Pyro question


Aug 14, 2006
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I wonder if there are ways to improve the distance/effect of the flame thrower playing the Pyro.

I just had the feeling that some enemy pyros can 'reach out' further or sometimes only need a very short time to bbq me to death at close range(no matter what class I play, not talking about criticals)
On the other hand if i play Pyro far too often enemy players get away and are able to reach the next supply, dispenser or medic.

I figured out, that the flame thrower does not 'shoot' very far while running and it often makes sense to run towards the enemy and retreat with the flame thrower on. The flame seems to be longer then.
Does it matter where you hit with the flame at close range? i.e. head shot?
Any advice how to do a maximum of damage beside 'the closer the better'?
With the flamethrower, the distance where you hit them is a bit sketchy sometimes, it'll seem like it reaches further when running backwards from an enemy because they're running at you generally a bit faster than you're running away (you run a bit slower when going backwards). The flamethrower does more damage the closer you get to the enemy, so it's maxed when point blank but I don't think headshots make a difference. Bear in mind the flamethrower isn't necessarily always the best weapon, the axe has quite a bit of power and the shotgun is a nice weapon for when out of flamer range. Keeping close to some classes while you flame them is not always the best tactic (eg soldiers), so consider backing off after lighting them up a bit more.
I can answer a few of those.
- When you're running away and they're running towards you, they get hit by much more of the flame than when you're chasing them.
- Damage is the same regardless of where it hits. The only weapon that gets headshots is the sniper rifle.
- Fire axe can deal damage faster than the flamethrower at close range.
- An effective strategy is to set them on fire, retreat, let them burn for a little bit, maybe shotgun 'em from a distance, then if possible ambush them with flamethrower/axe.
It's hard judging the distance from the pyros point of view, but the range really isnt that bad.
Pyros have become my new favourite class since the video how to play them. Nothing better than lighting someone up, and running off and waiting for them to die. Oh, and someone kills you, then dies 5 seconds later because of flames...

I don't know...
yesterday again, i played a scout and zzzssss a pyro came around a corner.
He was NOT point zero, i had full health and i did not hear the 'critical sound'
But I was dead meat in maybe half a second.

Are there hacks out?

I play pyro quite a bit and never had so fast kills, even close up. Even with critical takes longer.

You were playing a scout who has inherently low health. Medics, spies, snipers and scouts are basically all pyro fodder. Secondly, if you were standing still and he ran into you with his flamethrower roaring, you will usually die very quickly regardless of class.
Pyros have become my new favourite class since the video how to play them. Nothing better than lighting someone up, and running off and waiting for them to die. Oh, and someone kills you, then dies 5 seconds later because of flames...


Yeah, not much cooler than the little sound effect - BLAHBLAHBLAH is DOMINATING YOU! and then 5 seconds later the other sound effect - YOU GOT REVENGE ON BLAHBLAHBLAH!
Yeah, not much cooler than the little sound effect - BLAHBLAHBLAH is DOMINATING YOU! and then 5 seconds later the other sound effect - YOU GOT REVENGE ON BLAHBLAHBLAH!

I've had that once myself, some really good soldier got me, not before he got lit up. I got me a revenge kill :p
Are there hacks out?

Ive not heard of any, i'd imagine it would be quite hard to make a Hack as each of the classes are totally different. If someone was going to make a class specific hack my first guess would be one for the sniper. Pyro would be one of the last as its primarily a close range weapon. Unless you managed to fudge the critical so you get them all the time.
Hacks can't, and never will be able to change damage or crit probability. That stuff is all server-side.
Hacking in TF2...well lets think about it, wallhack helps those with Area of Effect weapons (soldier, demoman), aimbot helps sniper for obvious reasons, everyone benefits a bit from spike models. There's no single hack that would make TF2 incredibly easy for an individual though but there certainly isn't need for some specialized hacks.

And whatever, VAC <3
Yeah, not much cooler than the little sound effect - BLAHBLAHBLAH is DOMINATING YOU! and then 5 seconds later the other sound effect - YOU GOT REVENGE ON BLAHBLAHBLAH!
It's best when they play near-simultaneously. I've gotten that a few times as demo/soldier, and maybe once as pyro. :D
I've seen some strange fire coming from a pyro, once there was some really bad lag and the fire was coming from the pyros ar*e...
anyway lag is the largest contributer to the pyros large range, once I was half a room away from a pyro, and he still got me alight
Hacking in TF2...well lets think about it, wallhack helps those with Area of Effect weapons (soldier, demoman), aimbot helps sniper for obvious reasons, everyone benefits a bit from spike models. There's no single hack that would make TF2 incredibly easy for an individual though but there certainly isn't need for some specialized hacks.

And whatever, VAC <3

You can easily edit the model texture .VMTs to see enemies through walls.

It does make the game easier for them.

Wow that hack is lame.I dont see why people like cheating... it just makes the game un fun.
When your enemy catches fire, he slows down. Thats how you catch up to him ro vice versa
thanks for posting the wallhack-video.
I thought I'm paranoid because a few times I played against a couple of players who seemed to know exactly where you stand behind a wall. always same players.
Most likely explanation : wallhack but i was not sure there is a hack...

losers, no skill.

I've seen some strange fire coming from a pyro, once there was some really bad lag and the fire was coming from the pyros ar*e...
anyway lag is the largest contributer to the pyros large range, once I was half a room away from a pyro, and he still got me alight

Lol, the wierdest thing ive seen from someone lagging out was when a medic was ubering an soldier and he timed out. The soldier could still move, but the uber was perminant until the server kicked the timed out medic, now thats annoying!

As for the video, sure it cant be detected by Valve but sure as hell it can be detected by server admin *BAN*. Losers!
As for the video, sure it cant be detected by Valve but sure as hell it can be detected by server admin *BAN*. Losers!

Hah, that hack can EASILY be detected by Valve (I believe they should be referring to VAC tho'). The thing is that VAC has always worked as so called delayed banning system, idea being that all the potential hackers are allowed to mess around for a while even after 100% detection and then when they distribute the hack among each other because it's "secure" they all get banned in one hit when VAC finally goes mental on that particular hack.

Remember, texture/model alteration was the first form of hacking ever, it has roots all the way to Quake 1.
VAC probably has it within it to consistency check, which is one of the most basic forms of anti-cheating measures.

Like Para says, Valve will wait until it's more widespread, then consistency check and flag any of the hacked models and, hey presto > hacker genocide! :)

The lamest thing about that video is even with the hack, the guy still sucks and misses all the time. There's nothing wrong with not being good at a game, but being crap with the aid of hacks is just inexcusable.
I had no idea you could go through the sewer bit at around 1:40 in that video. That hack is still pathetic though.

I've been caught by pyros before when running from them (not backtracking, so no speed drop) when I should be the same speed and therefore consistently out of range of the flamethrower. Maybe that's just lag though.
Well there's still a difference between a good man who reskinned his scout bat just for fun and a fag who edits $QC texture commands.
I had no idea you could go through the sewer bit at around 1:40 in that video. That hack is still pathetic though.

I've been caught by pyros before when running from them (not backtracking, so no speed drop) when I should be the same speed and therefore consistently out of range of the flamethrower. Maybe that's just lag though.

That was a vent.
I had no idea you could go through the sewer bit at around 1:40 in that video.

Some stages that vent is blocked, just depends which stage you're playing.
I think the main thing hyrdo has going for it is the randomness of zone vs zone, this makes it fun for me. Because I find it's usually a total walkover for one team, or always ends in sudden death - which is hardly ever the case with dustbowl.
Cheats are racists too?

I actually had a chat with one guy who promoted using cheats and was really proud of his own personal cheating in online games. A few points he used to make him look more cool in that discussion (over the 'net so there was other people present) were that he
1) has a real Ferrari red sports car (posted a pic, wasn't a Ferrari but it was red)
2) had a girlfriend who had worked as a model at one point (didn't post a pic of her, shame)
3) he's working honestly so that he can afford a place to live (posted a pic, was a pig sty tbh, dunno how any woman could agree to entering that place) and
4) how he hates everyone except purest white of people and that's why he is where he is + why he's cheating in online games because all the others are everything else but white.

He was of course half Mexican Spanish but apparently very, very, very dumb.
that would certainly explain how this one demoman i played against was able to time his stickies to get me even when i knew for a fact that he couldn't see me.
Sometimes, admins kick me out of a server because I'm able to snipe them while they're "cloaked".

They just act as if there wasn't any big smoke effects around them when cloaking :rolleyes:
Smoke effects are from diguising, I thought.
Really? Swear you just faded. : /
Man, so that's why I keep getting shot. D:
Yes, you need to cloak a bit before engaging the enemy. Otherwise the smoke particle effects take too much time to go away and the baddies see you.