

Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
i would like some answers to these:

1) how to pronounce it(pwn)

2) meaning

3) example of usage

thank you.

or p-own

meaning: owned, being beat by something "OJ's wife got owned"

"Oh shit, I got dumped!"

its very anoying when someone tells you that you got *unknown word*.

I think it's a bastardisation of "own" - as in people kept typing "pwn" by accident.
Then it was accepted into the general hideousness that is intarweb 5p34k or whatever.
People who say 'pwn' or 'lol' in real life make black baby Jesus cry :(
They need to be lined up against a wall and "pwned" themselves. :hmph:
I say pwned in real life to describe someone who got owned. I use lol (Which I pronounce laaaaawl) in real life in a jokingly matter.

"I don't think this LAN party is working out." "laaaaaaawl" "Heh."
Danimal said:
I say pwned in real life to describe someone who got owned. I use lol (Which I pronounce laaaaawl) in real life in a jokingly matter.

"I don't think this LAN party is working out." "laaaaaaawl" "Heh."

This is who you are voting for people, gg.....
Pwn- poon(kind of like spoon, but without the 's')
Meaning- own
Usage- Omg i pwn u dood!!111 (that was in l33t speak ;))
Danimal said:
I say pwned in real life to describe someone who got owned. I use lol (Which I pronounce laaaaawl) in real life in a jokingly matter.

"I don't think this LAN party is working out." "laaaaaaawl" "Heh."

Try pronouncing LMFAO :p
I don't like how it is expressed 'poon'

I always saw it as 'pawn'

So sometimes (NOT in real life) I tell people how I prawned something:

"ooo there was a turtle crossing the street, and I prawned it with my massive hammers"
1) pooned or porned

2) Complete dominance of something

3) "Shippi has pwned Danimal"
Murray_H said:
I don't like how it is expressed 'poon'

I always saw it as 'pawn'

So sometimes (NOT in real life) I tell people how I prawned something:

"ooo there was a turtle crossing the street, and I prawned it with my massive hammers"
Yeah, if I say it I say pawned. Poon is something far different.

On a side note, "formerly" gaming unique terms are now popular at my school kind of. I hear noob and ESPECIALLY owned at least twice a day from non computer folks, you know the people I mean. Hehe. Now that I mention that, I hear it and say it from computer folks all the time hehe.

You'll see someone run across the cafeteria, slip on something, spill their stuff, and in the midst of the laughter you'll hear "OWNED!"
As for gaming terms, its funny to see grannies in yahoo chat call people tards - when that was i think something that started in Counterstrike,
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yeah, if I say it I say pawned. Poon is something far different.

Yeah, I pronounce it "pawn"

"poon" sounds wierd :p
I've never actually said it aloud (thank god) but when I see it I always thought it was pronounced powned. As in owned with a 'p' on the front of it. :p
What is 111 about, my guess is it is to do with 1 and ! use the same key.
ríomhaire said:
What is 111 about, my guess is it is to do with 1 and ! use the same key.

It's to immitate what someone who is over-excited about something - they may let go of the shift key and still hammer the 1 key, thus giving:

OMG I just wunz the pen!!!1111
I pray none of you actually say pwned in real life....if so I hope the firery pits of hell open up and release munrobots on your asses.
Tr0n said:
I pray none of you actually say pwned in real life....if so I hope the firery pits of hell open up and release munrobots on your asses.
i just spent three hours prying the damn munrobots out of my asscrack, happy now?

I pronounce it as "pohwned". I used to pronounce it as "pawned" but my friends pronounce it powned so I switched over.

I say roffle in real life too.

AND I have friends. amazing, innit?
Ennui said:
I say roffle in real life too.


My brother says that too, whenever he says it I usually smack him on the back of his head :E
Gah! Saying n00b/owned/pwned on the internet is one thing, but in real life! :O
I have friends that say lol, wtf, and omg in real life. I do as a joke sometimes, but its just part of their vocabulary.
As in -

*something strange happens*
"Double You Tee Eff?"

Ennui said:
I have friends that say lol, wtf, and omg in real life. I do as a joke sometimes, but its just part of their vocabulary.
Well I hope they get pwned in the face by someone.
Aww man ;(

I had this video where these 3 idiots order a pizza and only say stuff like "Double You Tee Eff?" and "oh m gee be be q" etc...

And at the end one of the little ass wipes rolls on the floor, while shouting out "rofle!" over and over :|, probably the most stupid video ive ever seen :p
JiMmEh said:
As in -

*something strange happens*
"Double You Tee Eff?"

yep, often followed by a "STAFFU, ****FACE!" from me.
After a month on the internet when i first got it, i said lol to my mate when he told a joke, and i felt disgusted with myself, and i started typing work with 'u' and 'r' and 'dey' so i stopped that as well. Its not right. NEVER say them in real life, it pity those who do. now STUU-FOO :LOL:
I say lol, rofl and stfu.

And I'm always having to explain 1337 sp3k to people....n00bs.
<3 urban dictionary.

so much random browsing fun
