Question for Europeans

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Majestic XII said:
The weather might look bad from another country... but i've been living here in Swedland all my life and i kinda like the weather. We have cold winters with a lot of snow (20-, 1+ meters of snow sometimes here on the west coust.. mm winter of 94) and hot summers (been ~30 all week) but then again... everything in between is rain... so meh :)
Also I gotta learn a new language... :( So I guess I'm staying here in america.Heard it was expensive to get a small house there...this true?
RakuraiTenjin said:
Think we're going to have to just agree to disagree on tax healthcare. ;P. For me, the individual and how they take care of themselves is most sacred and important, and that won't change. As someone said earlier as if it were a bad thing- if it was possible, I would give every man his own country.

Fair enough. :)

Personally I'd change a lot of things with our own system today, it's far from perfect expecially considering how poor it's being handled. Bureaucracy is in abundance.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Some guy didn't pay attention in his education, he now has a crap job because he dropped out (his own choosing.)

This is just wild speculation, but there is a remote possibility that some people (though not in America, obviously!) are less fortunate in life. Like, say, people who aren't born very intelligent or suffer from a condition that makes learning difficult (lol idiots), or people whose living conditions are so awful that education is a low priority.

Then there's me, who worked hard, got a degree, worked hard in my life and job to make sure I was secure and such

Yes! You are teh winnah! The American Dream! A house in the suburbs! A car! A wife! Two kids! Insurance! Pension! A career on the rise! Yes! You are teh leet.

RakuraiTenjin said:
As for the brick layer thing- I wouldn't be one, I would never be in that situation.

It's a good thing that society revolves around you.

Anyone who can do ONLY THAT has that problem from their own fault, by not caring about their education, etc.

Maybe someone is a bricklayer because he likes it. Or, gosh, maybe someone just wasn't born intelligent enough, or lost intelligence due to an accident. But no, that couldn't happen - not in America! In America, everyone is rich, happy and free! Yes! Except for the stupid, lazy retards who all need to be put on death camps anyways.


RakuraiTenjin said:
I am sorry about your disorder, but that is really unfair to the people who worked hard to have to pay for your stuff.


In short, RakuraiTenjin is a self-centered, childish, narcist and immoral retard who should probably be castrated so that he can't get any children (who will no doubt become as warped as he is).
I find that highly offensive :/.

Generally people who only have the intelligence to only lay bricks, only would have THAT low of an IQ that if they're not in the custody of a relative (who would take care of them) they would be in an institution.

It doesn't take a degree either. My dad was born into very low income, didn't finish high school, now lives upper middle class because he strived hard and never quit.

It is not Peter's job to pay for Paul's healthcare. Don't rob Peter to pay Paul, as they say.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I find that highly offensive :/.

No, it's you who are offensive. Frankly, it's people like you who make this planet so unbearable to inhabit.
Cybernoid said:
No, it's you who are offensive. Frankly, it's people like you who make this planet so unbearable to inhabit.
You don't know anything about me, other than the fact that I oppose socialized medicine, and you've called me several names that were highly uncalled for. Especially that immoral comment. My family and I give to charity out of our own volition. I just feel others shouldn't be forced to if they don't want to. It's their earnings, rightly so.
RakuraiTenjin said:
My family and I give to charity out of our own volition. I just feel others shouldn't be forced to if they don't want to. It's their earnings, rightly so.

No, you feel that you and others of your kind (=elitist pricks) are the only people entitled to a decent life. Everyone else is just waste product that society doesn't need.
RakuraiTenjin said:
You don't know anything about me, other than the fact that I oppose healthcare, education and security for less fortunate people, and you've called me several names that were very accurate. Especially that immoral comment. My family and I give to charity because it makes us feel good about ourselves. I just feel that the planet revolves around my miserable existence.

No, I feel that people shouldn't be forced to pay for others. What is your problem? I'd appreciate it if you stopped with the names :/.
RakuraiTenjin said:
No, I feel that people shouldn't be forced to pay for others. What is your problem? I'd appreciate it if you stopped with the names :/.

Shouldn't be forced to contribute to society, the society that enables you to live your safe little life. You feel no social responsibility, nor do you care for anything that isn't included in your limited sphere of existence.
Shit, why even bother. I'll just stay in Europe where things are still relatively sane and humane.
I support taxation for defense/police, so that's what would keep my life safe and secure. (as is laid out in documents from the nation's creation.) Contribution to other people, other citizens? Should not be forced to.
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