and "random guy" plus the spinning camera to show that the psp is "out of control".
When in fact they do have control over it. For some reason parents tend to believe that their kids will do every bad thing in the world whether or not the parents teach them about it... and thus the parents dont bother. Parents as a whole need to grow some balls and teach their kids properly.

but you cant ..they cant be there 24/7 and kids at that age want as much space from their parents as possible ..and as a parent you want to give them independence parents are often stuck between tough decisions