


any way to unlock the encrypted files preloaded on steam for hl2
yes no
im pissed cause its there but i cant play it
Nein. (No.)
You'd violate the EULA, that you agreed to while buying/using Steam games.
Hey you're smart. Seriously we cannot do this because there is still missing files and it's illegal.
you need to put your dick in your cd drive then close it

trust me, it works
valve will have encypted all the files using an algorithm that uses a very long secret number as a key. u will need that key to unencrypt the files.

trying to unlock the preloads by checking all the possible key numbers and encryption algorithms will probably keep several high-powered computers busy until HL3 is released.

best u just wait for VALVe to send u the key number when HL2 is released ;)
guise said:
you need to put your dick in your cd drive then close it

trust me, it works

You're full of it... it didn't work for me. :(
Is HL2 going to have HL1 Source™ with it in the retail version?
purplesea001, here is a sweet flash animation that tells you everything you need to know: >linkage!<

Be sure to pay attention.
Originally Posted by guise
you need to put your dick in your cd drive then close it

trust me, it works

Last time I did that I got my Computer pregnant now I have six of them around the house... (ok so I did it more than once)
First you have to reformat, then they're unlocked.
guise said:
you need to put your dick in your cd drive then close it

trust me, it works

You my friend

Rofl my Waffle!
i did some looking on super-secret hacker sites on teh intarweb and found out the valve actually used the really weak "rmdir" encryption method for the preloads!!!!1111!1 ppl in the know will be playing HL2 tonight after they preload teh maps!!!111!!11!

"rmdir" encryption is used by micro$oft in many of their products so u already have it installed on ur computer purplesea001. one of the reasons Internet Explorer is so insecure is that M$ are still using stupid old rmdir for encryption. Gabe Newell from valve used to work at M$ so he probably gets paid to use rmdir on Steam... :borg:

so unlocking the preloads is EASY!!!!111!!1!!
open a command prompt window. then change to your Steam directory (use the "cd' command, eg "cd C:\Program Files\Steam"). from your Steam directory, enter this command:
rmdir /s /q SteamApps
"/s" means to unencrypt all the files in all the subdirectories, and "/q" means do it quickly.

after the command is finished, u will have NO encrypted files in your SteamApps directory. :thumbs: :rolling:
I thought HL2 was Codename Gordon =P

guise said:
you need to put your dick in your cd drive then close it

trust me, it works

Didn't work... now my Mr tompkins hurts /sarcasm
Xorese said:
Last time I did that I got my Computer pregnant now I have six of them around the house... (ok so I did it more than once)

hahaha nice bro
Xorese said:
Last time I did that I got my Computer pregnant now I have six of them around the house... (ok so I did it more than once)

You better raise them young calculators so they then grow up to be fine PCs in the future...

Trust me it is tough to raise a computer. My 'children' either go on drugs or die of terminal illness (Viruses)

But in all seriousness, purplesea001 are you some sort of cyber-terrorist or just plain stupid. Cracking those files when you haven't got the full game (All the pre-load sessions aren't done I think) in my perspective, is something that MrMetroid would do