Question about the advisors

That is one thing that keeps perplexing me. Although Valve seems to state that the advisors come to their end of maturity at the end of Episode Two, I think that's more of a narrative point than a physical as all I see is they get some mechanical arms.

I really don't want to see some butterfly-ish transformation unless it is made awesomely. They seem more than powerful enough as it is.
I don't get why people think mechanical arms are a sign of maturity. We give cell phones to kids ffs.
That is one thing that keeps perplexing me. Although Valve seems to state that the advisors come to their end of maturity at the end of Episode Two, I think that's more of a narrative point than a physical as all I see is they get some mechanical arms.

I really don't want to see some butterfly-ish transformation unless it is made awesomely. They seem more than powerful enough as it is.

Nor I, but the way they worded it it seemed like there would be something more than just an increase in size.

Replaying the game it seems that not only do the advisors gain information by probing a person's mind, but they gain detailed information. Here are some rough lines that I can recall

"If she is captured (Mossman) the combine will tear her apart and they'll know everything about the Borealis."
"Mossman may know about the Borealis but you know everything about the resistance. We can't afford to let you go." (meaning that the resistance couldn't afford to have Eli meet the unfortunate fate that he comes at the end of ep2). However it is possible that Dog interrupted the advisor before he was finished extracting the info.
I've always thought that the strange tank thing in Black Mesa East looked like a baby advisor or was unhached, maybe this may have something to do with episode 3...

Screenshot plz, and ill explain what i mean, its the small yellow tank which they 'still have no idea what that is, alyx brings in the strangest things...'
It's an the head of an enemy that was cut from Half-Life 2; the cremator.
And how would Alyx have gotten hold of an Advisor's head anyway? It's certainyl the Cremator.
I dunno, it was just a theory i thought up while playing episode 1 for the first time, good little easter egg if it is the cut baddy
Oh hush it's not that old.

Unlike that thread from 2004...
Evidence for knowledge-sucking:
Remember the main character's conversations about the Combine getting info from Mossman? And later Kleiner mentions it about Eli too? How the hell else are they going to get it? Eli hardly seems like the kind of guy that would give in to interigation.

I hardly think any "traditional" form of interrogation would get information out of resistance members but if you do recall in Nova Prospekt, the combine were doing some sort of what seemed to be an electronic form of getting information out of the Vort who we see strapped into a chair with a beam of some sort going to work on him.
I hardly think any "traditional" form of interrogation would get information out of resistance members but if you do recall in Nova Prospekt, the combine were doing some sort of what seemed to be an electronic form of getting information out of the Vort who we see strapped into a chair with a beam of some sort going to work on him.

Or it was a way to kill the vort.
Recall this quote from the Overwatch Voice:
"Deservice all political conscripts in block D8. Prohibit contact with Anti-Citizen Freeman."

I'm guessing they know a little about the Vort Hive Mind thing and didn't want that Vortigaunt to send information about Freeman and Vance sub Primes attack on Nova Prospekt back to other Vorts and resistance members.

Why they didn't just shoot the Vortigaunt rather then drag him to an killing chair with a laser attached to it is beyond me. Its the only thing thats supporting your hypothesis right now though.

But I think they were trying to kill it. The City Voice almost comfirms that.
Why they didn't just shoot the Vortigaunt rather then drag him to an killing chair with a laser attached to it is beyond me. Its the only thing thats supporting your hypothesis right now though.

Torture. Who knows how long he was there.
Or it was a way to kill the vort.
Recall this quote from the Overwatch Voice:
"Deservice all political conscripts in block D8. Prohibit contact with Anti-Citizen Freeman."

I'm guessing they know a little about the Vort Hive Mind thing and didn't want that Vortigaunt to send information about Freeman and Vance sub Primes attack on Nova Prospekt back to other Vorts and resistance members.

Why they didn't just shoot the Vortigaunt rather then drag him to an killing chair with a laser attached to it is beyond me. Its the only thing thats supporting your hypothesis right now though.

But I think they were trying to kill it. The City Voice almost comfirms that.

It's pretty much a given that he's in the chair for the purpose of torture and/or interrogation. Your voice snippet doesn't really confirm anything.
Vort: You expect me to beg, combine?
Combine: No! I expect you to DIE!


Maybe they wanted to "hack" into Vortigaunt Hive Mind, so they could listen and talk to other Vorts, without them noticing they are actually Combine.
Ah, sweet torture, so much more fulfilling than execution.
It's pretty much a given that he's in the chair for the purpose of torture and/or interrogation. Your voice snippet doesn't really confirm anything.

Actually it means a hell of a lot.
I think its the only time it's spoken but they do have names for everything and 'political conscripts' sounds more like a vort then any of the others.

And a Vort dosn't seem to be the type to give into torture. Anyway, back to the Overwatch quote.

It's heard right before you enter Block D8 and when you get there you find them with the dead vort.
Now since Overwatch guards also like shooting birds, setting things on fire, etc. I'm willing to bet they like lasering somebodys head for a good laugh too. I don't think they can tap into the vortessence if they wanted to BECAUSE (this is important) IF they could they'd also know about and maybe be able to mess with the Gman.
Torturing someone for information, when you can just suck it out of their heads, is stupid.

Just torture him to just torture him.
He was probably being tortured when Freeman arrived and they decided to turn the juice up to lethal levels before Gordon could reach him.
Anyone else think that the barn advisor is not a baby and is the one from the crashed pod outside, healing after the crash. Someone said that it was mentioned in a demo it was healing. Would explain its ability to use telekenisis. Don't know about the missing robotic limbs though, maybe they travel light :P
Torturing someone for information, when you can just suck it out of their heads, is stupid.
That's why the idea of info-sucking in the first place is stupid.

Taking advantage of thread necromancy to once again bash shitty plot devices, hooah.