

Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
I know this question may have been asked before but I was wondering how destructable is the environment in half life 2?, can you destroy any wall or anything in the level? and will there be tanks and air support in Team fortress 2? or will it be a small scale combat type game?
There will be stealth bombers and Galaxy class starships in TF2.

IN hl2 you can blow up the every single level and just walk around in an open field of rubble.
HL2 does have dynamic terrain. meaning it can be altered through a script and thus change.

Maybe if you shoot like a water tower, the leg could break and the tower tips over and spills gallons of water all over.

I could see that possible.
didn't they say no fluid dynamics though....

yea they did...

btw gabe also said somewhere that you could deform the terrian with something like a grenade
Fluid dynamics would be heavy on the cpu and would probably totally lag mp games. I have read somewhere that HL2 will have deformable terrain, cannot confirm.
well well, i heard you got to play the deathstar in TF2 :P

ps. to get real answers seearch for old threads, in HL² desstuctability is determined by the map author and material prefabs. And TF2 we know virtually nothing about, except that it exsits.
I hope i could put a grenade or explosives next to any wall and blow a hole in it and destroy anything,That would make the games strategy and tactics much much more immence, same for tf2, being in a tank and blowing holes in walls or dodgeing mortar rounds that hurl debry at you would be so cool.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Fluid dynamics would be heavy on the cpu and would probably totally lag mp games. I have read somewhere that HL2 will have deformable terrain, cannot confirm.

yeah i dont think theres any cpu on the market yet with enough power to calculate fluid dynamics and run at a playable framerate...hell is it even possible to use fluid dynamics using today's cpus?
bliink said:
they said it could be modded in

"If you are referring to fluid dynamics, then no Source does not have this. " - Rick

Since I proved you wrong...does that mean you will come over and kick my ass?
you cannot destroy buildings with explosives, cuase you would end up blowing up walls till you fall over the edge of the world.. ¬_¬

walls arent destructible, but the ground is, and i cant be assed finding the source, but its somewhere in the info thread
Mr-Fusion said:
There will be stealth bombers and Galaxy class starships in TF2.

IN hl2 you can blow up the every single level and just walk around in an open field of rubble.
Thanks for being a great help, next time just answer their questions instead of lying blatantly. Consider this a warning, I don't want to see it happen again.
Doh... we should have a competition to see how long we can get a thread to last before it degenerates to flames and bad-feeling.

I think the current record is 5 posts :P
u cant blow up everything lol. only certain things are destructable/moveable. structures like buildings and towers are fixed in hl2 but yes they can make anything destructable if they want. Its getting the right balance that matters
Crusader said:
Doh... we should have a competition to see how long we can get a thread to last before it degenerates to flames and bad-feeling.

I think the current record is 5 posts :P

Amen to that, this place is like a schoolyard.
He's right Abom. He didn't do anything wrong. Fusion thought it was fully destructable enviornment, which it can be in a mod. So quoted for emphasis - "get off his back"
if there arn't currently fluid dynamics then what happens when you do blow a hole in something that contains water, i guess there would just be a hole that you can see through into the water

If there was a large pool of water and loads of people jumped into it would the water level rise like in real life?
guinny said:
He's right Abom. He didn't do anything wrong. Fusion thought it was fully destructable enviornment, which it can be in a mod. So quoted for emphasis - "get off his back"
So that's why he said in hl2, then? You also seem to be putting words into his mouth, he never said he didn't do anything wrong.
guinny said:
He's right Abom. He didn't do anything wrong. Fusion thought it was fully destructable enviornment, which it can be in a mod. So quoted for emphasis - "get off his back"

Um, and the galaxy class starships?!

Sorry, but Abom's got a point.
Abom said:
So that's why he said in hl2, then? You also seem to be putting words into his mouth, he never said he didn't do anything wrong.

No, YOU made it sound like he did something wrong. And IN hl2 if he meant that he was probably misinformed, but he could have simply meant with hl2.
guinny said:
No, YOU made it sound like he did something wrong. And IN hl2 if he meant that he was probably misinformed, but he could have simply meant with hl2.
Wow, is he slipping you money or something? As MrD said, I'd like to know where the galaxy starships and stealth bombers came from as well... could that be misinformation as well?
Woooooooooooow im an idiot. Sorry abom I re-read his post 10 times til I finally realized the sarcasm. Idk anything about tf2 so I assumed he did. Sorry I stuck for him.
Also, I feel that I should point out that destructable objects in HL2 are not done Red Faction-style. Instead of blowing realtime-calculated chunks out of things, they break along at predefined points (wood in Traptown and Ravensholm vids) or simply gib into random debris (the boxes in Tunnels).

Oh, and Black and White 2 will have fluid dynamics, when it comes out.
Oh, and Black and White 2 will have fluid dynamics, when it comes out.

But Black and White 2's fluid dymanics are not going to be the type of stuff you would find in a highend 3d ap such as Maya. Full blown fluid dynamics would be able to react to the pull of gravity, displacement, spilling over, filling containers by nature, and so on. I dont think Black and White 2's fluid dynamics will be that advanced.
Maybe not, but it's still fluid dynamics. It even has deforming lava flows that contour to terrain and slide downhill. It's part of the god tactics stuff. They call it "liquid dynamics", though.
Abom said:
Excuse me?
rofl. Sigged.

I do agree that was uncalled for to post crap like that.

Abom is a nice guy, he doesn't have anything against you, he simply thought that what Mr-Fusion posted was unhelpful.
Let this be a warning to you all. Joking is no longer permitted on this forum. In fact, within a week Abom and his posse will start enforcing the new "post anything and we will ban your ass" rule.
iamaelephant said:
Let this be a warning to you all. Joking is no longer permitted on this forum. In fact, within a week Abom and his posse will start enforcing the new "post anything and we will ban your ass" rule.

Are you joking?

Brian Damage said:
Maybe not, but it's still fluid dynamics. It even has deforming lava flows that contour to terrain and slide downhill. It's part of the god tactics stuff. They call it "liquid dynamics", though.

That makes more sense, and would be much easier to achieve then full fluid dynamics.
/me tries to rescue the thread before it gets worse.

Fluid dynamics won't be seen in any games for probably at the absolute least, 5 years from now. The amount of CPU power required is enormous and with current CPU's (even non commercial ones) there simply isn't enough capacity to handle even all the calculations involved for a realistic dynamic fluid system for just a simple barrel of water.

EDIT: AHHH whats happened to the /me command?!?!?!
iamaelephant said:
Let this be a warning to you all. Joking is no longer permitted on this forum. In fact, within a week Abom and his posse will start enforcing the new "post anything and we will ban your ass" rule.

It was quite obvious that anyone lacking in sarcasm detection would have believed Mr-Fusion when he said that HL2's levels could be reduced to rubble. That right there is knowingly misinforming someone who is just looking for an answer.
iamaelephant said:
Let this be a warning to you all. Joking is no longer permitted on this forum. In fact, within a week Abom and his posse will start enforcing the new "post anything and we will ban your ass" rule.
Ah, a lecture on humour from the forum's largest troll. How lovely :rolleyes:

People keep saying what needs to be said for me, so I'll just quote it for emphasis:

DvS said:
It was quite obvious that anyone lacking in sarcasm detection would have believed Mr-Fusion when he said that HL2's levels could be reduced to rubble. That right there is knowingly misinforming someone who is just looking for an answer.
I hope TF2 has destructable environments, I like to immage intense combat in streets of a worn torn city and as you dodge mortars and bullets as the terrain would crumble around you like it would in real life.
How am I a troll (seeing as we're all using this cool new internet word)?
Troll - adjective - see iamelephant - Person who contributes nothing to the forum and just talks shit and spams constant nothingness and unintelligent comments.
Whatever mate, just because I have an opinion or view that differs from most people doesn't make me a troll. I make sure that every time I post I contribute something, and unlike 85% of the people here I always post on topic.
Actually, you can often be quite rude, spiteful, and intolerant.

Let's see, quotes:

Elephant said:
Get it back on topic you retarded hormonal teens.

What are you 8? Jesus Christ.

in your juvenile opinion

Shut the f*ck up dolt, this isn't a Doom 3 vs HL2 thread.

Crusader don't be such a moron.

Thats exactly what I said in a thread a while ago, but all the idiot fanboy morons can't accept that the game will not go gold in August.

That drawing looks like something a 5 yer old would pump out.

Sometimes stuff like that can be justified, depending on the circumstances, but as often as not, you're just being too sharp with people.

Then again, you do say rather reasonable and intelligent things like:

Cool cheers Sidewiner and Shuzer!

I feel your pain Chadda, I live in NZ and games here are $100 too :(

Aah yup I had this virus. One trick, when the shutdown thingo comes up, go to command prompt (Start->Run-> type cmd and press enter) and type shutdown -1

Thanks for your help guys.

My card is seated correctly, thanks Sidewinder.

Thanks for your help anyway.

I'm actually pretty sure Brian Damage is right Chris D (my personal favourite)

So you can be polite, helpful and friendly.

When all's said and done, you can be either nice, or nasty, just like any normal person, only more so... I'd call you an "extreme personality", but that's just my opinion...

Oh, I found this, too:

Elephant again said:
I dont think I'll be coming back here after August 3rd, HL2 be damned.

's the eighth now... ;)

guinny said:
Troll - adjective - see iamelephant - Person who contributes nothing to the forum and just talks shit and spams constant nothingness and unintelligent comments.

See also "Wesisapie", "Pitbul" (seems better recently, though), "Hallucinogen" (whenever he pops up) and "eber" (the only one I actually have on my ignore list)... all worse than Elephant, IMHO...

Oh, and lets not forget everyone's favourite multi-incarnational troll, EvilEwok (who is apparently still hanging around)...

I might go so far as to say that trollish personalities are part and parcel of the whole forum system. Maybe even neccessary, after a fashion. Doesn't mean we have to like them, but we'll never get rid of them, so we might as well put up with them, whilst not letting them get us angry...

[/pseudophilosophical mode]

<Waits for any flames>
The Mullinator said:
/me tries to rescue the thread before it gets worse.

Fluid dynamics won't be seen in any games for probably at the absolute least, 5 years from now. The amount of CPU power required is enormous and with current CPU's (even non commercial ones) there simply isn't enough capacity to handle even all the calculations involved for a realistic dynamic fluid system for just a simple barrel of water.

EDIT: AHHH whats happened to the /me command?!?!?!

I'm not sure how Next Limit does its things. But it seems to me its doing fluid dynamics quite efficiently and really realisticly to my eye.

Click on products then on realwave and after that the gallery on the second frame that opens. You will find lots of cool vids on the "fluid engine". I'v watched them all and im astonished. I think we will see such dynamics in games in few years.