Quake Wars to have in game ads


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
oh fcuk you very much who ever came up with this brilliant idea

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars producer Neil Postlethwaite has announced on the community site that the upcoming game will feature in-game advertisement. The ad revenue is to help the developers to "provide a higher level of on-going support to the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars community than would have been possible otherwise," he said.

Postlethwaite explains that the ads will be appropriate in content and placement (e.g. the side of container trucks), non-intrusive and non-interactive. The developers have absolute approval rights. "If it's not appropriate or it's distracting, it won't go in," he said. No personal data will be collected. "All they track is if an how long you look at the advertisements."

the first game ads will be in the upcoming open beta
The ad revenue is to help the developers to "Rape the consumer whore that is our customers leaving them penny less while we rake in profit we dont deserve" he said.

That seems a little better
Who will help me carry the coffin, known as affordable gaming...I'll miss those days.
if they use the money to support teh game then I dont mind.
That doesn't sound too bad. I hate ads, but if it does keep post-release support and content going, then I can tolerate it - people don't work for free.
Why not if it doesn't interfere (ie, out of place or distracting). Heck, I'd idle infront of a sign to send 'em a few more bucks.

I just want games to be ENTIRELY paid for by advertisments. Forget the 60 bucks (which really is very expensive), I want free games. kthxbye
That didn't exactly work for BF2142. I've seen Intel ads in the game but most of the time it's just EA's placeholders in the theme of the game.
That didn't exactly work for BF2142. I've seen Intel ads in the game but most of the time it's just EA's placeholders in the theme of the game.

2142 actually installed shit on your pc that monitors what you search....its bullshit
There was a thread about this a couple of years ago.

I think the general consensus was that as long as they fit in with the theme of the game and do not impede on gameplay AT ALL, then we'd actually like them better than fake advertisements that are usually done very poorly and break the immersion.

For example "Robo-Cola" soda machines. Instead we'd get like Coke Zer0 adds.

I'm good with that.
2142 actually installed shit on your pc that monitors what you search....its bullshit

No it doesn't, please don't make up complete BS. The 2142 ad system works in the same way and only monitors the time your looking at an Ad in game. Installing other apps and checking what you search without warning the user is ILLEGAL and hence NEVER HAPPENED.
I don't mind this kind of advertising, it does make sense for realism, as long as they keep it that way, like if I were to play a game set in medieval times and see an ad for McDonald's, then I'd be pissed, but as long as it makes sense to the location and time, and doesn't look stupid (i.e. big shiny new McDonald's sign in the middle of a deserted desert.) then it's fine.

It makes more money for the game to be developed and ends up being a better game, like I said, as long as they keep it realistic with weathering, wear and tear, and time/space management.

Need for Speed Underground 2 for PC didn't bother me with it's Burger King advertising, there were Burger King stores around the city, and it didn't bother me at all, it was realistic.
so how much of the money collected from ads went into making BF2142 better? did EA give out free map packs? what about adding new weapons/classes in the form of free updates like Epic of old? ads are supposed to help "continue development of the game" ..so where is it all. where's all the free stuff?

If the ad money goes back into Quake Wars and we get something in return then I dont have much of a problem with it ..heck if it meant cheaper games at retail I'd be all for it ...but it seems to me it's less about funding further development and all about inflating profit margin lines artifically ...in this case "something for nothing" works out: they get something and we get nothing, yet we're the ones providing them with the something
haha, i remember back when all the buzz was on 2142's ad system how some people were all like "f*** EA's ads, i'lll wait for quake wars!"
so how much of the money collected from ads went into making BF2142 better? did EA give out free map packs? what about adding new weapons/classes in the form of free updates like Epic of old? ads are supposed to help "continue development of the game" ..so where is it all. where's all the free stuff?

I don't see this being a good thing. I mean, isn't this supposed to be in the future?

I wasn't really excited about this game before, but this is just silly. It's fine for games set in the present or near-future or near-past, so long as it is appropriate. This seems dumb and intrusive. I guess I'll see how it looks in the beta and go off that, but it still sounds like bullshit.
If there are billboards in-game, or posters and such, I don't see the big problem...
You know what, I think I'm totally against it tracking what I'm looking at and for how long.

**** that shit. Damn spies everywhere.

And I agree Stern, though I don't know if EA promised anything in return for their adds, Quake Wars does.

If it keeps high quality servers running so people can play then it's worth it.

I'm not really a believer in 'good faith' promises by corporations. But I guess there will always be whistle-blowers lurking to keep people honest. Though honestly, the whistle blowers are basically on the payroll...
if they're in places where ads should be and of appropriate content, I don't care.

however, I agree with stern. we should actually be seeing the benefits of them which hasn't happened yet.
It's only going to be on in game objects, bilboards, etc. and made in the game's style to fit in. More then acceptable. Much better then EA's ads in 2142, the Intel and 2142 ads in the game were ok, it's ruined by all the Ghost Rider ads.

did EA give out free map packs?
No, but they are giving out "Tamp Highway" for free.

The money they make from the ads probably won't even come close to making up for all the money they lose from pirates and people buying it used.
I read the thread title and I actually shouted, "OH FOR ****S SAKE", out loud.

I wonder if you made a bunch of servers and just had everyone AFK for hours while staring at banners, we'd get a free expansion :>

Seriously though, doesn't bother me too much. I find it hard to get pissed about things on principle alone anymore. As long as the devs put it to good use, then meh.
I tend to agree. If the adverts fit in with the maps and don't stand out too much it's ok.
Because this is looking like a sign of things to come. Other developers might not be so concerned with fitting banners and slogans as seamlessly into their games.
Why does anyone give a shit?
Because this is how it starts. Once other companies realize they can put ads in their games to get extra money, it'll happen. And not all of them will be very careful about preserving the atmosphere. Think about playing Fallout 3 with ads for Vista everywhere, or wheelies, or maybe a Core 2 Duo. Does it fit into the game? No.

So, instead of working more on making good games that people will want to buy and tell their friends to buy, they can just supplement it with ads and recoup the costs that way instead of spending more time on it.

It's a slippery slope.
The only thing we need now is ads in starcraft 2, and it wouldn't suprise me one bit. I can understand how developers would be moneyhungry enough to pull this shit, but I seriously can't understand why "everybody" are ok with it.

Ohwell, one less game on my buy-list and life moves on.

People stop saying it's ok as long as it isn't distracting, the whole point of ads is to get your attention, it is to distract you. If they are not distracting you then they are worthless to the advertiser.

Second, if this becomes a big success then it's bad for gaming. Since now Publishers will focus even more on contemporary setting in which the ads fit and there will be even less originality.
Expect to see more Saint Row type of game, only this time everything branded to shit. Every car, every shirt, every food item, every store, the skybox.
ID should get enough complaints about stuff like this. Gaming magazines are for advertising ffs, leave the actual games alone.
The money they make from the ads probably won't even come close to making up for all the money they lose from pirates and people buying it used.

I'm sorry do pirates invade publisher offices and steal money? No? Then publishers don't loose any money as pirates usually are never going to buy the product, even if piracy didn't exist.
Court? How? it'll be in the EULA, one way or another you will agree to it's operation.
I wonder if you made a bunch of servers and just had everyone AFK for hours while staring at banners, we'd get a free expansion

for some reason that made me lol ...that's exactly my point ..what the hell do we, the part of the equation that matters the most, get out of it? nothing, nada, zilch

how long before it starts becoming not so invasive ..how long before every single game has them ..what happens when they want to take it to the next level and you're forced to view ads during rounds/while waiting to respawn/before logging in

directed at everyone/no one in general:

look I cant possibly think of a community that is more apathetic than gamers ...i mean we allow government to trample our rights and dictate what we can or cant play/view/consume, we allow companies to cut content and then sell us the the missing bits as microtransactions etc, we allow publishers to regurgitate the same crap year after year and we gladly fork over our money and say "another helping of the same old shit please, who do I give my $59.95 to?" ...when will enough be enough? I'll see how this plays out but if it's not to my liking I wont continue to support their products, it's as simple as that; I will not be treated like a money making siv/guinea pig .....sometimes integrity/personal conviction is more important than instant gratification. If you care about the future of gaming you should care about this issue

Sir Phoenixx said:
The money they make from the ads probably won't even come close to making up for all the money they lose from pirates and people buying it used

in an online only game? you'll need a unique player ID and a legit key to sign up ...piracy is nowhere near a big issue in games like QW or BF2 because of this

even if that were true why doesnt every single game have that feature? surely they too would need to recoup funds ...are you saying that using ads is a legitimate way publishers can recoup lost revenue from poor sales? how is that the customers fault? make the game better dont punish me for poor sales
I do think its a bit unfair that we're already assuming that we won't get anything better for having the ads. It is probably pretty likely that we won't, but I'm willing to give them a chance.


do you see any ads in that? are they really that distracting? it'd probably look worse without them tbh. It's all about the placement
not all companies will be as thoughtful ..sooner or later they will become invasive ..I'm sure in the early days of television commercials didnt seem that invasive ..or commercials before movies at theaters ..I remeber when there were no ads before a movie ..just a few trailers ..now it's 15 minutes of ads plus trailers of movies you have no interest in watching
To all of you apathetic sheep:

If a mugger told you that they would donate a percentage of your stolen booty to a needy cause, ie. their homeless mates, would you accept that as ok?

or put another way...

If the government invented a new 50% tax and told you that it would pay for improved services in your area by cutting back on manpower and resources by 50% and asking you to do their job instead, would you feel gratitude?

or put another way...

If Walkers decided to reduce the size of a bag of Doritos while also increasing the price slightly, would you accept it as ok if they stuck a nice bright and happy label on the front saying 'New Size Bag!!!!1'?

or put another way...

If a box of Rice Crispies told you that you could have a FREE genuine fake piece of the holy cross if you send 500 tokens (1 per box), would you still believe the moon is made of cheese?

The answer, of course, is Baaa-aaah.
To all of you apathetic sheep:

If a mugger told you that they would donate a percentage of your stolen booty to a needy cause, ie. their homeless mates, would you accept that as ok?

or put another way...

If the government invented a new 50% tax and told you that it would pay for improved services in your area by cutting back on manpower and resources by 50% and asking you to do their job instead, would you feel gratitude?

or put another way...

If Walkers decided to reduce the size of a bag of Doritos while also increasing the price slightly, would you accept it as ok if they stuck a nice bright and happy label on the front saying 'New Size Bag!!!!1'?

or put another way...

If a box of Rice Crispies told you that you could have a FREE genuine fake piece of the holy cross if you send 500 tokens (1 per box), would you still believe the moon is made of cheese?

The answer, of course, is Baaa-aaah.



we're shills for big business