Question about HL2DM


Nov 23, 2004
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Alright this is making me mad, I like to build things but they don't stay in place, I don't want a mod, so how do you "freeze" objects in to place. Is it a bind command or what.
Scapegoat, he said he didn't want a mod. Jeez, read carefully.

Maelstrom, I am not sure if there is a command to do that. BUT, you can freeze everything, (but nothing will move unless you set it back to normal)

phys_timescale (number as percentage)

1 is normal, 0.5 is half speed, 0 is no speed, etc.
vegeta897 said:
Scapegoat, he said he didn't want a mod. Jeez, read carefully.

Maelstrom, I am not sure if there is a command to do that. BUT, you can freeze everything, (but nothing will move unless you set it back to normal)

phys_timescale (number as percentage)

1 is normal, 0.5 is half speed, 0 is no speed, etc.
The point is you can't do it with HL2DM so that's why you use Garrysmod.
yes i know but i would like to play HL2DM and build things like staircases etc. I've been with people that have done it watched them do it and they say its very complicated to explain. Its not a mod and its nothing you download atleast I think, I'm thinking bind command but I'm not sure, Garrys Mod doesn't work for HL2DM its an entire different program therefor different game.
Scapegoat said:
The point is you can't do it with HL2DM so that's why you use Garrysmod.
You Can. Easily.

vegeta897 said:
phys_timescale (number as percentage)

1 is normal, 0.5 is half speed, 0 is no speed, etc.
This may work, but i have a different method.

Note:sv_cheats must be set to 1 for this to work.
"sv_cheats 1" in the console

To freeze:
"ent_setname freeze; ent_fire freeze disablemotion"

To Unfreeze:
"ent_setname poop; ent_fire poop enablemotion"

You can't hold the object with the gravity gun while using the commands
My First Post :-D
AaronTheBlender said:
"sv_cheats 1" in the console

To freeze:
"ent_setname freeze; ent_fire freeze disablemotion"

To Unfreeze:
"ent_setname poop; ent_fire poop enablemotion"

You can't hold the object with the gravity gun while using the commands
My First Post :-D
What he said. There are more advanced commands too, but those aren't really necessary unless you really want to start building big stuff. Check the [SSO] server if it's online, that's a dedicated server solely for building.